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Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP

AnswerRe: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count() Pin
Graham Breach11-Mar-23 1:45
Graham Breach11-Mar-23 1:45 
GeneralRe: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count() Pin
Aruna KN11-Mar-23 16:32
Aruna KN11-Mar-23 16:32 
Questionhtaccess %3F redirect issue Pin
Aruna KN10-Mar-23 19:40
Aruna KN10-Mar-23 19:40 
QuestionHow to develop a game using implement the api Pin
piumini sakunthala2-Feb-23 21:06
piumini sakunthala2-Feb-23 21:06 
QuestionRe: How to develop a game using implement the api Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Feb-23 21:41
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Feb-23 21:41 
QuestionWordpress shortcode prints wrong value from custom post type Pin
moinmobility9-Oct-22 7:36
moinmobility9-Oct-22 7:36 
Questionimplement ElFinder in PHP language Pin
Alexis Sanchez Vanegas19-May-22 4:28
Alexis Sanchez Vanegas19-May-22 4:28 
QuestionAapanel upload project laravel Pin
marziyeh barooei9-May-22 1:05
marziyeh barooei9-May-22 1:05 

Hi, I want to run Project laravel on an Linux server Aapnel panel and my project is api but I have a cors error and I want to know how the subdomain is defined on this panel is not the shape of other cpanel at all, its environment, thank you for your help

Questionhow do I get total quantity from this code Pin
wixily jnr28-Apr-22 13:29
wixily jnr28-Apr-22 13:29 
AnswerRe: how do I get total quantity from this code Pin
Richard MacCutchan28-Apr-22 21:31
mveRichard MacCutchan28-Apr-22 21:31 
ameb290825-Apr-22 4:06
ameb290825-Apr-22 4:06 
QuestionHow can I do a google search and get results in backend using JS or PHP? Pin
Social Bookmarking Site14-Apr-22 15:27
Social Bookmarking Site14-Apr-22 15:27 
Questionproblem in pagination click Pin
irfankundi7861-Apr-22 23:39
irfankundi7861-Apr-22 23:39 
AnswerRe: problem in pagination click Pin
Richard Deeming3-Apr-22 21:36
mveRichard Deeming3-Apr-22 21:36 
GeneralRe: problem in pagination click Pin
irfankundi7864-Apr-22 4:01
irfankundi7864-Apr-22 4:01 
QuestionGUI for Linux Server Pin
Deepak Vasudevan25-Jan-22 3:29
Deepak Vasudevan25-Jan-22 3:29 
QuestionError in page rendering in php Pin
Rahul Gupta Jan202217-Jan-22 1:16
Rahul Gupta Jan202217-Jan-22 1:16 
AnswerRe: Error in page rendering in php Pin
Richard Deeming17-Jan-22 1:53
mveRichard Deeming17-Jan-22 1:53 
Questionhow to add date while importing data in csv from mysql query Pin
him_mca16-Jan-22 20:00
him_mca16-Jan-22 20:00 
Questioni want make check user offline with mysql Pin
Ping tester1-Jul-21 10:56
Ping tester1-Jul-21 10:56 
QuestionHow to print for each primary key all the foreign keys column related to it? Pin
EliotSimpleMan5-May-21 14:40
EliotSimpleMan5-May-21 14:40 
AnswerRe: How to print for each primary key all the foreign keys column related to it? Pin
SeanChupas13-May-21 1:50
SeanChupas13-May-21 1:50 
QuestionHow do I calculate the column in PHP union all function Pin
Developer Account18-Apr-21 23:12
Developer Account18-Apr-21 23:12 
AnswerRe: How do I calculate the column in PHP union all function Pin
SeanChupas13-May-21 1:51
SeanChupas13-May-21 1:51 
QuestionPHP :: VSCode always opens a new blank window (untitled-1) Pin
Gustavo Laufer AU4-Apr-21 22:00
Gustavo Laufer AU4-Apr-21 22:00 

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