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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Need insight as to how VS2008 parses vcproj files Pin
charlieg28-Mar-23 9:40
charlieg28-Mar-23 9:40 
QuestionDialogBox fuction not executing its procedure [SOLVED] Pin
coco24318-Aug-22 23:39
coco24318-Aug-22 23:39 
AnswerRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 0:38
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 0:38 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
coco24319-Aug-22 1:14
coco24319-Aug-22 1:14 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 1:47
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 1:47 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
coco24319-Aug-22 2:03
coco24319-Aug-22 2:03 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 2:29
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 2:29 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
coco24319-Aug-22 2:57
coco24319-Aug-22 2:57 
I changed the Dlg_Proc as you have said to me.

But my problem is that the program doesn't reach to the DlgProc function to be called.

I don't know why, what to do? but DialogBox function from WinMain doesn't call DlgProc. I think that here is the problem.

When I play the program it doesn't do any thing. Just execute, nothing displaied, and that's it.
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
coco24319-Aug-22 3:20
coco24319-Aug-22 3:20 
SuggestionRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
David Crow19-Aug-22 4:34
David Crow19-Aug-22 4:34 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 4:40
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 4:40 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
coco24319-Aug-22 5:15
coco24319-Aug-22 5:15 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 5:52
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 5:52 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
coco24319-Aug-22 6:16
coco24319-Aug-22 6:16 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 8:09
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 8:09 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
coco24319-Aug-22 23:47
coco24319-Aug-22 23:47 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
Richard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 23:58
mveRichard MacCutchan19-Aug-22 23:58 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
coco24320-Aug-22 0:06
coco24320-Aug-22 0:06 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
Richard MacCutchan21-Aug-22 1:56
mveRichard MacCutchan21-Aug-22 1:56 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
coco24321-Aug-22 7:51
coco24321-Aug-22 7:51 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
Richard MacCutchan21-Aug-22 9:03
mveRichard MacCutchan21-Aug-22 9:03 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
coco24321-Aug-22 10:16
coco24321-Aug-22 10:16 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
coco24322-Aug-22 9:58
coco24322-Aug-22 9:58 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
Richard MacCutchan22-Aug-22 21:22
mveRichard MacCutchan22-Aug-22 21:22 
GeneralRe: DialogBox fuction not executing its procedure Pin
Richard MacCutchan23-Aug-22 0:23
mveRichard MacCutchan23-Aug-22 0:23 

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