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GeneralRe: PrintDocument PrintPage event - a real answer Pin
Yaron K.29-Dec-03 19:57
Yaron K.29-Dec-03 19:57 
GeneralRe: PrintDocument PrintPage event - a real answer Pin
Heath Stewart30-Dec-03 3:24
protectorHeath Stewart30-Dec-03 3:24 
GeneralRe: PrintDocument PrintPage event - a real answer Pin
Bryan White4-Jan-04 9:47
Bryan White4-Jan-04 9:47 
GeneralRe: PrintDocument PrintPage event - a real answer Pin
Heath Stewart4-Jan-04 9:54
protectorHeath Stewart4-Jan-04 9:54 
GeneralUsing IActiveDesktop in C# Pin
Okeno Palmer28-Dec-03 19:01
Okeno Palmer28-Dec-03 19:01 
GeneralRe: Using IActiveDesktop in C# Pin
Heath Stewart29-Dec-03 4:48
protectorHeath Stewart29-Dec-03 4:48 
GeneralRe: Using IActiveDesktop in C# Pin
Okeno Palmer29-Dec-03 5:02
Okeno Palmer29-Dec-03 5:02 
GeneralRe: Using IActiveDesktop in C# Pin
Heath Stewart29-Dec-03 5:51
protectorHeath Stewart29-Dec-03 5:51 
First of all, read the documentation for the System.Runtime.InteropServices elements in the .NET Framework SDK documentation. It's important to understand that. There's also a couple articles about COM interop in .NET that you should read in the articles section of the .NET Framework SDK documentation.

Nick Parker has a pretty good one dealing with some of the issues:[^]

You should also be familiar with some basic COM, since you'll be using a lot of this to use the IActiveDesktop interfaces. There are several articles here on CP that should be useful.

Honestly, though, the WebShots calendar is nothing more than a calendar drawn onto an image that is set as wallpaper. It is not an desktop item (at least, not last time I checked). It merely loads an image, paints a calendar on that, saves that image to a temporary spot and sets that as the wallpaper. Again, using the SystemParametersInfo method would be much easier. Just use the System.Drawing classes to load an image (Bitmap class) and draw on it (Graphics class), then save it and use the method. Simple.


Version: 3.21
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GeneralRe: Using IActiveDesktop in C# Pin
Okeno Palmer29-Dec-03 11:12
Okeno Palmer29-Dec-03 11:12 
GeneralBuilding Office add-ins in C# Pin
Member 78647328-Dec-03 10:36
Member 78647328-Dec-03 10:36 
GeneralRe: Building Office add-ins in C# Pin
Michael P Butler28-Dec-03 11:36
Michael P Butler28-Dec-03 11:36 
GeneralRe: Building Office add-ins in C# Pin
Member 78647328-Dec-03 11:50
Member 78647328-Dec-03 11:50 
QuestionHow to kill Excel process properly? Pin
teagermylk28-Dec-03 10:31
teagermylk28-Dec-03 10:31 
QuestionWIN32 DrawText() .NET equivalent?? Pin
ShaneStump28-Dec-03 8:11
ShaneStump28-Dec-03 8:11 
AnswerRe: WIN32 DrawText() .NET equivalent?? Pin
Heath Stewart28-Dec-03 9:11
protectorHeath Stewart28-Dec-03 9:11 
GeneralRe: WIN32 DrawText() .NET equivalent?? Pin
ShaneStump28-Dec-03 10:48
ShaneStump28-Dec-03 10:48 
GeneralRe: WIN32 DrawText() .NET equivalent?? Pin
Nick Parker28-Dec-03 11:02
protectorNick Parker28-Dec-03 11:02 
GeneralRe: WIN32 DrawText() .NET equivalent?? Pin
ShaneStump28-Dec-03 11:11
ShaneStump28-Dec-03 11:11 
GeneralRe: WIN32 DrawText() .NET equivalent?? Pin
Nick Parker28-Dec-03 11:34
protectorNick Parker28-Dec-03 11:34 
GeneralRe: WIN32 DrawText() .NET equivalent?? Pin
ShaneStump28-Dec-03 11:46
ShaneStump28-Dec-03 11:46 
GeneralTreeView Pin
Luther Baker28-Dec-03 7:48
Luther Baker28-Dec-03 7:48 
GeneralRe: TreeView Pin
Tristan Rhodes28-Dec-03 8:37
Tristan Rhodes28-Dec-03 8:37 
GeneralRe: TreeView Pin
Heath Stewart28-Dec-03 8:58
protectorHeath Stewart28-Dec-03 8:58 
GeneralYe - That one Pin
Tristan Rhodes28-Dec-03 14:22
Tristan Rhodes28-Dec-03 14:22 
GeneralThanks Pin
Luther Baker30-Dec-03 5:09
Luther Baker30-Dec-03 5:09 

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