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AnswerRe: WinForm launching a console application Pin
Gerry Schmitz2-Feb-21 18:36
mveGerry Schmitz2-Feb-21 18:36 
GeneralRe: WinForm launching a console application Pin
Dave Kreskowiak2-Feb-21 18:42
mveDave Kreskowiak2-Feb-21 18:42 
GeneralRe: WinForm launching a console application Pin
Gerry Schmitz3-Feb-21 6:20
mveGerry Schmitz3-Feb-21 6:20 
GeneralRe: WinForm launching a console application Pin
Dave Kreskowiak3-Feb-21 6:39
mveDave Kreskowiak3-Feb-21 6:39 
GeneralRe: WinForm launching a console application Pin
Gerry Schmitz3-Feb-21 6:59
mveGerry Schmitz3-Feb-21 6:59 
GeneralRe: WinForm launching a console application Pin
Dave Kreskowiak3-Feb-21 7:13
mveDave Kreskowiak3-Feb-21 7:13 
GeneralRe: WinForm launching a console application Pin
Gerry Schmitz3-Feb-21 7:28
mveGerry Schmitz3-Feb-21 7:28 
AnswerRe: WinForm launching a console application Pin
Dave Kreskowiak2-Feb-21 18:40
mveDave Kreskowiak2-Feb-21 18:40 
There's no direct way to stop the console app from being launched, no.

Applications always run as the user account that launches them. So if the user launches your WinForms app, it's running as the user, or it inherits the users security token. Any other processes your WinForms app launches inherits the environment and security token of the app that launched it.

You cannot prevent the user from running the console app. This would prevent the WinForms app from also launching it.

So, you have to get creative. You could have the console app look for a mutex the WinForms app creates, or use some interprocess communication channel between the WinForms app and the Console app, so that there is at least a mechanism for the WinForms app to say something like "yes, it's OK for you to run".

AnswerRe: WinForm launching a console application Pin
OriginalGriff2-Feb-21 19:48
mveOriginalGriff2-Feb-21 19:48 
GeneralRe: WinForm launching a console application Pin
trønderen3-Feb-21 3:58
trønderen3-Feb-21 3:58 
GeneralRe: WinForm launching a console application Pin
OriginalGriff3-Feb-21 5:13
mveOriginalGriff3-Feb-21 5:13 
AnswerRe: WinForm launching a console application Pin
TimWallace8-Feb-21 18:03
TimWallace8-Feb-21 18:03 
QuestionHow to sum up values of duplicate keys in a dictionary? Pin
Alex Dunlop2-Feb-21 6:37
Alex Dunlop2-Feb-21 6:37 
AnswerRe: How to sum up values of duplicate keys in a dictionary? Pin
Dave Kreskowiak2-Feb-21 12:35
mveDave Kreskowiak2-Feb-21 12:35 
GeneralRe: How to sum up values of duplicate keys in a dictionary? Pin
Alex Dunlop3-Feb-21 5:39
Alex Dunlop3-Feb-21 5:39 
GeneralRe: How to sum up values of duplicate keys in a dictionary? Pin
Dave Kreskowiak3-Feb-21 6:36
mveDave Kreskowiak3-Feb-21 6:36 
GeneralRe: How to sum up values of duplicate keys in a dictionary? Pin
Alex Dunlop3-Feb-21 6:50
Alex Dunlop3-Feb-21 6:50 
QuestionTrying to use and condition in Linq Query with join and on C# Pin
simpledeveloper1-Feb-21 21:04
simpledeveloper1-Feb-21 21:04 
QuestionWhat queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
arnold_w29-Jan-21 22:58
arnold_w29-Jan-21 22:58 
AnswerRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
Richard MacCutchan29-Jan-21 23:19
mveRichard MacCutchan29-Jan-21 23:19 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
arnold_w30-Jan-21 0:31
arnold_w30-Jan-21 0:31 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Jan-21 0:32
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Jan-21 0:32 
AnswerRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
OriginalGriff29-Jan-21 23:25
mveOriginalGriff29-Jan-21 23:25 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
arnold_w30-Jan-21 1:00
arnold_w30-Jan-21 1:00 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
OriginalGriff30-Jan-21 1:17
mveOriginalGriff30-Jan-21 1:17 

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