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GeneralRe: How to create a IE toolbar? Pin
nichen24-Aug-03 17:10
nichen24-Aug-03 17:10 
GeneralConnect Matlab from c# Pin
xplod@fcsnet.de23-Aug-03 20:43
xplod@fcsnet.de23-Aug-03 20:43 
GeneralRe: Connect Matlab from c# Pin
Nick Parker24-Aug-03 17:59
protectorNick Parker24-Aug-03 17:59 
GeneralMaking data grid show vertically rather than horizontally Pin
Ista23-Aug-03 19:20
Ista23-Aug-03 19:20 
GeneralRe: Making data grid show vertically rather than horizontally Pin
MeisterBiber24-Aug-03 9:57
MeisterBiber24-Aug-03 9:57 
Generalinheritance with a twist on IEditableObject Pin
Ista23-Aug-03 18:53
Ista23-Aug-03 18:53 
GeneralDeveloping a voice messenger with .NET Pin
Naveed Ahmad23-Aug-03 17:52
Naveed Ahmad23-Aug-03 17:52 
GeneralATL server Pin
devvvy23-Aug-03 16:42
devvvy23-Aug-03 16:42 
QUESTION 1. Can you pass custom defined object through COM interface? If you "Add Function" (right click classview on an ATL object/class), "Add Member Function Wizard" pops up. One can "choose" parameter type from the list of options available.

But what if I want to pass across interface the following:
a. A result set?
b. A user-defined class:



How can I do that? And can I do that in the first place?

QUESTION 2: What's the diff between "retval" and "out":

[propget, id(3), helpstring("property ComputerName")] HRESULT ComputerName([out, retval] BSTR* pVal);

"retval" IS "out" isn't it? If pVal is passed as a pointer, why do you need to marked the parameter as [out][retval]?

QUESTION 3: With ATL server projects, how can you add multiple interface? When you add "ATL simple object", the first interface is created for you by the wizard. Do you have do add to IDL file manually for subsequent interfaces? Is all that you need to do is to add to IDL? Any additional steps?


GeneralRe: ATL server Pin
Ista23-Aug-03 18:50
Ista23-Aug-03 18:50 
GeneralRe: ATL server Pin
devvvy23-Aug-03 20:28
devvvy23-Aug-03 20:28 
GeneralRe: ATL server Pin
Ista23-Aug-03 18:56
Ista23-Aug-03 18:56 
GeneralRe: ATL server Pin
Ista23-Aug-03 19:09
Ista23-Aug-03 19:09 
GeneralRe: ATL server Pin
devvvy23-Aug-03 20:44
devvvy23-Aug-03 20:44 
GeneralRe: ATL server Pin
Ista24-Aug-03 5:16
Ista24-Aug-03 5:16 
GeneralRe: ATL server Pin
Ista24-Aug-03 6:45
Ista24-Aug-03 6:45 
Generaltransforming bitmaps Pin
Ista23-Aug-03 15:38
Ista23-Aug-03 15:38 
GeneralGod book on patterns in C# Pin
ervar23-Aug-03 12:45
ervar23-Aug-03 12:45 
GeneralRe: God book on patterns in C# Pin
MeisterBiber23-Aug-03 13:26
MeisterBiber23-Aug-03 13:26 
GeneralRe: God book on patterns in C# Pin
flipdoubt23-Aug-03 14:52
flipdoubt23-Aug-03 14:52 
GeneralRe: God book on patterns in C# Pin
ervar24-Aug-03 20:38
ervar24-Aug-03 20:38 
GeneralRe: God book on patterns in C# Pin
Jim Stewart26-Aug-03 10:20
Jim Stewart26-Aug-03 10:20 
GeneralCuting out a part of a bitmap Pin
Ylis23-Aug-03 11:45
Ylis23-Aug-03 11:45 
GeneralRe: Cuting out a part of a bitmap Pin
J. Dunlap23-Aug-03 13:47
J. Dunlap23-Aug-03 13:47 
GeneralRe: Cuting out a part of a bitmap Pin
Ista23-Aug-03 19:17
Ista23-Aug-03 19:17 
GeneralRe: Cuting out a part of a bitmap Pin
Ylis24-Aug-03 6:12
Ylis24-Aug-03 6:12 

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