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GeneralListViews: Sort ascending/descending Pin
tsigo3-Sep-03 10:36
tsigo3-Sep-03 10:36 
GeneralRe: ListViews: Sort ascending/descending Pin
Furty3-Sep-03 20:08
Furty3-Sep-03 20:08 
GeneralRe: ListViews: Sort ascending/descending Pin
tsigo6-Sep-03 11:00
tsigo6-Sep-03 11:00 
GeneralObtaining Caller of a Method in C# Pin
TheLastBastion3-Sep-03 9:21
TheLastBastion3-Sep-03 9:21 
GeneralRe: Obtaining Caller of a Method in C# Pin
leppie3-Sep-03 10:16
leppie3-Sep-03 10:16 
GeneralRe: Obtaining Caller of a Method in C# Pin
James Simpson3-Sep-03 10:28
James Simpson3-Sep-03 10:28 
GeneralRe: Obtaining Caller of a Method in C# Pin
leppie3-Sep-03 13:33
leppie3-Sep-03 13:33 
GeneralRe: Obtaining Caller of a Method in C# Pin
James T. Johnson3-Sep-03 14:32
James T. Johnson3-Sep-03 14:32 
leppie wrote:
hey where is the object?

There isn't one, also what would you do if the caller was a static method? In that case there is no object reference that is doing the calling.

AFAIK, the best you can hope for is to get the class/struct name and possibly get the Type object representing it.


At Jethro Tull's August 28, 2003 concert Ian Anderson mentioned that the group would be performing a medley of title tracks. The songs were "Songs from the Wood", "Too Old to Rock and Roll; Too Young to Die"; and from the Heavy Horses album, "Stairway to Heaven".
GeneralRe: Obtaining Caller of a Method in C# Pin
Jerry Dennany3-Sep-03 14:34
Jerry Dennany3-Sep-03 14:34 
GeneralPInvoke Pin
Anonymous3-Sep-03 9:17
Anonymous3-Sep-03 9:17 
GeneralDesign Patterns - on a mission. Pin
Aroogala3-Sep-03 6:58
Aroogala3-Sep-03 6:58 
GeneralRe: Design Patterns - on a mission. Pin
Anonymous3-Sep-03 7:37
Anonymous3-Sep-03 7:37 
GeneralRe: Design Patterns - on a mission. Pin
Jim Stewart4-Sep-03 3:27
Jim Stewart4-Sep-03 3:27 
GeneralOleDbException: Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Pin
mikemilano3-Sep-03 6:41
mikemilano3-Sep-03 6:41 
GeneralVB script to C# Pin
Majid Shahabfar3-Sep-03 4:35
Majid Shahabfar3-Sep-03 4:35 
GeneralRe: VB script to C# Pin
Alvaro Mendez3-Sep-03 6:29
Alvaro Mendez3-Sep-03 6:29 
GeneralRe: VB script to C# Pin
Majid Shahabfar3-Sep-03 19:03
Majid Shahabfar3-Sep-03 19:03 
GeneralRe: VB script to C# Pin
Corinna John4-Sep-03 2:00
Corinna John4-Sep-03 2:00 
GeneralRe: VB script to C# Pin
Majid Shahabfar6-Sep-03 3:42
Majid Shahabfar6-Sep-03 3:42 
GeneralRe: VB script to C# Pin
Richard Deeming5-Sep-03 8:05
mveRichard Deeming5-Sep-03 8:05 
GeneralRe: VB script to C# Pin
Majid Shahabfar6-Sep-03 3:43
Majid Shahabfar6-Sep-03 3:43 
GeneralRe: VB script to C# Pin
dog_spawn3-Sep-03 7:04
dog_spawn3-Sep-03 7:04 
QuestionRSA public key? Pin
ravingcoder3-Sep-03 4:05
ravingcoder3-Sep-03 4:05 
AnswerRe: RSA public key? Pin
ravingcoder3-Sep-03 17:12
ravingcoder3-Sep-03 17:12 
QuestionHow can we prevent a C++ Class from inheritance? Pin
sri sankaradoss3-Sep-03 1:59
sri sankaradoss3-Sep-03 1:59 

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