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QuestionRegEx Not Properly Matching Pin
#realJSOP26-Dec-20 3:07
professional#realJSOP26-Dec-20 3:07 
AnswerRe: RegEx Not Properly Matching Pin
OriginalGriff26-Dec-20 4:09
mveOriginalGriff26-Dec-20 4:09 
GeneralRe: RegEx Not Properly Matching Pin
#realJSOP26-Dec-20 4:26
professional#realJSOP26-Dec-20 4:26 
GeneralRe: RegEx Not Properly Matching Pin
OriginalGriff26-Dec-20 5:08
mveOriginalGriff26-Dec-20 5:08 
GeneralRe: RegEx Not Properly Matching Pin
#realJSOP26-Dec-20 5:26
professional#realJSOP26-Dec-20 5:26 
GeneralRe: RegEx Not Properly Matching Pin
Richard Deeming4-Jan-21 22:28
mveRichard Deeming4-Jan-21 22:28 
AnswerRe: RegEx Not Properly Matching Pin
Gerry Schmitz26-Dec-20 14:54
mveGerry Schmitz26-Dec-20 14:54 
AnswerRe: RegEx Not Properly Matching Pin
jschell29-Dec-20 6:46
jschell29-Dec-20 6:46 
Some random comments.

1. Just noting that your database should probably provide the ability to preclude the db user from executing DDL commands, regardless of where they originate. So set up your application to only use users with appropriate permissions.

2. I suspect your regex should also use a boundary check ('\b') around the excluded word phrase.

3. If you allow dynamic SQL execution then someone could circumvent your check like: 'CR' + 'EATE'. Item 1 prevents that possibility also.

4. Allowing users to use SQL directly means you cannot protect the database absolutely. For example are users allowed to run "delete users" (no where clause)? Any protections added to protect against this can generally be circumvented.

5. Another problem with allowing user SQL is if the database contains large amounts of data users can end up writing very inefficient queries. Which can impact the entire enterprise. Not as much of a problem if each customer (and their users) are in a silo but a major problem if multiple customers exist on the same stack.

6. What about 'use'? Do you want users switching databases? Again something that 1 can prevent.
GeneralRe: RegEx Not Properly Matching Pin
#realJSOP30-Dec-20 3:16
professional#realJSOP30-Dec-20 3:16 
AnswerRe: RegEx Not Properly Matching Pin
Richard Deeming4-Jan-21 22:37
mveRichard Deeming4-Jan-21 22:37 
Questionsource code Pin
Member 1503068825-Dec-20 23:41
Member 1503068825-Dec-20 23:41 
AnswerRe: source code Pin
Sandeep Mewara25-Dec-20 23:51
mveSandeep Mewara25-Dec-20 23:51 
QuestionData format for non-computerist editing Pin
trønderen22-Dec-20 10:23
trønderen22-Dec-20 10:23 
AnswerRe: Data format for non-computerist editing Pin
OriginalGriff22-Dec-20 11:05
mveOriginalGriff22-Dec-20 11:05 
GeneralRe: Data format for non-computerist editing Pin
trønderen22-Dec-20 14:26
trønderen22-Dec-20 14:26 
GeneralRe: Data format for non-computerist editing Pin
BillWoodruff22-Dec-20 15:17
professionalBillWoodruff22-Dec-20 15:17 
GeneralRe: Data format for non-computerist editing Pin
trønderen23-Dec-20 8:24
trønderen23-Dec-20 8:24 
GeneralRe: Data format for non-computerist editing Pin
BillWoodruff23-Dec-20 8:42
professionalBillWoodruff23-Dec-20 8:42 
GeneralRe: Data format for non-computerist editing Pin
OriginalGriff22-Dec-20 22:07
mveOriginalGriff22-Dec-20 22:07 
GeneralRe: Data format for non-computerist editing Pin
trønderen23-Dec-20 8:10
trønderen23-Dec-20 8:10 
GeneralRe: Data format for non-computerist editing Pin
OriginalGriff23-Dec-20 19:44
mveOriginalGriff23-Dec-20 19:44 
GeneralRe: Data format for non-computerist editing Pin
trønderen24-Dec-20 9:44
trønderen24-Dec-20 9:44 
AnswerRe: Data format for non-computerist editing Pin
Gerry Schmitz23-Dec-20 6:46
mveGerry Schmitz23-Dec-20 6:46 
AnswerRe: Data format for non-computerist editing Pin
Mycroft Holmes23-Dec-20 11:14
professionalMycroft Holmes23-Dec-20 11:14 
AnswerRe: Data format for non-computerist editing Pin
jschell29-Dec-20 6:54
jschell29-Dec-20 6:54 

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