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QuestionWhat queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
arnold_w29-Jan-21 22:58
arnold_w29-Jan-21 22:58 
AnswerRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
Richard MacCutchan29-Jan-21 23:19
mveRichard MacCutchan29-Jan-21 23:19 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
arnold_w30-Jan-21 0:31
arnold_w30-Jan-21 0:31 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Jan-21 0:32
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Jan-21 0:32 
AnswerRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
OriginalGriff29-Jan-21 23:25
mveOriginalGriff29-Jan-21 23:25 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
arnold_w30-Jan-21 1:00
arnold_w30-Jan-21 1:00 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
OriginalGriff30-Jan-21 1:17
mveOriginalGriff30-Jan-21 1:17 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
arnold_w30-Jan-21 1:27
arnold_w30-Jan-21 1:27 
I'm happy with the solution of using event driven processing, this is a quick-and-dirty piece of software I will need asap (or preferably, yesterday) so I think it's overkill to have separate threads polling SerialPort.BytesToRead. But are you saying that if I create the SerialPort objects in separate threads, then it will be possible for the PC to execute the following events handlers simultaneously: COM1port_DataReceived, COM2port_DataReceived, COM3port_DataReceived, etc?

modified 30-Jan-21 7:34am.

GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
OriginalGriff30-Jan-21 1:58
mveOriginalGriff30-Jan-21 1:58 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
arnold_w30-Jan-21 2:02
arnold_w30-Jan-21 2:02 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
OriginalGriff30-Jan-21 2:39
mveOriginalGriff30-Jan-21 2:39 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
arnold_w30-Jan-21 2:50
arnold_w30-Jan-21 2:50 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
OriginalGriff30-Jan-21 5:45
mveOriginalGriff30-Jan-21 5:45 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
Gerry Schmitz30-Jan-21 3:04
mveGerry Schmitz30-Jan-21 3:04 
JokeRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
Peter_in_278030-Jan-21 10:39
professionalPeter_in_278030-Jan-21 10:39 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
Gerry Schmitz30-Jan-21 12:29
mveGerry Schmitz30-Jan-21 12:29 
AnswerRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
Ralf Meier29-Jan-21 23:25
mveRalf Meier29-Jan-21 23:25 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
OriginalGriff29-Jan-21 23:57
mveOriginalGriff29-Jan-21 23:57 
GeneralRe: What queuing technique and GUI component should I choose for my multi-comport, receive-only terminal software? Pin
arnold_w30-Jan-21 0:40
arnold_w30-Jan-21 0:40 
AnswerRe: multi-comport receiver Pin
Luc Pattyn31-Jan-21 4:35
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn31-Jan-21 4:35 
QuestionWrite Async Method Pin
Kevin Marois27-Jan-21 6:37
professionalKevin Marois27-Jan-21 6:37 
AnswerRe: Write Async Method Pin
OriginalGriff27-Jan-21 8:07
mveOriginalGriff27-Jan-21 8:07 
GeneralRe: Write Async Method Pin
Kevin Marois27-Jan-21 8:37
professionalKevin Marois27-Jan-21 8:37 
GeneralRe: Write Async Method Pin
Victor Nijegorodov27-Jan-21 11:16
Victor Nijegorodov27-Jan-21 11:16 
GeneralRe: Write Async Method Pin
Pete O'Hanlon27-Jan-21 21:28
mvePete O'Hanlon27-Jan-21 21:28 

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