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Work Issues

GeneralRe: Team mates lazy and making me do all the work Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Oct-22 4:54
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Oct-22 4:54 
GeneralRe: Team mates lazy and making me do all the work Pin
Gopika Ravikumar30-Oct-22 5:09
Gopika Ravikumar30-Oct-22 5:09 
GeneralRe: Team mates lazy and making me do all the work Pin
Gopika Ravikumar30-Oct-22 4:55
Gopika Ravikumar30-Oct-22 4:55 
GeneralRe: Team mates lazy and making me do all the work Pin
Gopika Ravikumar30-Oct-22 4:55
Gopika Ravikumar30-Oct-22 4:55 
AnswerRe: Team mates lazy and making me do all the work Pin
Gopika Ravikumar30-Oct-22 4:55
Gopika Ravikumar30-Oct-22 4:55 
PraiseRe: Team mates lazy and making me do all the work Pin
Laiju k6-Nov-22 19:45
professionalLaiju k6-Nov-22 19:45 
AnswerRe: Team mates lazy and making me do all the work Pin
Member 150787164-Jan-23 19:12
Member 150787164-Jan-23 19:12 
AnswerRe: Team mates lazy and making me do all the work Pin
Bohdan Stupak19-Apr-23 4:39
professionalBohdan Stupak19-Apr-23 4:39 
I think that the commentators were unnecessarily rude. For a college student, it seems like quite a dilemma when you don't want to have bad grades but your teammates aren't as motivated as you. My take on this is that you're studying for yourself, not for a grade. In my 8+ year career, nobody cared about my college grades at all.
Anyways, congrats on completing the project
Questionso 5th boss in 18 months Pin
rnbergren1-Mar-22 4:46
rnbergren1-Mar-22 4:46 
AnswerRe: so 5th boss in 18 months Pin
Greg Utas1-Mar-22 7:23
professionalGreg Utas1-Mar-22 7:23 
AnswerRe: so 5th boss in 18 months Pin
Leigh Dsallday14-Jun-22 0:03
Leigh Dsallday14-Jun-22 0:03 
GeneralRe: so 5th boss in 18 months Pin
rnbergren15-Jun-22 5:54
rnbergren15-Jun-22 5:54 
GeneralRe: so 5th(now 6th) boss in 2 years Pin
rnbergren14-Jul-22 8:25
rnbergren14-Jul-22 8:25 
AnswerRe: now 7th leadership change Pin
rnbergren6-Mar-23 5:03
rnbergren6-Mar-23 5:03 
QuestionBecause I am Asian, should I be fired? Pin
magdalenatristan21-Apr-21 10:18
magdalenatristan21-Apr-21 10:18 
AnswerRe: Because I am Asian, should I be fired? Pin
rnbergren9-Jul-21 4:14
rnbergren9-Jul-21 4:14 
AnswerRe: Because I am Asian, should I be fired? Pin
jschell1-Aug-21 9:42
jschell1-Aug-21 9:42 
GeneralRe: Because I am Asian, should I be fired? Pin
Slacker0074-Jan-22 21:37
professionalSlacker0074-Jan-22 21:37 
GeneralRe: Because I am Asian, should I be fired? Pin
Member 157592136-Sep-22 6:01
Member 157592136-Sep-22 6:01 
AnswerMessage Closed Pin
2-Nov-21 2:01
Member 154161512-Nov-21 2:01 
QuestionMessage Closed Pin
2-Nov-21 2:03
Member 154161512-Nov-21 2:03 
GeneralMessage Closed Pin
11-Jan-22 19:03
Member 1549696711-Jan-22 19:03 
AnswerRe: Because I am Asian, should I be fired? Pin
C0ding_j3ff15-Nov-21 9:56
C0ding_j3ff15-Nov-21 9:56 
AnswerRe: Because I am Asian, should I be fired? Pin
Gerry Schmitz5-Jan-22 5:49
mveGerry Schmitz5-Jan-22 5:49 
AnswerRe: Because I am Asian, should I be fired? Pin
Member 1551036029-Mar-22 4:30
Member 1551036029-Mar-22 4:30 

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