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QuestionHow to retrieve the initial window state? Pin
Alvaro Mendez10-Nov-03 12:20
Alvaro Mendez10-Nov-03 12:20 
AnswerRe: How to retrieve the initial window state? Pin
Heath Stewart11-Nov-03 3:38
protectorHeath Stewart11-Nov-03 3:38 
GeneralRe: How to retrieve the initial window state? Pin
Alvaro Mendez11-Nov-03 4:33
Alvaro Mendez11-Nov-03 4:33 
GeneralRe: How to retrieve the initial window state? Pin
Heath Stewart11-Nov-03 6:54
protectorHeath Stewart11-Nov-03 6:54 
GeneralRe: How to retrieve the initial window state? Pin
Alvaro Mendez11-Nov-03 8:48
Alvaro Mendez11-Nov-03 8:48 
GeneralRe: How to retrieve the initial window state? Pin
Heath Stewart11-Nov-03 8:53
protectorHeath Stewart11-Nov-03 8:53 
GeneralComputer name Pin
Chathura10-Nov-03 12:10
Chathura10-Nov-03 12:10 
GeneralRe: Computer name Pin
Heath Stewart11-Nov-03 3:43
protectorHeath Stewart11-Nov-03 3:43 
What, with C#? This definitely is not worth it. It requires redefining a lot of structures already defined for C++ in the Platform SDK and P/Invoking a lot of function calls. And for what? Something that's done very rarely? If nothing else, doing this in VC++ would be much faster and easier to do. Use the right tools for the right job. Now when Longhorn comes around, many of these functions and structures should already be wrapped - but for right now, you'd have to do it all and it's definitely not easy!

Just do it the old fashion way. Right-click on "My Computer", go to "Computer Name" and read the directions. In most cases, your domain administrator doesn't allow you to do this yourself so talk to your IT department.

If you're not looking to do this programmatically, you're in the wrong forum big time! This is for C# programming questions.


Version: 3.21
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GeneralActive Directory Adding Pin
Chathura10-Nov-03 11:53
Chathura10-Nov-03 11:53 
Questiona way to use arrays with negative pointers? Pin
Demokritos10-Nov-03 11:26
Demokritos10-Nov-03 11:26 
AnswerRe: a way to use arrays with negative pointers? Pin
Wjousts10-Nov-03 11:39
Wjousts10-Nov-03 11:39 
GeneralRe: a way to use arrays with negative pointers? Pin
Demokritos11-Nov-03 12:40
Demokritos11-Nov-03 12:40 
GeneralConvert string to class (sort of) Pin
MrEyes10-Nov-03 6:30
MrEyes10-Nov-03 6:30 
GeneralRe: Convert string to class (sort of) Pin
Wjousts10-Nov-03 7:06
Wjousts10-Nov-03 7:06 
GeneralRe: Convert string to class (sort of) Pin
MrEyes10-Nov-03 7:09
MrEyes10-Nov-03 7:09 
GeneralRe: Convert string to class (sort of) Pin
Heath Stewart10-Nov-03 7:44
protectorHeath Stewart10-Nov-03 7:44 
GeneralA couple of line drawing questions... Pin
DoofToo10-Nov-03 6:12
DoofToo10-Nov-03 6:12 
GeneralRe: A couple of line drawing questions... Pin
mhmoud rawas11-Nov-03 1:36
mhmoud rawas11-Nov-03 1:36 
GeneralPrinting.. Pin
Amirjalaly10-Nov-03 5:50
Amirjalaly10-Nov-03 5:50 
GeneralRe: Printing.. Pin
Heath Stewart10-Nov-03 6:01
protectorHeath Stewart10-Nov-03 6:01 
GeneralRemoting and Events Pin
CillyMe10-Nov-03 5:08
CillyMe10-Nov-03 5:08 
GeneralRe: Remoting and Events Pin
Heath Stewart10-Nov-03 5:39
protectorHeath Stewart10-Nov-03 5:39 
GeneralRe: Remoting and Events Pin
CillyMe10-Nov-03 5:44
CillyMe10-Nov-03 5:44 
GeneralRe: Remoting and Events Pin
Heath Stewart10-Nov-03 5:51
protectorHeath Stewart10-Nov-03 5:51 
GeneralRe: Remoting and Events Pin
CillyMe10-Nov-03 14:37
CillyMe10-Nov-03 14:37 

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