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GeneralRe: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Pin
Roger Stewart25-Aug-03 7:43
professionalRoger Stewart25-Aug-03 7:43 
GeneralRe: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Pin
HJo25-Aug-03 20:30
HJo25-Aug-03 20:30 
QuestionHow to save/load stream(such as image) to/from database? Pin
xfqiu24-Aug-03 22:46
xfqiu24-Aug-03 22:46 
AnswerRe: How to save/load stream(such as image) to/from database? Pin
Mazdak25-Aug-03 3:03
Mazdak25-Aug-03 3:03 
GeneralRunning webpage Pin
deanoA24-Aug-03 22:14
deanoA24-Aug-03 22:14 
GeneralRe: Running webpage Pin
Mazdak25-Aug-03 4:56
Mazdak25-Aug-03 4:56 
GeneralAccessing Over A NETWORK Pin
deanoA24-Aug-03 20:40
deanoA24-Aug-03 20:40 
GeneralRe: Accessing Over A NETWORK Pin
Julian Bucknall [MSFT]26-Aug-03 7:06
Julian Bucknall [MSFT]26-Aug-03 7:06 
1. Create a share on the target system, and use two FileStreams (one for a file on the local system, the other for a file on the target system) to copy the data over.

2. Use sockets and have a sending application on the source system and a receiving application on the target system. Obviously the target app has to be installed and running before this will work.

3. Use .NET Remoting instead of sockets. Again the target app needs to be installed in the target system.

I'm sure that there are other ways, but that'll get you started.

Cheers, Julian
Program Manager, C#

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GeneralInheritance w/ 2 Main() methods in Visual Studio .NET C# Pin
Joe McBride24-Aug-03 15:48
Joe McBride24-Aug-03 15:48 
GeneralRe: Inheritance w/ 2 Main() methods in Visual Studio .NET C# Pin
Joe McBride24-Aug-03 18:45
Joe McBride24-Aug-03 18:45 
GeneralWindowsService Questions Pin
Mazdak24-Aug-03 10:49
Mazdak24-Aug-03 10:49 
GeneralRe: WindowsService Questions Pin
Corinna John28-Aug-03 1:39
Corinna John28-Aug-03 1:39 
GeneralRe: WindowsService Questions Pin
Mazdak28-Aug-03 8:02
Mazdak28-Aug-03 8:02 
GeneralRe: WindowsService Questions Pin
Corinna John29-Aug-03 1:46
Corinna John29-Aug-03 1:46 
GeneralRe: WindowsService Questions Pin
Mazdak29-Aug-03 2:40
Mazdak29-Aug-03 2:40 
GeneralRe: WindowsService Questions Pin
Corinna John29-Aug-03 9:50
Corinna John29-Aug-03 9:50 
Generalreading and writting excel format/or using Pin
djkno324-Aug-03 6:32
djkno324-Aug-03 6:32 
QuestionIs it possible to display a WinForm in a WebForm? Pin
Cristoff24-Aug-03 4:21
Cristoff24-Aug-03 4:21 
AnswerRe: Is it possible to display a WinForm in a WebForm? Pin
leppie24-Aug-03 5:22
leppie24-Aug-03 5:22 
GeneralRe: Is it possible to display a WinForm in a WebForm? Pin
Kannan Kalyanaraman25-Aug-03 0:33
Kannan Kalyanaraman25-Aug-03 0:33 
GeneralRe: Is it possible to display a WinForm in a WebForm? Pin
leppie25-Aug-03 7:03
leppie25-Aug-03 7:03 
GeneralDelete multiple instances of PictureBox Pin
Depesz24-Aug-03 4:09
Depesz24-Aug-03 4:09 
GeneralRe: Delete multiple instances of PictureBox Pin
A.Wegierski24-Aug-03 19:57
A.Wegierski24-Aug-03 19:57 
GeneralRe: Delete multiple instances of PictureBox Pin
Depesz25-Aug-03 0:14
Depesz25-Aug-03 0:14 
GeneralNew #dev available Pin
leppie24-Aug-03 3:59
leppie24-Aug-03 3:59 

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