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C / C++ / MFC

QuestionCMemFile? Pin
closecall8-Nov-03 14:50
closecall8-Nov-03 14:50 
AnswerRe: CMemFile? Pin
Peter Molnar8-Nov-03 15:56
Peter Molnar8-Nov-03 15:56 
GeneralTrying to capture video using Visual C++ (MFC) Please help Pin
Member 6921998-Nov-03 14:23
Member 6921998-Nov-03 14:23 
GeneralRe: Trying to capture video using Visual C++ (MFC) Please help Pin
Andrew Walker8-Nov-03 18:26
Andrew Walker8-Nov-03 18:26 
GeneralRe: Trying to capture video using Visual C++ (MFC) Please help Pin
includeh109-Nov-03 0:45
includeh109-Nov-03 0:45 
GeneralRe: Trying to capture video using Visual C++ (MFC) Please help Pin
Andrew Walker9-Nov-03 9:37
Andrew Walker9-Nov-03 9:37 
GeneralHelp Making a Slope Function in C Pin
Anonymous8-Nov-03 14:07
Anonymous8-Nov-03 14:07 
GeneralI need help about how to use OpenSSL library. Pin
Artem Moroz8-Nov-03 11:39
Artem Moroz8-Nov-03 11:39 
I need help about how to use OpenSSL library.
Is there any sample on the Web I can use ?
GeneralRe: I need help about how to use OpenSSL library. Pin
Johnny ²9-Nov-03 3:37
Johnny ²9-Nov-03 3:37 
GeneralRe: I need help about how to use OpenSSL library. Pin
cperdana28-Mar-10 20:00
cperdana28-Mar-10 20:00 
GeneralLonghorn programming and WinFX Pin
Snyp8-Nov-03 10:03
Snyp8-Nov-03 10:03 
GeneralI want to open NEXT or PREV file. with button control Pin
gaesabal8-Nov-03 8:58
gaesabal8-Nov-03 8:58 
GeneralRe: I want to open NEXT or PREV file. with button control Pin
Antti Keskinen8-Nov-03 10:44
Antti Keskinen8-Nov-03 10:44 
QuestionHow do I handle Single and Double Mouse Clicks? Pin
jasonmgeorge8-Nov-03 8:30
jasonmgeorge8-Nov-03 8:30 
AnswerRe: How do I handle Single and Double Mouse Clicks? Pin
Antti Keskinen8-Nov-03 9:58
Antti Keskinen8-Nov-03 9:58 
GeneralRe: How do I handle Single and Double Mouse Clicks? Pin
jasonmgeorge8-Nov-03 10:33
jasonmgeorge8-Nov-03 10:33 
GeneralRe: How do I handle Single and Double Mouse Clicks? Pin
Antti Keskinen8-Nov-03 11:06
Antti Keskinen8-Nov-03 11:06 
AnswerRe: How do I handle Single and Double Mouse Clicks? Pin
Michael Dunn8-Nov-03 14:30
sitebuilderMichael Dunn8-Nov-03 14:30 
John R. Shaw8-Nov-03 7:34
John R. Shaw8-Nov-03 7:34 
J. Dunlap8-Nov-03 13:22
J. Dunlap8-Nov-03 13:22 
GeneralWindows Address Book Pin
PJ Arends8-Nov-03 7:17
professionalPJ Arends8-Nov-03 7:17 
GeneralRe: Windows Address Book Pin
cmk8-Nov-03 9:45
cmk8-Nov-03 9:45 
GeneralRe: Windows Address Book Pin
PJ Arends9-Nov-03 6:58
professionalPJ Arends9-Nov-03 6:58 
GeneralRe: Windows Address Book Pin
Peter Molnar8-Nov-03 9:45
Peter Molnar8-Nov-03 9:45 
GeneralRe: Windows Address Book Pin
PJ Arends9-Nov-03 6:59
professionalPJ Arends9-Nov-03 6:59 

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