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QuestionAzure Synapse Where myString like '%Pattern1%Pattern2%' Pin
j11codep3-Oct-22 15:02
j11codep3-Oct-22 15:02 
AnswerRe: Azure Synapse Where myString like '%Pattern1%Pattern2%' Pin
CHill606-Oct-22 1:41
mveCHill606-Oct-22 1:41 
QuestionSimple Unique Identity Value Pin
Richard Andrew x6430-Sep-22 10:30
professionalRichard Andrew x6430-Sep-22 10:30 
AnswerRe: Simple Unique Identity Value Pin
Richard Deeming2-Oct-22 22:04
mveRichard Deeming2-Oct-22 22:04 
GeneralRe: Simple Unique Identity Value Pin
Richard Andrew x646-Oct-22 2:00
professionalRichard Andrew x646-Oct-22 2:00 
AnswerRe: Simple Unique Identity Value Pin
CHill606-Oct-22 1:59
mveCHill606-Oct-22 1:59 
GeneralRe: Simple Unique Identity Value Pin
Richard Andrew x646-Oct-22 2:01
professionalRichard Andrew x646-Oct-22 2:01 
Questionibtogo64.dll error Pin
Dhyanga25-Sep-22 6:06
Dhyanga25-Sep-22 6:06 
I am using a software from our vendor. The software works well in some machines, but get an error "[FireDAC][Phys][IBLite]-314. Cannot load vendor library [ibtogo64.dll]" on other machines. All of these machines have 64 bit Windows 10 Enterprise OS. And the ibtogo64.dll file is present in the same folder where the software exe file is located, in all of the machines. I would really be grateful, if someone could point me to right direction on how to resolve this issue. Thank you.

AnswerRe: ibtogo64.dll error Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Sep-22 6:51
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Sep-22 6:51 
GeneralRe: ibtogo64.dll error Pin
Dhyanga25-Sep-22 7:52
Dhyanga25-Sep-22 7:52 
GeneralRe: ibtogo64.dll error Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Sep-22 8:03
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Sep-22 8:03 
GeneralRe: ibtogo64.dll error Pin
Dhyanga25-Sep-22 8:15
Dhyanga25-Sep-22 8:15 
GeneralRe: ibtogo64.dll error Pin
Richard Deeming25-Sep-22 21:45
mveRichard Deeming25-Sep-22 21:45 
QuestionJust trying to get the count that meets the criteria Pin
jkirkerx4-Sep-22 13:58
professionaljkirkerx4-Sep-22 13:58 
AnswerRe: Just trying to get the count that meets the criteria Pin
CHill605-Sep-22 2:28
mveCHill605-Sep-22 2:28 
GeneralRe: Just trying to get the count that meets the criteria Pin
jkirkerx5-Sep-22 8:11
professionaljkirkerx5-Sep-22 8:11 
GeneralRe: Just trying to get the count that meets the criteria Pin
jkirkerx5-Sep-22 8:41
professionaljkirkerx5-Sep-22 8:41 
GeneralRe: Just trying to get the count that meets the criteria Pin
CHill605-Sep-22 21:05
mveCHill605-Sep-22 21:05 
GeneralRe: Just trying to get the count that meets the criteria Pin
CHill605-Sep-22 21:07
mveCHill605-Sep-22 21:07 
GeneralRe: Just trying to get the count that meets the criteria Pin
jkirkerx6-Sep-22 5:37
professionaljkirkerx6-Sep-22 5:37 
GeneralRe: Just trying to get the count that meets the criteria Pin
Richard Deeming6-Sep-22 21:23
mveRichard Deeming6-Sep-22 21:23 
GeneralRe: Just trying to get the count that meets the criteria Pin
jkirkerx7-Sep-22 6:22
professionaljkirkerx7-Sep-22 6:22 
GeneralRe: Just trying to get the count that meets the criteria Pin
CHill607-Sep-22 23:59
mveCHill607-Sep-22 23:59 
QuestionMSSQL select values in one row by group Pin
Sergey Makarov 20222-Sep-22 5:45
Sergey Makarov 20222-Sep-22 5:45 
AnswerRe: MSSQL select values in one row by group Pin
OriginalGriff2-Sep-22 5:47
mveOriginalGriff2-Sep-22 5:47 

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