The bug is gone after I followed Richard's suggestion to run the old cmd console. Thanks for testing.
I was using CMD Prompt and Powershell in Terminal with no issues at all, in both Debug and Release builds.
It looks like nobody is encountering this issue except me. Thanks again. You can stop testing.
Its working fine here on Windows 10, VS 17.5.5, so I would suspect the Windows 11 terminal - can you try running it in a cmd.exe window instead?
My c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe is already the new Windows 11 terminal. I am not sure where the old cmd.exe is.
If the Terminal in Windows 11 is the same as the one in 10 then you can configure it to run cmd, Powershell, Linux shell etc.
Thanks for your suggestion. I have configured it to run the normal cmd window by right-clicking the tab area and choosing "Settings" in the pop-up menu and selecting accordingly. The bug is gone.
Very interesting. What program was it running before your change?
Before my change to the old normal cmd, the new Terminal console has a tabbed interface and was slower than cmd window. I did not change my code. Now it is running fine.
Mine also has a tabbed interface, so I have three tabs: cmd , PowerShell and Linux under WSL. It seems just as fast as anything else. I can only assume there is another interface that is the default in the 11 version. Unfortunately (or maybe not) my PC does not support Windows 11.
Richard MacCutchan wrote: Terminal in Windows
I am not familiar with that. Presumably it is the following which one must install specifically, at least in Windows 10?
An overview on Windows Terminal | Microsoft Learn[^]
So you use that normally? I am curious why do you consider that ideal rather than going directly to either cmd or a linux shell?
jschell wrote: why do you consider that ideal rather than going directly to either cmd or a linux shell? I did not claim it is ideal, it is just another tool that I find useful at times. I run cmd, Powershell and Linux in "normal" windows also.
Using the cmd.exe window, the bug is gone.
I am trying to play an mp3 file from a WinAPI/C++ application. I'm using 32-bit MinGW on Windows 10.
I found an example program which uses the MCI (winmm) interface to play the file; I found an example command-line program which implements this using mciSendString() calls...
I had some problems handling paths to the mp3 file, and *thought* I had fixed it by converting the paths to 8.3 short format... the command-line program plays the files just fine, but when I import exactly the same code into my WinAPI dialog-box application, although the MCI functions all return success, no sound plays...
Does anyone have any idea what is missing here?? Or does this library just not work from a Windows dialog app?
Here's the code:
static char short_str[MAX_WAVE_FILE_LEN+1] = "" ;
int result = GetShortPathName (wave_name, short_str, MAX_WAVE_FILE_LEN);
syslog("short: %d: [%s]\n", result, short_str);
DWORD lerror = MyMP3.Load(short_str);
DWORD serror = MyMP3.Play();
syslog("MCI: Load: %08X, Play: %08X\n", lerror, serror);
And here are the load and play functions from his MCI class:
inline MCIERROR Load()
std::string szCommand = "open \"" + GetFileName() + "\" type mpegvideo alias " + GetFileName();
return mciSendString(szCommand.c_str(), NULL, 0, 0);
inline MCIERROR Load(char *szFileName)
m_szFileName = szFileName;
return Load();
inline MCIERROR Play()
std::string szCommand = "play " + GetFileName() + " from 0";
return mciSendString(szCommand.c_str(), NULL, 0, 0);
This is a Simple C++ DirectShow MP3 Player Class for native C++ and .NET.
This is an example on how to use the Mp3 class.
<h1>include "Mp3.h"</h1>
void main()
std::wcout<<L"Enter the MP3 path: ";
std::wstring path;
getline(wcin, path);
Mp3 mp3;
int status = 0;
status = SV_LOADED;
else {
status = SV_PLAYING;
else {
status = SV_STOPPED;
else {
modified 12-May-23 8:19am.
Well, all of the Windows-supported libraries present problems, especially if one is building using MinGW rather than Visual C++. Generally, they cannot be built at all without a massive amount of hacking the code bases to make them MinGW-compatible. No DirectShow apps will build, neither will the more-recent MS audio interface (don't recall the name at the moment).
However, I found a freeware library called zplay, which is easy to build, open source, and nice, compact code... it also has the ability to play other formats, such as flac... so I'll just go with that...
libZPlay multimedia library (Win32)[^]
Message Closed
modified 15-May-23 19:06pm.
Member 14968771 wrote: Here is definition of function taken from an example:
void SettingsDialog::pairingDone(QBluetoothAddress ,QBluetoothLocalDevice::Pairing)
I need to verify the actual address and having a tough time understanding this "syntax".
I do understand that the function parameters are "objects" but when I RTFM it really does not explain the syntax. All I get is "passing by value or by reference" - so what are the parameters actually passed to "pairingDone" ?
If possible
please show me how to get the address - post actual C code
point me to good resource to learn something about the syntax
recommend a C++ book so I can retire my "K&R" book
I can do without opinions and innuendos insults or RTFM replies.
Keep Calm and Carry On
modified 10-May-23 15:25pm.
You should have Stroustrups's "The C++ Programming Language", which is the C++ equivalent of K&R for C. https://www.amazon.com/C-Programming-Language-4th/dp/0321563840 It's not cheap, but its the bible of C++. Stroustrup invented it after all.
I lost my copy of K&R a long time ago. My version was pre-ANSI, which meant that there was no void , and no function prototypes, among other things, and function definitions looked like
foo(x, y)
int x;
int y;
} I'd be willing to bet even K&R that old explained the difference between "pass by value" and "pass by reference" i.e the difference between making a copy of an object and passing that to the function (pass by value, possibly expensive), and passing a pointer to a an object (pass by reference, usually cheap. But at least in C may lead to off-by-one and other assorted bugs. NB. An array is always passed by reference.). In C++ we have references . [Reference declaration - cppreference.com]
Keep Calm and Carry On
Message Closed
modified 15-May-23 19:06pm.
Member 14968771 wrote: So what is "QBluetoothAddress" - value or reference?
Who knows? It could be a reference, a pointer or an object. e.g.
class myClass;
using mc = myClass &; using mc = myClass *; typedef myClass mc; using mc = myClass &&
You need to check the documentation for whatever SettingsDialog::pairingDone() is to see. I tried, but googling for SettingsDialog::pairingDone did not return anything useful. Nor did looking at QBluetooth (or something similar).
Keep Calm and Carry On
k5054 wrote: I lost my copy of K&R a long time ago. My version was pre-ANSI, which meant that there was no void,
Well that is interesting and true.
The C Programming Language First Edition : Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive[^]
The copyright was 1978 and wikipedia states
"By the time Bjarne Stroustrup began his work on C++ in 1979–1980,[citation needed] void and void pointers were part of the C language dialect supported by AT&T-derived compilers"
Void type - Wikipedia[^]
So even though the book didn't have it, it seems likely that it was added very shortly after the book actually went to the printers.
When I was looking up the above the K&R has a 'Second Edition' but with version with pre and post ANSI C, which would seem confusing to me. I have the Pre edition.
But also appears there is no edition beyond that?
A QBluetoothAddress is presumably a bluetooth device address. So a 48-bit integer essentially, but with a specific interpretation as being a bluetooth address.
It being "an address" is orthogonal to being passed by reference or by value or pointers or anything like that. With the method signature being like that though, it will be passed by value.
Message Closed
modified 15-May-23 19:06pm.
This: QBluetoothAddress Class | Qt Bluetooth 5.15.13[^], the key detail being:
Quote: This class holds a Bluetooth address in a platform- and protocol-independent manner. .
But your function definition is incomplete, and would more likely be something like:
void SettingsDialog::pairingDone(QBluetoothAddress& qbaddr, QBluetoothLocalDevice::Pairing& pair)
where qbaddr is a reference to (i.e. address of) a QBluetoothAddress object, and pair is a reference to a QBluetoothLocalDevice::Pairing object, see QBluetoothLocalDevice Class | Qt Bluetooth 6.5.0[^].
It seems to me the main issue you need to address is gaining a good understanding of C++ and its syntax. The same probably holds true for Qt and its Bluetooth classes.