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GeneralAllowing a dialog to read data from the calling main form Pin
tsigo6-Sep-03 10:54
tsigo6-Sep-03 10:54 
GeneralRe: Allowing a dialog to read data from the calling main form Pin
Nick Parker6-Sep-03 11:32
protectorNick Parker6-Sep-03 11:32 
GeneralBindableListview and Column Sort Pin
zinzinlabine6-Sep-03 6:19
zinzinlabine6-Sep-03 6:19 
Generalnewline and label question Pin
gilstelzer6-Sep-03 5:59
gilstelzer6-Sep-03 5:59 
GeneralRe: newline and label question Pin
Mazdak6-Sep-03 8:16
Mazdak6-Sep-03 8:16 
Generalconverting web page into image Pin
andrew ryan6-Sep-03 0:03
andrew ryan6-Sep-03 0:03 
GeneralRe: converting web page into image Pin
Jasper4C#6-Sep-03 2:56
Jasper4C#6-Sep-03 2:56 
GeneralLDAP Pin
Salmanzz5-Sep-03 23:28
Salmanzz5-Sep-03 23:28 
To get the user from directory service the below code works perfectly fine.
But i want to access files in the user name ou=myname. I have place a text file name note.txt in myname writeing this addres in explorer

all i want to know how to access the files. How can i get the files which i have uploaded on myname..... so i can modify n delete them also.
i have got the help to add user modify user n delte user but not abot the files of users ...

string path = "LDAP://";
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry entry = new .DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(path);

System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher mySearcher = new

mySearcher.Filter = ("(ou=myname )");
SearchResult result = mySearcher.FindOne() ;

if( result != null )
Console.WriteLine("User found");
foreach( string key in result.Properties.PropertyNames )
// Each property contains a collection of its own
// that may contain multiple values
foreach( Object propValue in result.Properties[key] )

Console.WriteLine(key + " = " + propValue);
Console.WriteLine("User not found");

Generalpassing value from modal dialog to an mid form Pin
Birdy5-Sep-03 20:13
Birdy5-Sep-03 20:13 
GeneralRe: passing value from modal dialog to an mid form Pin
Corinna John7-Sep-03 1:07
Corinna John7-Sep-03 1:07 
GeneralReference a MC++ class Pin
monrobot135-Sep-03 20:08
monrobot135-Sep-03 20:08 
GeneralRe: Reference a MC++ class Pin
leppie5-Sep-03 21:38
leppie5-Sep-03 21:38 
GeneralRe: Reference a MC++ class Pin
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 21:40
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 21:40 
GeneralRe: Reference a MC++ class Pin
leppie5-Sep-03 21:46
leppie5-Sep-03 21:46 
GeneralRe: Reference a MC++ class Pin
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 21:50
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 21:50 
GeneralRe: Reference a MC++ class Pin
monrobot137-Sep-03 11:16
monrobot137-Sep-03 11:16 
QuestionWhat version to buy Pin
cduced5-Sep-03 19:27
cduced5-Sep-03 19:27 
AnswerRe: What version to buy Pin
SimonS5-Sep-03 21:06
SimonS5-Sep-03 21:06 
GeneralRe: What version to buy Pin
cduced6-Sep-03 3:06
cduced6-Sep-03 3:06 
GeneralRe: What version to buy Pin
SimonS6-Sep-03 9:20
SimonS6-Sep-03 9:20 
GeneralRe: What version to buy Pin
cduced6-Sep-03 3:11
cduced6-Sep-03 3:11 
GeneralRe: What version to buy Pin
SimonS6-Sep-03 9:25
SimonS6-Sep-03 9:25 
GeneralDelegates and Remoting Pin
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 18:23
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 18:23 
GeneralRe: Delegates and Remoting Pin
leppie5-Sep-03 21:34
leppie5-Sep-03 21:34 
GeneralRe: Delegates and Remoting Pin
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 21:38
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 21:38 

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