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Chris Maunder16-Jul-09 3:10
cofounderChris Maunder16-Jul-09 3:10 
PinnedHow to get an answer to your question PinPopular
Chris Maunder10-Nov-05 16:30
cofounderChris Maunder10-Nov-05 16:30 
QuestionAlternative to SQLite or MSAccess Pin
lucausa756-Oct-24 2:07
lucausa756-Oct-24 2:07 
AnswerRe: Alternative to SQLite or MSAccesd Pin
Victor Nijegorodov6-Oct-24 5:43
Victor Nijegorodov6-Oct-24 5:43 
GeneralRe: Alternative to SQLite or MSAccess Pin
lucausa756-Oct-24 11:35
lucausa756-Oct-24 11:35 
GeneralRe: Alternative to SQLite or MSAccesd Pin
Victor Nijegorodov6-Oct-24 20:01
Victor Nijegorodov6-Oct-24 20:01 
GeneralRe: Alternative to SQLite or MSAccess Pin
lucausa756-Oct-24 21:18
lucausa756-Oct-24 21:18 
GeneralRe: Alternative to SQLite or MSAccess Pin
Victor Nijegorodov6-Oct-24 22:19
Victor Nijegorodov6-Oct-24 22:19 
AnswerRe: Alternative to SQLite or MSAccesd Pin
k50546-Oct-24 6:04
mvek50546-Oct-24 6:04 
QuestionWhat's the syntax error? Pin
Richard Andrew x6427-Sep-24 8:21
professionalRichard Andrew x6427-Sep-24 8:21 
AnswerRe: What's the syntax error? Pin
Ron Nicholson27-Sep-24 8:44
professionalRon Nicholson27-Sep-24 8:44 
GeneralRe: What's the syntax error? Pin
Richard Andrew x6427-Sep-24 9:23
professionalRichard Andrew x6427-Sep-24 9:23 
AnswerRe: What's the syntax error? Pin
jschell27-Sep-24 12:44
jschell27-Sep-24 12:44 
SuggestionRe: What's the syntax error? Pin
Richard Deeming30-Sep-24 21:40
mveRichard Deeming30-Sep-24 21:40 
GeneralRe: What's the syntax error? Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Oct-24 13:02
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Oct-24 13:02 
QuestionSQL Server Permissions Pin
Richard Andrew x6422-Aug-24 10:32
professionalRichard Andrew x6422-Aug-24 10:32 
AnswerRe: SQL Server Permissions Pin
Richard Deeming22-Aug-24 21:25
mveRichard Deeming22-Aug-24 21:25 
So long as the user has permission to execute the stored procedure, and the stored procedure and the tables it references have the same owner, then it will work even if the user doesn't have any permissions on the referenced tables.

"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer

GeneralRe: SQL Server Permissions Pin
Richard Andrew x6423-Aug-24 5:05
professionalRichard Andrew x6423-Aug-24 5:05 
QuestionSQL Server downloads and msoledbsql Pin
Mycroft Holmes6-Aug-24 12:38
professionalMycroft Holmes6-Aug-24 12:38 
AnswerRe: SQL Server downloads and msoledbsql Pin
jschell8-Aug-24 12:45
jschell8-Aug-24 12:45 
GeneralRe: SQL Server downloads and msoledbsql Pin
Mycroft Holmes8-Aug-24 13:11
professionalMycroft Holmes8-Aug-24 13:11 
AnswerRe: SQL Server downloads and msoledbsql Pin
yolanda smith13-Oct-24 22:59
yolanda smith13-Oct-24 22:59 
QuestionHow to ignore and not return result sets Pin
Richard Andrew x6427-Jul-24 8:09
professionalRichard Andrew x6427-Jul-24 8:09 
AnswerRe: How to ignore and not return result sets Pin
Richard Deeming28-Jul-24 21:29
mveRichard Deeming28-Jul-24 21:29 
GeneralRe: How to ignore and not return result sets Pin
Richard Andrew x6429-Jul-24 9:00
professionalRichard Andrew x6429-Jul-24 9:00 

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