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Questiona way to use arrays with negative pointers? Pin
Demokritos10-Nov-03 11:26
Demokritos10-Nov-03 11:26 
AnswerRe: a way to use arrays with negative pointers? Pin
Wjousts10-Nov-03 11:39
Wjousts10-Nov-03 11:39 
GeneralRe: a way to use arrays with negative pointers? Pin
Demokritos11-Nov-03 12:40
Demokritos11-Nov-03 12:40 
GeneralConvert string to class (sort of) Pin
MrEyes10-Nov-03 6:30
MrEyes10-Nov-03 6:30 
GeneralRe: Convert string to class (sort of) Pin
Wjousts10-Nov-03 7:06
Wjousts10-Nov-03 7:06 
GeneralRe: Convert string to class (sort of) Pin
MrEyes10-Nov-03 7:09
MrEyes10-Nov-03 7:09 
GeneralRe: Convert string to class (sort of) Pin
Heath Stewart10-Nov-03 7:44
protectorHeath Stewart10-Nov-03 7:44 
GeneralA couple of line drawing questions... Pin
DoofToo10-Nov-03 6:12
DoofToo10-Nov-03 6:12 
I have a picture box displaying an image. I want to be able to use 4 trackbars (one on each side) in order to draw 4 lines across the image. The end result will be to divide the image up into 9 regions graphically. I've got the image displaying, and I've got the 4 trackbars drawing the lines I want. The problem I'm running into is twofold.

1. How do I get the line to draw on top of the picture box image? Right now, the lines only appear beneath the picture box.

2. Whenever I move a trackbar slider, the line left from another trackbar is wiped out before the new one is drawn. The end result is that only one line can be displayed at a time, when I want all four to be displayed all at once.

Any suggestions?

Also... does anybody know if there's a way to change the color of the slider on the trackbar, and not just the backcolor?

Thanks. Smile | :)
GeneralRe: A couple of line drawing questions... Pin
mhmoud rawas11-Nov-03 1:36
mhmoud rawas11-Nov-03 1:36 
GeneralPrinting.. Pin
Amirjalaly10-Nov-03 5:50
Amirjalaly10-Nov-03 5:50 
GeneralRe: Printing.. Pin
Heath Stewart10-Nov-03 6:01
protectorHeath Stewart10-Nov-03 6:01 
GeneralRemoting and Events Pin
CillyMe10-Nov-03 5:08
CillyMe10-Nov-03 5:08 
GeneralRe: Remoting and Events Pin
Heath Stewart10-Nov-03 5:39
protectorHeath Stewart10-Nov-03 5:39 
GeneralRe: Remoting and Events Pin
CillyMe10-Nov-03 5:44
CillyMe10-Nov-03 5:44 
GeneralRe: Remoting and Events Pin
Heath Stewart10-Nov-03 5:51
protectorHeath Stewart10-Nov-03 5:51 
GeneralRe: Remoting and Events Pin
CillyMe10-Nov-03 14:37
CillyMe10-Nov-03 14:37 
GeneralRe: Remoting and Events Pin
Heath Stewart11-Nov-03 2:55
protectorHeath Stewart11-Nov-03 2:55 
GeneralRe: Remoting and Events Pin
LongRange.Shooter10-Nov-03 6:04
LongRange.Shooter10-Nov-03 6:04 
GeneralEnumerating Data Sources in C# Pin
Inam10-Nov-03 4:41
Inam10-Nov-03 4:41 
GeneralRe: Enumerating Data Sources in C# Pin
Heath Stewart10-Nov-03 5:33
protectorHeath Stewart10-Nov-03 5:33 
GeneralAlternatives to databinding Pin
Wjousts10-Nov-03 4:19
Wjousts10-Nov-03 4:19 
GeneralWindows Security check fails when it should not??!! Pin
LongRange.Shooter10-Nov-03 4:16
LongRange.Shooter10-Nov-03 4:16 
GeneralRe: Windows Security check fails when it should not??!! Pin
Heath Stewart10-Nov-03 5:32
protectorHeath Stewart10-Nov-03 5:32 
GeneralRe: Windows Security check fails when it should not??!! Pin
LongRange.Shooter10-Nov-03 6:25
LongRange.Shooter10-Nov-03 6:25 
GeneralAbsolute beginner Pin
-=LoKi=-10-Nov-03 2:03
-=LoKi=-10-Nov-03 2:03 

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