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Web Development

GeneralRe: Master Detail CRUD using blazor Pin
sanket16414-Apr-21 8:40
sanket16414-Apr-21 8:40 
AnswerRe: Master Detail CRUD using blazor Pin
Mycroft Holmes14-Apr-21 13:28
professionalMycroft Holmes14-Apr-21 13:28 
GeneralRe: Master Detail CRUD using blazor Pin
sanket16415-Apr-21 8:09
sanket16415-Apr-21 8:09 
GeneralRe: Master Detail CRUD using blazor Pin
Mycroft Holmes15-Apr-21 13:52
professionalMycroft Holmes15-Apr-21 13:52 
QuestionDo events like slider and drag and drop need to be well known? Pin
Oyee 202129-Mar-21 19:31
Oyee 202129-Mar-21 19:31 
AnswerModeration Pin
Nelek29-Mar-21 19:32
protectorNelek29-Mar-21 19:32 
AnswerRe: Do events like slider and drag and drop need to be well known? Pin
Richard Deeming29-Mar-21 21:42
mveRichard Deeming29-Mar-21 21:42 
QuestionHTML Rotate results in messed up and unresponsive design. Pin
Resource Link26-Mar-21 7:19
Resource Link26-Mar-21 7:19 
I'm trying to create a 90 deg rotated layout. But the problem is that none of the method I used to use works in this case. Since it is rotated, changing size, getting it responsive does not seem to work.

I'm trying to let the "My Project" title take half of the rotated screen and the other half will contain images and containers.

Can anyone help me out with this? How do i make sure that it resizes and placement is always half:half layout without overflow during resize in different device size. Please provide me with a hint to complete my work. Thank you!

Link to the code in jsfiddle.
Here's a link to the think I'm doing:

Here's what i want to build:

What I have tried:

I've tried doing flex, using vh, and media query. I just can't seem to get it done. Please help!
QuestionRefresh token API development and documentation Pin
kyclk1125-Mar-21 19:15
kyclk1125-Mar-21 19:15 
QuestionPHP7, how to create a json array of keyvalues from an object Pin
jkirkerx25-Mar-21 10:57
professionaljkirkerx25-Mar-21 10:57 
AnswerRe: PHP7, how to create a json array of keyvalues from an object Pin
jkirkerx26-Mar-21 11:18
professionaljkirkerx26-Mar-21 11:18 
QuestionHi, can someone help me with file-upload feature for my Angular app? Pin
kyclk1117-Mar-21 3:41
kyclk1117-Mar-21 3:41 
AnswerRe: Hi, can someone help me with file-upload feature for my Angular app? Pin
jkirkerx25-Mar-21 11:02
professionaljkirkerx25-Mar-21 11:02 
QuestionReduce Javascript Pin
Member 1497619910-Mar-21 14:12
Member 1497619910-Mar-21 14:12 
AnswerRe: Reduce Javascript Pin
Richard Deeming10-Mar-21 21:34
mveRichard Deeming10-Mar-21 21:34 
GeneralRe: Reduce Javascript Pin
Member 1497619910-Mar-21 21:41
Member 1497619910-Mar-21 21:41 
GeneralRe: Reduce Javascript Pin
Richard Deeming10-Mar-21 21:46
mveRichard Deeming10-Mar-21 21:46 
GeneralRe: Reduce Javascript Pin
Member 1497619910-Mar-21 22:04
Member 1497619910-Mar-21 22:04 
GeneralRe: Reduce Javascript Pin
Richard Deeming10-Mar-21 22:18
mveRichard Deeming10-Mar-21 22:18 
GeneralRe: Reduce Javascript Pin
Member 1497619910-Mar-21 23:01
Member 1497619910-Mar-21 23:01 
QuestionHI can someone help me with my responsive gallery project? Pin
Florina Catalina10-Mar-21 4:38
Florina Catalina10-Mar-21 4:38 
AnswerRe: HI can someone help me with my responsive gallery project? Pin
Richard MacCutchan10-Mar-21 22:23
mveRichard MacCutchan10-Mar-21 22:23 
GeneralRe: HI can someone help me with my responsive gallery project? Pin
Florina Catalina12-Mar-21 6:24
Florina Catalina12-Mar-21 6:24 
GeneralRe: HI can someone help me with my responsive gallery project? Pin
Richard MacCutchan12-Mar-21 6:42
mveRichard MacCutchan12-Mar-21 6:42 
AnswerRe: HI can someone help me with my responsive gallery project? Pin
NotTodayYo12-Mar-21 7:15
NotTodayYo12-Mar-21 7:15 

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