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AnswerRe: Exceptions Pin
jschell23-Jan-22 7:32
jschell23-Jan-22 7:32 
Questionnecessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
BillWoodruff16-Jan-22 2:39
professionalBillWoodruff16-Jan-22 2:39 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
harold aptroot16-Jan-22 3:21
harold aptroot16-Jan-22 3:21 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
BillWoodruff16-Jan-22 5:14
professionalBillWoodruff16-Jan-22 5:14 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
harold aptroot16-Jan-22 6:56
harold aptroot16-Jan-22 6:56 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
BillWoodruff16-Jan-22 18:22
professionalBillWoodruff16-Jan-22 18:22 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
Richard Deeming16-Jan-22 22:45
mveRichard Deeming16-Jan-22 22:45 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
BillWoodruff18-Jan-22 1:19
professionalBillWoodruff18-Jan-22 1:19 
Richard Deeming wrote:
a List<T> is also an IEnumerable<T>; the List<T> "knows" its count.
i find this a specious comparison, in the context of this thread; i would distinguish between an IEnumerable created at run-time that has been "topped up" in code, and a List that has been initialized, and had values added.

With 'List 'Count is a Property, with 'IEnumerable 'Count() is a method call that iterates over the 'IEnumerable using 'MoveNext ... if the Enumerable is not other certain Types, like an IList.
Richard Deeming wrote:
The TryGetNonEnumeratedCount method simply attempts to cast the IEnumerable<T> to a few "pre-counted" interfaces
The source for IEnumerable.Coubt() uses the same short-circuiting behavior.
«The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled» Plutarch

GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
Richard Deeming18-Jan-22 1:41
mveRichard Deeming18-Jan-22 1:41 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
BillWoodruff18-Jan-22 3:08
professionalBillWoodruff18-Jan-22 3:08 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
Richard Deeming18-Jan-22 6:17
mveRichard Deeming18-Jan-22 6:17 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
BillWoodruff19-Jan-22 13:58
professionalBillWoodruff19-Jan-22 13:58 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
Richard Deeming19-Jan-22 21:43
mveRichard Deeming19-Jan-22 21:43 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
BillWoodruff20-Jan-22 4:26
professionalBillWoodruff20-Jan-22 4:26 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
harold aptroot16-Jan-22 22:48
harold aptroot16-Jan-22 22:48 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
BillWoodruff18-Jan-22 0:49
professionalBillWoodruff18-Jan-22 0:49 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
jschell23-Jan-22 7:40
jschell23-Jan-22 7:40 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
BillWoodruff25-Jan-22 3:58
professionalBillWoodruff25-Jan-22 3:58 
GeneralRe: necessity to use .Any() to check if an IEnumerable<T> result has no items without iterating over it ? Pin
jschell30-Jan-22 6:22
jschell30-Jan-22 6:22 
QuestionRemove a page from pdf document in C# Pin
Member 1447460712-Jan-22 20:09
Member 1447460712-Jan-22 20:09 
AnswerRe: Remove a page from pdf document in C# Pin
OriginalGriff12-Jan-22 20:22
mveOriginalGriff12-Jan-22 20:22 
GeneralRe: Remove a page from pdf document in C# Pin
Member 1447460713-Jan-22 5:19
Member 1447460713-Jan-22 5:19 
GeneralRe: Remove a page from pdf document in C# Pin
OriginalGriff13-Jan-22 5:39
mveOriginalGriff13-Jan-22 5:39 
QuestionRoots of polynomial , eigenvalue method Pin
Member 1549773912-Jan-22 6:08
Member 1549773912-Jan-22 6:08 
AnswerRe: Roots of polynomial , eigenvalue method Pin
Victor Nijegorodov12-Jan-22 6:22
Victor Nijegorodov12-Jan-22 6:22 

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