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GeneralRe: Character set Pin
trønderen14-Sep-24 17:27
trønderen14-Sep-24 17:27 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Mircea Neacsu15-Sep-24 2:26
Mircea Neacsu15-Sep-24 2:26 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
trønderen15-Sep-24 12:16
trønderen15-Sep-24 12:16 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Richard MacCutchan15-Sep-24 21:08
mveRichard MacCutchan15-Sep-24 21:08 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Mircea Neacsu16-Sep-24 2:41
Mircea Neacsu16-Sep-24 2:41 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
jschell17-Sep-24 12:29
jschell17-Sep-24 12:29 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Richard MacCutchan14-Sep-24 21:34
mveRichard MacCutchan14-Sep-24 21:34 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Mircea Neacsu15-Sep-24 2:45
Mircea Neacsu15-Sep-24 2:45 
Richard MacCutchan wrote:
The majority of Windows API calls have both UNICODE and ASCII versions,
Indeed, but the question is: what happens when you call an ANSI function, let's say MessageBoxA with a text that contains characters outside the 0-128 range? The result depends on the active code page setting. Until recently (2019) the programmer had no control on what ACP user has selected. He could only query the this setting using the GetACP function.

In newer versions of Windows, you can declare the ACP page you want to use using the app manifest. If you declare UTF-8 code page, you can use UTF-8 with the ANSI functions.

For more details see Use UTF-8 code pages in Windows apps - Windows apps | Microsoft Learn[^]

GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Richard MacCutchan15-Sep-24 2:58
mveRichard MacCutchan15-Sep-24 2:58 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
trønderen15-Sep-24 12:19
trønderen15-Sep-24 12:19 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Mircea Neacsu17-Sep-24 13:49
Mircea Neacsu17-Sep-24 13:49 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
jschell17-Sep-24 12:22
jschell17-Sep-24 12:22 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
CPallini13-Sep-24 0:06
mveCPallini13-Sep-24 0:06 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Calin Negru13-Sep-24 1:32
Calin Negru13-Sep-24 1:32 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
CPallini13-Sep-24 1:34
mveCPallini13-Sep-24 1:34 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
trønderen14-Sep-24 6:48
trønderen14-Sep-24 6:48 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
Calin Negru14-Sep-24 9:18
Calin Negru14-Sep-24 9:18 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
k505414-Sep-24 10:15
mvek505414-Sep-24 10:15 
GeneralRe: Character set Pin
markkuk14-Sep-24 11:15
markkuk14-Sep-24 11:15 
QuestionREMOVED Pin
jana_hus7-Sep-24 7:12
jana_hus7-Sep-24 7:12 
AnswerRe: Addendum how to build real time events in Qt? Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Sep-24 21:29
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Sep-24 21:29 
QuestionLooking for opinions on currency handling.... Pin
Jeremy Falcon2-Sep-24 8:20
professionalJeremy Falcon2-Sep-24 8:20 
GeneralRe: Looking for opinions on currency handling.... Pin
k50542-Sep-24 11:16
mvek50542-Sep-24 11:16 
GeneralRe: Looking for opinions on currency handling.... Pin
Jeremy Falcon2-Sep-24 11:35
professionalJeremy Falcon2-Sep-24 11:35 
GeneralRe: Looking for opinions on currency handling.... Pin
Richard Andrew x642-Sep-24 13:49
professionalRichard Andrew x642-Sep-24 13:49 

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