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GeneralRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
Richard MacCutchan23-May-24 22:13
mveRichard MacCutchan23-May-24 22:13 
GeneralRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
k505424-May-24 8:55
mvek505424-May-24 8:55 
GeneralRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
Richard MacCutchan24-May-24 22:43
mveRichard MacCutchan24-May-24 22:43 
GeneralRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
jschell27-May-24 12:10
jschell27-May-24 12:10 
GeneralRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
Richard MacCutchan27-May-24 21:57
mveRichard MacCutchan27-May-24 21:57 
GeneralRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
trønderen28-May-24 5:19
trønderen28-May-24 5:19 
GeneralRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
jschell29-May-24 5:26
jschell29-May-24 5:26 
GeneralRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
trønderen29-May-24 6:53
trønderen29-May-24 6:53 
I didn't consider syntactic sugar, such as operator overloading.

Alternate interpretations of a given bit pattern can be done with old style simple operators, overloaded operators, methods argument preparation, explicit casting, ... The essential point is not the wordiness of the syntax, but that the bit pattern is not changed. We have just added another interpretation, regardless of which coding syntax we use for making that interpretation. (It isn't limited to C/C++ - rather, C/C++ is limited in alternate interpretations.)

I really hate it when people 'explaining' computers tell that 'Inside the computer, everything is numbers. Say, the letter 'A' is 65 inside the computer'. Noooo!!! Inside the computer is a bit pattern that has no predefined, "natural" interpretation as a number! Sure, you can interpret it numerically, and divide it by two to show that half an 'A' is space - but that is plain BS. It is like uppercasing the value 123456789!

Sometimes, it is useful to make alternate interpretations. E.g. a 24-bit value intended to be interpreted as a color, human eyes cannot determine whether two colors are identical (maybe the screen isn't capable of resolving 16 million colors, either). In an alternate interpretation, as a three-part RGB value 0-255, we can very easily see if the colors are identical or not. But that doesn't mean the color 'really' is numbers - no more from the screen than from the rose in the vase next to it. Both the reds are red - not 255,0,0! RGB values are 'false' interpretations (i.e. deviating from interpretation assumed by the photo editor) to help us humans with limited color-interpreting abilities.
Religious freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make five.

GeneralRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
charlieg21-May-24 8:02
charlieg21-May-24 8:02 
AnswerRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
11917640 Member 21-May-24 22:09
11917640 Member 21-May-24 22:09 
GeneralRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
charlieg21-May-24 23:47
charlieg21-May-24 23:47 
GeneralRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
11917640 Member 22-May-24 0:00
11917640 Member 22-May-24 0:00 
GeneralRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
charlieg22-May-24 0:05
charlieg22-May-24 0:05 
AnswerRe: Okay, real C++ question - who makes use of the auto keyword? Pin
honey the codewitch13-Jun-24 12:43
mvahoney the codewitch13-Jun-24 12:43 
Questionmfc, vs2022 compatible? Pin
charlieg17-May-24 7:21
charlieg17-May-24 7:21 
AnswerRe: mfc, vs2022 compatible? Pin
Victor Nijegorodov17-May-24 7:39
Victor Nijegorodov17-May-24 7:39 
GeneralRe: mfc, vs2022 compatible? Pin
charlieg17-May-24 7:56
charlieg17-May-24 7:56 
AnswerRe: mfc, vs2022 compatible? Pin
RedDk17-May-24 9:39
RedDk17-May-24 9:39 
GeneralRe: mfc, vs2022 compatible? Pin
charlieg17-May-24 10:51
charlieg17-May-24 10:51 
GeneralRe: mfc, vs2022 compatible? Pin
RedDk17-May-24 11:11
RedDk17-May-24 11:11 
AnswerRe: mfc, vs2022 compatible? Pin
Maximilien21-May-24 5:31
Maximilien21-May-24 5:31 
GeneralRe: mfc, vs2022 compatible? Pin
charlieg21-May-24 5:51
charlieg21-May-24 5:51 
GeneralRe: mfc, vs2022 compatible? Pin
Maximilien21-May-24 8:02
Maximilien21-May-24 8:02 
GeneralRe: mfc, vs2022 compatible? Pin
charlieg21-May-24 8:03
charlieg21-May-24 8:03 
QuestionC++ language updates / old C++ code Pin
HobbyProggy14-May-24 20:12
professionalHobbyProggy14-May-24 20:12 

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