I have few questions about the above two items first for the EDITWORDBREAKPROCA if my edit control is part of CRicheditCtrl does the callback proc have to be a member of the Cricheditctrl
or can it be like my STEAMIN function
if the callback is a class member how would you code the sendmessage when I code CrichEditctrl->Sendmessage(EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC,0,(LPARAM) &CStroage::editworbreak) I get complier messages saying invalid type conversion
Next do I need a message map entry for EM_EDITWORDPBREAKPROC such as ON_MESSAGE(EM_EDITWORDBREAKPROC,&CStroage::editwordbreak) if so there is a problem with this because the ON_MESSAGE takes a LRESULT MEMBERX (wparam, lparam) not the paraamter of the call back
in the Call back if I want to line break 0n 0x0a0d
then the code would be the following the doc is not that stright forward thanks in advance for anyone who helps me clarify
switch (code)
if (lpszEditText[ichCurrent] == 0x0a0d)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
This "header" to you're lengthy on-going (no sarcasm here ... I too use MS VS) battle with AFX/MFC uses Rich Edit 2.0? And that is why there's no EditWordBreakProcEx and you're usg EditWordBreakProc "in support of passing UNICODE" (from the docs)?
quite honestly dont know what you are saying
"from the docs" ... the help files. See the Main Menu help button? F1 (on an unknown method/function/etc has always been my friend when it came to the docs).
modified 10-Mar-22 16:01pm.
1. No, the callback method is a function in your application, and nothing to do with the control. Information between the two is passed via the system.
2. As far as I can see there is no such message as EM_EDITWORDPBREAKPROC so no, you do not add it to the message map. And if you think about it, that would not make sense. Once you register your callback with the system the edit control will call it automatically whenever the specific conditions trigger the event.
3. Callback methods need their address to be computed at build time. So if it is a class member it needs to be a static method.
4. In the line
if (lpszEditText[ichCurrent] == 0x0a0d)
you are looking for the two characters, but that may not be correct. You should use the debugger to check exactly what character(s) are being pointed at.
And finally, yes the documentation is not always completely clear, but it is always worth reading in its entirety: EDITWORDBREAKPROCA (winuser.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs[^].
thank you for responding
This is my code
storagepointer->SendMessage(EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC, 0, (LPARAM)(EDITWORDBREAKPROC)EditWordBreakProc);
long numstream = storagepointer->StreamIn(SF_TEXT,STORAGESTREAM);
this is the callback
int CALLBACK EditWordBreakProc(LPTSTR lpszEditText, int ichCurrent, int cchEditText, int code)
char FAR* lpCurrentChar;
int nIndex;
int nLastAction;
switch (code)
I have the call back declared all the way at the begining of my .cpp file I made a breakpoint at entry of the call back and it never got control
I tried the SendMessage with a &EditWordBreakProc and also tried the sendmessage after the streamin
int CALLBACK EditWordBreakProc(LPTSTR lpszEditText, int ichCurrent, int cchEditText, int code);
What does storagepointer point to; it should be the RichEditCtrl?
this is at the start of my OninitDialog before Calling the CDailog::OnInitDialog
storagepointer = new CRichEditCtrl;
I have created a similar test (although not MFC), and it appears to work. Remember that the callback will not get called until the edit control is trying to reformat some text to fit in the window. I tested mine just by dragging the right hand edge to make the window narrower. As soon as a word needed to be broken, the callback got actioned.
Richard thanks for the help
let me explain my problem I am trying to dump data from my z/os machine on a editctrl the data has 0x0a ns 0x0d and 0x0c causing a break where I dont want to
I do have a 0x0a 0ad to break a line.
need to think If I can use the wordbreak to resolve this issue
I do not think that is what you need. The EDITWORDBREAKPROC function is only called at the point where the control needs to decide whether to split a word or not. Searching for line break characters is a different issue and will depend on exactly how you are trying to reformat it.
I have to think if there is a way to drive the callback proc before I display the data let me explain the data is in the following format
2E000 XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX * * from the 2E000 till the first * is hex data in printable format so O know for sure there is no any 0x0a x0d or x0c line feed between the two * there might be
I am just trying to think if there is a way of drving the callback as from what I understand it gives the user the ability to decide when to line break need to think about it
But as I mentioned above, the callback is only actioned when the control is trying to update the display, and a word cannot fit in the existing space. If you do not register a callback then the control will use spaces between words and existing line break sequences.
Your issue quite different as far as I understand it, but it is not clear what you are trying to achieve in your text display.
I am trying to display storage from my Z/os Server in the following format a 32 bit address in printable format which is 8 bytes then 16 bytes of storage in printable format 4 groups 4 bytes separated by spaces then within * * the raw hex data at this point i would like to line break
I have to look at the streamin says
The control calls the callback function repeatedly, transferring a portion of the data with each call. just wondering if each call would be a line
need to think
Richard when while writing my debugger I was display the assembler source code in a richedit I marked off the end of line with /r/n Now I am at the point of display storage did the same
typically storage is displayed with printable portion to the left and raw hex data to the right I would mark off the end of each line with 0x0a 0x0d the problem when the raw hex data contains 0x0a 0x0d or 0x0c
I am not sure if you return to richedit with what you think is line if it will break that way have to think about this thanks for your help
If you decide to modify the word/line breaking behavior then it might help to look at how Chromium does it[^].
Richard MacCutchan mentioned modification of the input stream to normalize the line breaks. I think it's worth exploring that idea.
Best Wishes,
-David Delaune
You should convert the raw data to its hex equivalent (like hex editors do it) so the line breaks do not affect the display.
thats what I am currently doing
Siad the wordline break is invoked only what he tried to resize it i.e. once It has been displayed and user narrows the richedit
If there is way to invoke the wordlinebreak proc before the display that would be helpful
I am not aware of any way you could do this, since there are no words that need breaking until they are displayed. You may need to consider other options, both of which require you to do all the display handling yourself:
1. Make your display a fixed width based on the font you are using and the amount of data you wish to display.
2. Rebuild the entire display whenever the Window is resized.
It may be possible to implement the above by subclassing the RichEdit control, although I have never done that in MFC.
My display is fixed width as it is Courier new I know that exact number of characters in the width of a line (wonder if ShowWindow(SW_HIDE) would drive edit editwordbreakproc)
I am just wondering if there is another way and causes line breaks other than 0x0a, 0x0d, 0x0c
I have to think about this
Hi friends! I am new to c++ and just went through the concept of Namespace.What I have understood about namespace till now is that "it is a region where identifiers can be declared in form of group".
But then I went through the following code somewhere on internet
Namespace identi
int a;
Class S
int z;
float x;
So I am bit confused after seeing the definition of class S inside namespace.isn't it only a declarative region where we can only declare identifiers together in a group or can we define identifiers as well inside it? Just like we did with class S.Kindly someone please answer, would be so nice of you.