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Generaldatagrid AddNew Pin
pedropj1-Sep-03 4:42
pedropj1-Sep-03 4:42 
GeneralRe: datagrid AddNew Pin
A.Wegierski1-Sep-03 20:00
A.Wegierski1-Sep-03 20:00 
GeneralRe: datagrid AddNew Pin
pedropj2-Sep-03 4:56
pedropj2-Sep-03 4:56 
GeneralDifferent Control Size in C++ and C# Pin
Somnatic1-Sep-03 0:38
Somnatic1-Sep-03 0:38 
GeneralRe: Different Control Size in C++ and C# Pin
James T. Johnson1-Sep-03 4:02
James T. Johnson1-Sep-03 4:02 
GeneralTcpServerChannel Pin
Anonymous31-Aug-03 23:45
Anonymous31-Aug-03 23:45 
Questionms TAPI? Pin
Roger Alsing31-Aug-03 23:20
Roger Alsing31-Aug-03 23:20 
AnswerRe: ms TAPI? Pin
Michael P Butler1-Sep-03 2:59
Michael P Butler1-Sep-03 2:59 
TAPI will allow you to do 95% of this. (You'll need to use a Multimedia API such as winmm.lib to actually play the WAV).

A lot depends on the capabilities of your voice modem and it's TSPI support.

I wouldn't recommend using C# for this though, I'd stick with C++.

The Platform SDK Tapi samples will be of great use to you.


'War is at best barbarism...Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is hell.' - General William Sherman, 1879

AnswerRe: ms TAPI? Pin
Kannan Kalyanaraman1-Sep-03 5:58
Kannan Kalyanaraman1-Sep-03 5:58 
QuestionListView Selection behavior in Form ?? Pin
azusakt31-Aug-03 22:58
azusakt31-Aug-03 22:58 
GeneralException when RemotePartner crashes Pin
MeisterBiber31-Aug-03 21:54
MeisterBiber31-Aug-03 21:54 
GeneralXML and SQLServer Pin
Mazdak31-Aug-03 21:50
Mazdak31-Aug-03 21:50 
GeneralXP look on W2K Pin
vikramlinux31-Aug-03 20:44
vikramlinux31-Aug-03 20:44 
GeneralRe: XP look on W2K Pin
J. Dunlap31-Aug-03 21:18
J. Dunlap31-Aug-03 21:18 
GeneralRe: XP look on W2K Pin
vikramlinux31-Aug-03 21:23
vikramlinux31-Aug-03 21:23 
QuestionUtilityLibrary - Now illegal for commercial use!? Pin
James Cadd31-Aug-03 13:26
James Cadd31-Aug-03 13:26 
AnswerRe: UtilityLibrary - Now illegal for commercial use!? Pin
Ray Cassick31-Aug-03 14:51
Ray Cassick31-Aug-03 14:51 
AnswerRe: UtilityLibrary - Now illegal for commercial use!? Pin
J. Dunlap31-Aug-03 19:36
J. Dunlap31-Aug-03 19:36 
GeneralRe: UtilityLibrary - Now illegal for commercial use!? Pin
Roger Alsing31-Aug-03 21:19
Roger Alsing31-Aug-03 21:19 
GeneralRe: UtilityLibrary - Now illegal for commercial use!? Pin
J. Dunlap31-Aug-03 21:46
J. Dunlap31-Aug-03 21:46 
GeneralRe: UtilityLibrary - Now illegal for commercial use!? Pin
James Cadd1-Sep-03 9:05
James Cadd1-Sep-03 9:05 
GeneralRe: UtilityLibrary - Now illegal for commercial use!? Pin
J. Dunlap1-Sep-03 9:24
J. Dunlap1-Sep-03 9:24 
GeneralChanging borderstyle of mdi container Pin
Alex Korchemniy31-Aug-03 12:57
Alex Korchemniy31-Aug-03 12:57 
GeneralRe: Changing borderstyle of mdi container Pin
Roger Alsing31-Aug-03 21:20
Roger Alsing31-Aug-03 21:20 
QuestionLoading a new image into a PictureBox? Pin
frogb0x31-Aug-03 11:04
frogb0x31-Aug-03 11:04 

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