I suppose you are right ... but doesn't makes it better ...
If you really want to know, then read this entire thread. Alternatively find something interesting to waste your time on.
Yes im using the UltraID3lib library...i cannot access its code? Or...how do i do it?
Guys...about my knowledge..i have a book called Visual Basic 6 - Advanced Tecnichs with API...i have read the book and made a lot of small apps during "the day"...now my book is obsolete almost because of VB.Net being different..anyway..i learned all with that book and no more outside help...im trying to get back a little to VB just to excercise my mind...and..create a small application to give away in my website..
I code in SynthEdit some Virtual Synthesizers using a Visual Programming language..i also do all my website coding..
...and im no pro in none of these...but..i normally can achieve what i look for..
just for you to know my website: [DELETED]
I removed the URL to prevent you being tagged as a spammer (and it was that close whether I let it through without the URL or tagged it and you as spam) which would mean the BanHammer starts swinging. Please don't post it again, others are rather more trigger happy than I.
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
"Common sense is so rare these days, it should be classified as a super power" - Random T-shirt
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
OK...thank you for not banning me
Oops ... I have done that ...
What kind of answer did you got from the OP that it is flagged as (I suppose) abusive ?
I need to say something that will make you laugh the rest of the day...
i was makin a .NET app...not an .NET Framework...how did i error this?!! lo0l
I already passed all code into a .NET Framework application
Sorry..if does matter?!!
Okay ... to be able to understand the problem YOU must understand how the Framework you are using is working.
I suppose that your problem comes from not using this Framework in the right way.
I, myself, don't like to use 3rd party products from which I don't know how to work with. Mostly it is easier (for me) to create it by myself ...
No, none of it is abusive. Just that he is copying stuff from the internet, and his understanding of what he copies, and general programming is not too good.
Message Closed
modified 15-Jun-23 8:16am.
I don't think you meant this message for me Andre.
Oops, no sorry. Will repost under the correct tab...
hey..i was able to do it...i used this code
<pre>Private Sub lblsave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lblsave.Click
If ListBox1.SelectedItem = "" Then
Dim r8 As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show(Me, "No file selected!",
"Select files!", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
Dim rw As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show(Me, "SAVE all TAGs?",
"Save tags!", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel)
If rw = DialogResult.OK Then
If CheckBox1.Checked = False And CheckBox2.Checked = False And CheckBox3.Checked = False And CheckBox4.Checked = False And CheckBox5.Checked = False And CheckBox6.Checked = False And CheckBox7.Checked = False And CheckBox8.Checked = False Then
Dim r8 As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show(Me, "Select a tag to enter!",
"Select tags!", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
Dim ite = ListBox1.SelectedItems
For Each item In ite
myMp3.Read(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath & "\" & item)
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
myMp3.ID3v2Tag.Title = label1.Text
End If
If CheckBox2.Checked = True Then
myMp3.ID3v2Tag.Artist = Label2.Text
End If
If CheckBox3.Checked = True Then
myMp3.ID3v2Tag.Album = Label3.Text
End If
If CheckBox4.Checked = True And Label4.Text <> "" Then
On Error Resume Next
myMp3.ID3v2Tag.Year = Short.Parse(Label4.Text)
End If
If CheckBox5.Checked = True And label5.Text <> "" Then
On Error Resume Next
myMp3.ID3v2Tag.TrackNum = Short.Parse(label5.Text)
End If
If CheckBox6.Checked = True Then
myMp3.ID3v2Tag.Comments = label6.Text
End If
If CheckBox7.Checked = True Then
myMp3.ID3v2Tag.Genre = label7.Text
End If
If CheckBox8.Checked = True Then
If label10.Text <> "" Then
Dim pics = myMp3.ID3v2Tag.Frames.GetFrames(CommonMultipleInstanceID3v2FrameTypes.Picture)
Dim AlbumArt As ID3v2PictureFrame = New ID3v23PictureFrame(CType(System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile(label10.Text), System.Drawing.Bitmap), PictureTypes.CoverFront, "Attached picture", TextEncodingTypes.ISO88591)
Dim re As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show(Me, "Could not write image!",
"Tagged files!", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
End If
End If
Next item
End If
End If
End If
Dim r9 As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show(Me, "Operation complete!",
"Tagged files!", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
End Sub
No that is definitely not the way to do it. You should set the tags as and when the user edits them*, and then save the entire set when he/she presses Save. The way you are doing it the user has no way to cancel the changes.
*You should not need all those checkboxes. Just use an event handler for when the user changes any of the tag entries. As I said yesterdsay, and as clearly demonstrated in your video, you are going about this whole project the wrong way. And until you step back and take on board some of the suggestions you have been given, and start utilising proper functions and subroutines, you will never get your "mass edit" to work.
The problem is that it does not returns any error...it simply does not perform the action required!
According to the documentation, the code I supplied is 100% correct. Did you try and log it out to your console or create some form of message to see what it does when you call the .Write function? Maybe one of your variables (textbox's) has an empty value?
Leave it....thanks for the help!
Hi...i cannot write the Album Art..here is the code im using:
Dim AlbumArt As ID3v2PictureFrame = New ID3v23PictureFrame(System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("E:\teste\img.jpg"), PictureTypes.CoverFront, "Attached picture", TextEncodingTypes.ISO88591)
AlbumArt.Picture = PictureBox1.Image
You're going to have to ask whoever wrote that library.
Clipboard image different with different version of vision basic
Clipboard.SetImage(New Bitmap(Clipboard.GetImage, newWidth, newHeight))
Visual basic 2010 express (32bit). Size of image is as per setting newWidth, newHeight (perfect)
Visual Studio 2022 (64bit). Size of image will not change with the newWidth, newHeight (about 1/3 of previous)
Is there any issue related to 32-64bit?
Appreciate very much any helps. Thank you. Lean Chew
Given that we do not have access to the image, and you have not shown any of the code you are using, it is impossible to guess.
I just tried your code and the image was correctly resized. You need to provide more information.
modified 9-Jun-23 9:13am.
Thank you Richard and Gerry.
Coding. Capture screen shot to clipboard and paste to RichTextbox inside PrintBuffer
Same coding using VisualBasic 2010 (32Bit) and Visual Studio 2022 (64Bit)
The image on VB 2010 is perfect and size change with the newWidth, newHeight but with VS 2022 the image is about 1/3 size of previous and will not response to change in newWidth, NewHeight.
Dim newWidth,newHeight as integer
newWeight=710: newHeight=430
SendKeys.SendWait("%{PRTSC}"): Call TimeDelay(100)
If IsNothing(Clipboard.GetImage) = False Then
Clipboard.SetImage(New Bitmap(Clipboard.GetImage, newWidth, newHeight))
PrintBuffer = DataToPrint + vbCrLf
I have just tried that again and it works exactly correctly, the image is resized to the values you give above. You can test this for yourself by running the ClipBoard code above, and pasting into one of the paint applications to check the new size. The problem you have is most likely to do with your printing code where you are not adjusting the mapping to account for the different point density between screen and printer. I have only ever done this using the Windows GDI library, so am not sure how you manage it in VB.NET. I suggest you open a new question asking for help on that specific subject.
Thanks again Richard.
The coding works perfect using Visual Basic 2010, size of image change as defined. However when the same coding used on Visual Studio 2022, the image size will not change with setting, about 1/3 the size by comparison. Not sure if it has anything to do with 32-64Bit platform or just another one of those bugs. My opinion is that Visual Studio 2022 is no good, It is operating like a degraded VBasic. I changed from 2010 to 2022 thinking that the 64Bit enviroment will work and run better. Disappointment. Looks like I will stay with the 2010 even though it is 32Bit. Thanks again