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Web Development

GeneralRe: using web API Pin
deepok130-Mar-22 21:55
deepok130-Mar-22 21:55 
GeneralHow can i create social media sharing links for my website? Pin
Vijay Bishnoi15-Jan-22 19:45
Vijay Bishnoi15-Jan-22 19:45 
QuestionHow can i create social media sharing links for my website? Pin
Vijay Bishnoi15-Jan-22 19:45
Vijay Bishnoi15-Jan-22 19:45 
QuestionWhat is program is better to use than Dreamweaver for Website Design? Pin
David Mills 202112-Jan-22 21:44
David Mills 202112-Jan-22 21:44 
AnswerRe: What is program is better to use than Dreamweaver for Website Design? Pin
RobertSF25-Feb-22 12:46
professionalRobertSF25-Feb-22 12:46 
AnswerRe: What is program is better to use than Dreamweaver for Website Design? Pin
Member 150787164-Jul-22 18:53
Member 150787164-Jul-22 18:53 
QuestionMessage Removed Pin
31-Dec-21 3:16
Member 1548518431-Dec-21 3:16 
QuestionPHP quota on server Pin
JR21225-Dec-21 23:45
JR21225-Dec-21 23:45 

Can someone gives me an idea how to get the quotasize on a synology server.
The server works with apache 2.4 and php 7.4. I can use exec commands

I know disk_free_space and disk_total_space but those commands don't look at quota.


I've been lookking with
$pad = '/volume5/web';
foreach (array(
    'quota -u jan',
) as $cmd) {
    echo $cmd . '<br>';
    echo '<hr>';
$used = exec("du -c -a $pad");

echo 'used: ' . $used . '<br>';
echo 'quota: ' . exec("quota -u jan") . '<br>';

$var = exec("cat " . pad . " | grep domz | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $4}'");
echo 'var: ' . $var . '<br>';
But so far no luck Frown | :(
Questiongreating Pin
BEBEL AZOO20-Dec-21 20:03
BEBEL AZOO20-Dec-21 20:03 
AnswerRe: greating Pin
Connie Rucker21-Dec-21 3:00
Connie Rucker21-Dec-21 3:00 
QuestionWeb Server on Linux Pin
#realJSOP14-Nov-21 2:39
professional#realJSOP14-Nov-21 2:39 
AnswerRe: Web Server on Linux Pin
markkuk14-Nov-21 23:21
markkuk14-Nov-21 23:21 
GeneralRe: Web Server on Linux Pin
azraelmr129-Nov-21 1:45
professionalazraelmr129-Nov-21 1:45 
GeneralRe: Web Server on Linux Pin
markkuk29-Nov-21 10:16
markkuk29-Nov-21 10:16 
GeneralRe: Web Server on Linux Pin
azraelmr130-Nov-21 21:33
professionalazraelmr130-Nov-21 21:33 
AnswerRe: Web Server on Linux Pin
pkfox15-Nov-21 22:02
professionalpkfox15-Nov-21 22:02 
QuestionI need some assistance for do several customisation Pin
Member 154187496-Nov-21 7:04
Member 154187496-Nov-21 7:04 
AnswerRe: I need some assistance for do several customisation Pin
OriginalGriff6-Nov-21 7:05
mveOriginalGriff6-Nov-21 7:05 
QuestionASP.NET Core (5.0) Web App background images Pin
#realJSOP2-Nov-21 1:38
professional#realJSOP2-Nov-21 1:38 
QuestionUpload content onto Bootstrap card Pin
MekaC27-Oct-21 17:35
MekaC27-Oct-21 17:35 
SuggestionRe: Upload content onto Bootstrap card Pin
Richard Deeming27-Oct-21 21:49
mveRichard Deeming27-Oct-21 21:49 
AnswerRe: Upload content onto Bootstrap card Pin
phil.o27-Oct-21 22:11
professionalphil.o27-Oct-21 22:11 
QuestionHow to retrieve images from one file and place them in another file? Pin
MekaC26-Oct-21 1:29
MekaC26-Oct-21 1:29 
QuestionTip to build perfect mobile application Pin
novelsmith13-Oct-21 7:40
professionalnovelsmith13-Oct-21 7:40 
AnswerRe: Tip to build perfect mobile application Pin
megaadam18-Oct-21 5:11
professionalmegaadam18-Oct-21 5:11 

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