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GeneralRe: scroll events detecting Pin
J. Dunlap3-Sep-03 19:43
J. Dunlap3-Sep-03 19:43 
GeneralRe: scroll events detecting Pin
azusakt3-Sep-03 17:12
azusakt3-Sep-03 17:12 
GeneralGAC and Versioning Question Pin
Mazdak2-Sep-03 21:20
Mazdak2-Sep-03 21:20 
GeneralAccessing a .mdb database on a CD Pin
Den2Fly2-Sep-03 21:15
Den2Fly2-Sep-03 21:15 
GeneralRe: Accessing a .mdb database on a CD Pin
Mazdak2-Sep-03 21:23
Mazdak2-Sep-03 21:23 
GeneralRe: Accessing a .mdb database on a CD Pin
J. Dunlap2-Sep-03 21:48
J. Dunlap2-Sep-03 21:48 
GeneralRe: Accessing a .mdb database on a CD Pin
Tatham2-Sep-03 22:34
Tatham2-Sep-03 22:34 
GeneralRe: Accessing a .mdb database on a CD Pin
Braulio Dez3-Sep-03 5:47
Braulio Dez3-Sep-03 5:47 

If you choose "Read Only" AND "Open Exclusive" together, Access won't create
the *.ldb file if it isn't already there.

Another option is to get any "ldb" file, and copy it into the CD as well... not very clean solution, but it seems that it works fine Smile | :)

Good luck

GeneralOne more tip Pin
Braulio Dez3-Sep-03 5:58
Braulio Dez3-Sep-03 5:58 
GeneralRe: Accessing a .mdb database on a CD Pin
Anonymous3-Sep-03 6:52
Anonymous3-Sep-03 6:52 
GeneralRe: Accessing a .mdb database on a CD Pin
Den2Fly4-Sep-03 0:58
Den2Fly4-Sep-03 0:58 
GeneralGrid Pin
Roger Alsing2-Sep-03 20:47
Roger Alsing2-Sep-03 20:47 
GeneralRe: Grid Pin
Braulio Dez3-Sep-03 5:33
Braulio Dez3-Sep-03 5:33 
GeneralRe: Grid Pin
Roger Alsing3-Sep-03 20:53
Roger Alsing3-Sep-03 20:53 
GeneralDataSet, DataRows etc. Pin
deanoA2-Sep-03 20:03
deanoA2-Sep-03 20:03 
GeneralRe: DataSet, DataRows etc. Pin
Mazdak2-Sep-03 20:13
Mazdak2-Sep-03 20:13 
GeneralRe: DataSet, DataRows etc. Pin
A.Wegierski2-Sep-03 20:14
A.Wegierski2-Sep-03 20:14 
GeneralRe: DataSet, DataRows etc. Pin
Mazdak2-Sep-03 20:20
Mazdak2-Sep-03 20:20 
GeneralRe: DataSet, DataRows etc. Pin
A.Wegierski3-Sep-03 19:28
A.Wegierski3-Sep-03 19:28 
QuestionHow to loop through a currencyManager Pin
Ista2-Sep-03 16:58
Ista2-Sep-03 16:58 
GeneralOverriding DataGrid::OnPaint Pin
Ista2-Sep-03 16:57
Ista2-Sep-03 16:57 
GeneralRe: Overriding DataGrid::OnPaint Pin
A.Wegierski3-Sep-03 19:41
A.Wegierski3-Sep-03 19:41 
GeneralRe: Overriding DataGrid::OnPaint Pin
Ista4-Sep-03 3:18
Ista4-Sep-03 3:18 
GeneralNetwork Management Tools (NMT) Pin
loveprogramming2-Sep-03 16:39
loveprogramming2-Sep-03 16:39 
Questionun-editable combobox? Pin
zecodela2-Sep-03 16:29
zecodela2-Sep-03 16:29 

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