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GeneralRe: Reference a MC++ class Pin
monrobot137-Sep-03 11:16
monrobot137-Sep-03 11:16 
QuestionWhat version to buy Pin
cduced5-Sep-03 19:27
cduced5-Sep-03 19:27 
AnswerRe: What version to buy Pin
SimonS5-Sep-03 21:06
SimonS5-Sep-03 21:06 
GeneralRe: What version to buy Pin
cduced6-Sep-03 3:06
cduced6-Sep-03 3:06 
GeneralRe: What version to buy Pin
SimonS6-Sep-03 9:20
SimonS6-Sep-03 9:20 
GeneralRe: What version to buy Pin
cduced6-Sep-03 3:11
cduced6-Sep-03 3:11 
GeneralRe: What version to buy Pin
SimonS6-Sep-03 9:25
SimonS6-Sep-03 9:25 
GeneralDelegates and Remoting Pin
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 18:23
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 18:23 
Would someone be able to give me the inside scoop on delegates and remoting? How hard or easy is it to use delegates w/remoting? What's involved? Any good articles and/or links on this?

From what I've gathered, you can use delegates with remoting, but it doesn't work very well with interface methods. Is this correct?

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." - Jesus

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

GeneralRe: Delegates and Remoting Pin
leppie5-Sep-03 21:34
leppie5-Sep-03 21:34 
GeneralRe: Delegates and Remoting Pin
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 21:38
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 21:38 
GeneralRe: Delegates and Remoting Pin
leppie5-Sep-03 21:44
leppie5-Sep-03 21:44 
GeneralRe: Delegates and Remoting Pin
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 21:49
J. Dunlap5-Sep-03 21:49 
GeneralBad Data Pin
ravingcoder5-Sep-03 17:42
ravingcoder5-Sep-03 17:42 
GeneralPlease take a look at my code. Pin
ravfingcoder6-Sep-03 0:19
ravfingcoder6-Sep-03 0:19 
GeneralRounded rectangle Pin
Meysam Mahfouzi5-Sep-03 17:41
Meysam Mahfouzi5-Sep-03 17:41 
GeneralRe: Rounded rectangle Pin
Meysam Mahfouzi5-Sep-03 19:09
Meysam Mahfouzi5-Sep-03 19:09 
GeneralRunning C# console on UNIX Pin
SuwitLam5-Sep-03 16:29
SuwitLam5-Sep-03 16:29 
GeneralRe: Running C# console on UNIX Pin
Shock The Dark Mage5-Sep-03 17:04
Shock The Dark Mage5-Sep-03 17:04 
GeneralRe: Running C# console on UNIX Pin
leppie5-Sep-03 21:50
leppie5-Sep-03 21:50 
GeneralRe: Running C# console on UNIX Pin
leppie5-Sep-03 22:05
leppie5-Sep-03 22:05 
QuestionAnimation Control in C#? Pin
Khang Nguyen5-Sep-03 13:34
Khang Nguyen5-Sep-03 13:34 
AnswerRe: Animation Control in C#? Pin
Khang Nguyen5-Sep-03 13:44
Khang Nguyen5-Sep-03 13:44 
Questionrunning c# program on Linux? Pin
Asim N.5-Sep-03 9:52
Asim N.5-Sep-03 9:52 
AnswerRe: running c# program on Linux? Pin
leppie5-Sep-03 10:07
leppie5-Sep-03 10:07 
GeneralMDI problem Pin
r95-Sep-03 9:47
r95-Sep-03 9:47 

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