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GeneralPlease take a look at my code. Pin
ravfingcoder6-Sep-03 0:19
ravfingcoder6-Sep-03 0:19 
GeneralRounded rectangle Pin
Meysam Mahfouzi5-Sep-03 17:41
Meysam Mahfouzi5-Sep-03 17:41 
GeneralRe: Rounded rectangle Pin
Meysam Mahfouzi5-Sep-03 19:09
Meysam Mahfouzi5-Sep-03 19:09 
GeneralRunning C# console on UNIX Pin
SuwitLam5-Sep-03 16:29
SuwitLam5-Sep-03 16:29 
GeneralRe: Running C# console on UNIX Pin
Shock The Dark Mage5-Sep-03 17:04
Shock The Dark Mage5-Sep-03 17:04 
GeneralRe: Running C# console on UNIX Pin
leppie5-Sep-03 21:50
leppie5-Sep-03 21:50 
GeneralRe: Running C# console on UNIX Pin
leppie5-Sep-03 22:05
leppie5-Sep-03 22:05 
QuestionAnimation Control in C#? Pin
Khang Nguyen5-Sep-03 13:34
Khang Nguyen5-Sep-03 13:34 
Hello Guru,

How do you play avi movies files such as deleting, copying, etc. in C#? I there a movie or animation control for this?

Thanks so much,
Khang Nguyen
AnswerRe: Animation Control in C#? Pin
Khang Nguyen5-Sep-03 13:44
Khang Nguyen5-Sep-03 13:44 
Questionrunning c# program on Linux? Pin
Asim N.5-Sep-03 9:52
Asim N.5-Sep-03 9:52 
AnswerRe: running c# program on Linux? Pin
leppie5-Sep-03 10:07
leppie5-Sep-03 10:07 
GeneralMDI problem Pin
r95-Sep-03 9:47
r95-Sep-03 9:47 
GeneralRe: MDI problem Pin
Ray Cassick5-Sep-03 11:52
Ray Cassick5-Sep-03 11:52 
GeneralRe: MDI problem Pin
Anonymous5-Sep-03 13:23
Anonymous5-Sep-03 13:23 
GeneralRe: MDI problem Pin
sumeat10-Sep-03 13:16
sumeat10-Sep-03 13:16 
GeneralDirectory Services .. LDAP Pin
sulmun5-Sep-03 9:06
sulmun5-Sep-03 9:06 
GeneralPlease Wait page while search executes Pin
clayne5-Sep-03 8:38
clayne5-Sep-03 8:38 
GeneralRe: Please Wait page while search executes Pin
GISnet5-Sep-03 9:23
GISnet5-Sep-03 9:23 
GeneralTreeView + ContextMenu focus issue Pin
efalcao5-Sep-03 8:15
efalcao5-Sep-03 8:15 
GeneralRe: TreeView + ContextMenu focus issue Pin
leppie5-Sep-03 9:54
leppie5-Sep-03 9:54 
GeneralRe: TreeView + ContextMenu focus issue Pin
efalcao5-Sep-03 12:23
efalcao5-Sep-03 12:23 
Questionc# no concept of scope ? Pin
jpribele5-Sep-03 7:58
jpribele5-Sep-03 7:58 
AnswerRe: c# no concept of scope ? Pin
Roger Stewart5-Sep-03 9:10
professionalRoger Stewart5-Sep-03 9:10 
GeneralRe: c# no concept of scope ? Pin
jpribele5-Sep-03 9:16
jpribele5-Sep-03 9:16 
AnswerRe: c# no concept of scope ? Pin
leppie5-Sep-03 9:49
leppie5-Sep-03 9:49 

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