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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: Can this be the cause of a memory leak Pin
Calin Negru9-May-24 4:53
Calin Negru9-May-24 4:53 
GeneralRe: Can this be the cause of a memory leak Pin
CPallini9-May-24 4:58
mveCPallini9-May-24 4:58 
AnswerRe: Can this be the cause of a memory leak Pin
charlieg23-May-24 1:04
charlieg23-May-24 1:04 
QuestionUSB power control Pin
etechX29-May-24 18:27
etechX29-May-24 18:27 
AnswerRe: USB power control Pin
jschell9-May-24 15:31
jschell9-May-24 15:31 
AnswerRe: USB power control Pin
RedDk10-May-24 8:24
RedDk10-May-24 8:24 
AnswerRe: USB power control Pin
charlieg20-May-24 4:44
charlieg20-May-24 4:44 
Questionforeach....recursively - assistance with C++ code wnated Pin
Salvatore Terress8-May-24 6:08
Salvatore Terress8-May-24 6:08 
I am asking for code assistance, I am NOT asking for opinions, to implement
"foreach" to be able to write something likes

"action-> trigger this code "

I am asking for code help to rewrite this to recursively go thru the object hierarchy until "textMatch" is found

QString textMatch = test; // "tile";
        QList<QAction*> pTEST = parent->findChildren<QAction *>();

        foreach( auto *action, pTEST)
            text = action->objectName();
            qDebug().noquote() << text;
#ifdef  RETILE
        text = "match found  parent  ";
        text += parent->objectName();
        text += "\n action  ";
        text += action->objectName();
        qDebug().noquote() << text;

                text += "  foreach match ";
                qDebug().noquote() << text;
                return 0;

The code abiove works fine "in single stage",
I need it to iterate , using foreach preferred, but not mandatory, thru the entire tree.

This is an "under construction code " and will be deleted AFTER solution is found.

"actionTile_subwindows"	QAction

    event   @0x7fffffffca20 QCloseEvent
    mdiParent   @0x7ffff4ea5453 QMdiSubWindow
    pActions    <not accessible>  QList<QAction*>
    pL  <not accessible>  QList<QObject*>
    pLParent    <not accessible>  QList<QObject*>
    pLParent_Action <not accessible>  QList<QAction*>
    pOBJECT 0x5d0000006e    QWidget*
    pTEST   @0x7fffffffc550 QWidget
    this    "SettingsDialog"    SettingsDialog
        [QDialog]   "SettingsDialog"    QDialog
        [d] @0x555555d923e0 QDialogPrivate
        [parent]    @0x555555de3310 QMdiSubWindow
            [QWidget]   @0x555555de3310 QWidget
            [d] @0x5555556d1000 QMdiSubWindowPrivate
            [parent]    @0x555555c30e80 QWidget
                [QObject]   @0x555555c30e80 QObject
                [QPaintDevice]  @0x555555c30e90 QPaintDevice
                [d] @0x555555c30ec0 QWidgetPrivate
                [parent]    @0x555555c64250 QMdiArea
                    [QAbstractScrollArea]   @0x555555c64250 QAbstractScrollArea
                    [d] @0x5555559ff1a0 QMdiAreaPrivate
                    [parent]    "MainWindow_Bluetooth"  MainWindow_Bluetooth
                        [QMainWindow]   "MainWindow_Bluetooth"  QMainWindow
                        [d] @0x555555c2ed00 QMainWindowPrivate
                        [parent]    @0x555555ccf290 QMdiSubWindow
                        [children]  <35 items>    QList<QObject*>
                            [0] "_layout"   QMainWindowLayout
                            [1] @0x555555c64250 QMdiArea
                            [2] "SettingsDialog"    SettingsDialog
                            [3] @0x555555cdddc0 QSerialPort
                            [4] "actionAbout"   QAction
                            [5] "actionAboutQt" QAction
                            [6] "actionConnect" QAction
                            [7] "actionDisconnect"  QAction
                            [8] "actionConfigure"   QAction
                            [9] "actionClear"   QAction
                            [10]    "actionQuit"    QAction
                            [11]    "actionVirtual_serial_port" QAction
                            [12]    "actionBluetooth_virtual_port"  QAction
                            [13]    "actionBluetooth"   QAction
                            [14]    "actionBluetooith_virtiual_port"    QAction
                            [15]    "actionBluetooth_service_enable"    QAction
                            [16]    "actionWinsow_control"  QAction
                            [17]    "actionWindoiw_control" QAction
                            [18]    "actionTEST_tile"   QAction
                            [19]    "actionTEST_resize" QAction
                            [20]    "actionTile_subwindows" QAction
                            [21]    "actionCascade_subwindows"  QAction
                            [22]    "actionMaximize_current_subwindow"  QAction
                            [23]    "actionTEST"    QAction
                            [24]    "actionSubmenu_1"   QAction
                            [25]    "actionSubmenuy_2"  QAction
                            [26]    "actionClear_all_windoiws"  QAction
                            [27]    "actionClear_all_windiws"   QAction
                            [28]    "actionSerial_test" QAction
                            [29]    "actionSerial_test_2"   QAction
                            [30]    "actionC_code_scan" QAction
                            [31]    "actionSelect_MDI_subwindow_MDI_window_control" QAction
                            [32]    "menuBar"   QMenuBar
                            [33]    "mainToolBar"   QToolBar
                            [34]    "statusBar" QStatusBar
                        [properties]    <at least 0 items>
                        [methods]   <20 items>
                        Menu_Index  0   int
                        command 0x0 char*
                        index   8   int
                        index_sub   0   int
                        list_array  @0x555555bd2370 QStringList[10]
                        m_TAB_CommonDebug   "A_BT_TAB_DIALOG"   A_BT_TAB_DIALOG
                        m_TAB_Connect   0x0 A_BT_TAB_DIALOG*
                        m_TAB_Ext   0x0 A_BT_TAB_DIALOG_EXT*
                        m_console   @0x555555c314f0 Console
                        m_mdiarea   @0x555555c64250 QMdiArea
                        m_serial    @0x555555cdddc0 QSerialPort
                        m_settings  "SettingsDialog"    SettingsDialog
                        m_settings_RFcomm   0x0 SettingsDialog_RFcomm*
                        m_status    @0x555555c64370 QLabel
                        m_ui    @0x5555556735a0 Ui::MainWindow_Bluetooth
                        mainAction  @0x555555bd24c8 QAction*[16]
                        result  ""  QString
                        subAction   @0x555555bd23c8 QAction*[16]
                        subMenu @0x555555bd2448 QMenu*[16]
                        text    "   Parent console (case 7) "   QString
                        verify  @0x555555bd2570 QStringList[16]
                    [children]  <3 items> QList<QObject*>
                        [0] "qt_scrollarea_hcontainer"  QAbstractScrollAreaScrollBarContainer
                        [1] "qt_scrollarea_vcontainer"  QAbstractScrollAreaScrollBarContainer
                        [2] @0x555555c30e80 QWidget
                    [properties]    <at least 8 items>
                    [methods]   <14 items>
                [children]  <6 items> QList<QObject*>
                [properties]    <at least 59 items>
                [methods]   <27 items>
                    [0] windowTitleChanged
                        [nameindex] 1
                        [type]  signal
                        [argc]  1
                        [parameter] 149
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 6
                        [localindex]    0
                        [globalindex]   5
                    [1] windowIconChanged
                        [nameindex] 4
                        [type]  signal
                        [argc]  1
                        [parameter] 152
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 6
                        [localindex]    1
                        [globalindex]   6
                    [2] windowIconTextChanged
                        [nameindex] 6
                        [type]  signal
                        [argc]  1
                        [parameter] 155
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 6
                        [localindex]    2
                        [globalindex]   7
                    [3] customContextMenuRequested
                        [nameindex] 8
                        [type]  signal
                        [argc]  1
                        [parameter] 158
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 6
                        [localindex]    3
                        [globalindex]   8
                    [4] setEnabled
                        [nameindex] 10
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  1
                        [parameter] 161
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    4
                        [globalindex]   9
                    [5] setDisabled
                        [nameindex] 11
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  1
                        [parameter] 164
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    5
                        [globalindex]   10
                    [6] setWindowModified
                        [nameindex] 12
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  1
                        [parameter] 167
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    6
                        [globalindex]   11
                    [7] setWindowTitle
                        [nameindex] 13
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  1
                        [parameter] 170
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    7
                        [globalindex]   12
                    [8] setStyleSheet
                        [nameindex] 14
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  1
                        [parameter] 173
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    8
                        [globalindex]   13
                    [9] setFocus
                        [nameindex] 16
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 176
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    9
                        [globalindex]   14
                    [10]    update
                        [nameindex] 17
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 177
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    10
                        [globalindex]   15
                    [11]    repaint
                        [nameindex] 18
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 178
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    11
                        [globalindex]   16
                    [12]    setVisible
                        [nameindex] 19
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  1
                        [parameter] 179
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    12
                        [globalindex]   17
                    [13]    setHidden
                        [nameindex] 21
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  1
                        [parameter] 182
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    13
                        [globalindex]   18
                    [14]    show
                        [nameindex] 23
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 185
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    14
                        [globalindex]   19
                    [15]    hide
                        [nameindex] 24
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 186
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    15
                        [globalindex]   20
                    [16]    showMinimized
                        [nameindex] 25
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 187
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    16
                        [globalindex]   21
                    [17]    showMaximized
                        [nameindex] 26
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 188
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    17
                        [globalindex]   22
                    [18]    showFullScreen
                        [nameindex] 27
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 189
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    18
                        [globalindex]   23
                    [19]    showNormal
                        [nameindex] 28
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 190
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    19
                        [globalindex]   24
                    [20]    close
                        [nameindex] 29
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 191
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    20
                        [globalindex]   25
                    [21]    raise
                        [nameindex] 30
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 192
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    21
                        [globalindex]   26
                    [22]    lower
                        [nameindex] 31
                        [type]  slot
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 193
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 10
                        [localindex]    22
                        [globalindex]   27
                    [23]    updateMicroFocus
                        [nameindex] 32
                        [type]  <unknown>
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 194
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 9
                        [localindex]    23
                        [globalindex]   28
                    [24]    _q_showIfNotHidden
                        [nameindex] 33
                        [type]  <unknown>
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 195
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 8
                        [localindex]    24
                        [globalindex]   29
                    [25]    grab
                        [nameindex] 34
                        [type]  <unknown>
                        [argc]  1
                        [parameter] 196
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 2
                        [localindex]    25
                        [globalindex]   30
                    [26]    grab
                        [nameindex] 34
                        [type]  <unknown>
                        [argc]  0
                        [parameter] 199
                        [tag]   2
                        [flags] 34
                        [localindex]    26
                        [globalindex]   31
                data    @0x555555c30fe0 QWidgetData
            [children]  <4 items> QList<QObject*>
            [properties]    <at least 2 items>
            [methods]   <7 items>
        [children]  <8 items> QList<QObject*>
        [properties]    <at least 0 items>
        [methods]   <8 items>
        ConnectIndex    1   int
        ConnectParent   "MainWindow_Bluetooth"  MainWindow_Bluetooth
        ConnectText " TEST SettingsDialog Constructor (emit index 1 ) " QString
        m_TAB_CommonDebug   0x0 A_BT_TAB_DIALOG*
        m_TAB_Connect   "A_BT_TAB_DIALOG"   A_BT_TAB_DIALOG
        m_currentSettings   @0x555555d86c88 SettingsDialog::Settings
        m_intValidator  @0x555555dc61c0 QIntValidator
        m_status    @0x555555dc5af0 QLabel
        m_ui    @0x555555cb7d90 Ui::SettingsDialog
        staticMetaObject    @0x7ffff7f03560 QMetaObject
        statusBar   @0x555555dd75f0 QStatusBar
        text    "  this->parent()->objectName() " QString
    "(?<=\thci0  <no such value>
    //                                subMenu[index] = subMenu[index]
//                                        ->addMenu(list[index] +

                //                    //subtempmenu = new QMenu();
    qDebug().noquote() << text;
Return Value

AnswerRe: foreach....recursively - assistance with C++ code wnated Pin
k50548-May-24 7:03
mvek50548-May-24 7:03 
GeneralRe: foreach....recursively - assistance with C++ code wnated Pin
Salvatore Terress8-May-24 8:19
Salvatore Terress8-May-24 8:19 
GeneralRe: foreach....recursively - assistance with C++ code wnated Pin
k50548-May-24 8:57
mvek50548-May-24 8:57 
GeneralRe: foreach....recursively - assistance with C++ code wnated Pin
Salvatore Terress8-May-24 17:09
Salvatore Terress8-May-24 17:09 
GeneralRe: foreach....recursively - assistance with C++ code wnated Pin
Salvatore Terress10-May-24 13:23
Salvatore Terress10-May-24 13:23 
Questionvoluntarily REMOVED Which way is correct ? Pin
Salvatore Terress6-May-24 10:19
Salvatore Terress6-May-24 10:19 
AnswerRe: Which way is correct ? Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-May-24 0:29
mveRichard MacCutchan7-May-24 0:29 
AnswerRe: voluntarily REMOVED Which way is correct ? Pin
Richard MacCutchan9-May-24 5:59
mveRichard MacCutchan9-May-24 5:59 
QuestionPassing "parent" error Pin
Salvatore Terress4-May-24 6:51
Salvatore Terress4-May-24 6:51 
AnswerRe: Passing "parent" error Pin
Richard MacCutchan5-May-24 2:45
mveRichard MacCutchan5-May-24 2:45 
Questionchange exe icon not work with multiple stage icon file. Pin
Le@rner1-May-24 2:26
Le@rner1-May-24 2:26 
AnswerRe: change exe icon not work with multiple stage icon file. Pin
Victor Nijegorodov1-May-24 4:21
Victor Nijegorodov1-May-24 4:21 
GeneralRe: change exe icon not work with multiple stage icon file. Pin
jschell1-May-24 13:09
jschell1-May-24 13:09 
AnswerRe: change exe icon not work with multiple stage icon file. Pin
CPallini2-May-24 4:07
mveCPallini2-May-24 4:07 
GeneralRe: change exe icon not work with multiple stage icon file. Pin
Dave Kreskowiak2-May-24 4:11
mveDave Kreskowiak2-May-24 4:11 
GeneralRe: change exe icon not work with multiple stage icon file. Pin
CPallini2-May-24 4:14
mveCPallini2-May-24 4:14 
QuestionSOLVED Posting "debug (window ) view ? Pin
Salvatore Terress30-Apr-24 2:51
Salvatore Terress30-Apr-24 2:51 

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