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AnswerRe: I need to see if a digit from a number is odd or even in c# Pin
OriginalGriff5-Aug-20 4:58
mveOriginalGriff5-Aug-20 4:58 
GeneralRe: I need to see if a digit from a number is odd or even in c# Pin
keeponfalling125-Aug-20 5:23
keeponfalling125-Aug-20 5:23 
GeneralRe: I need to see if a digit from a number is odd or even in c# Pin
OriginalGriff5-Aug-20 5:45
mveOriginalGriff5-Aug-20 5:45 
AnswerRe: I need to see if a digit from a number is odd or even in c# Pin
Gerry Schmitz5-Aug-20 5:35
mveGerry Schmitz5-Aug-20 5:35 
GeneralRe: I need to see if a digit from a number is odd or even in c# Pin
keeponfalling125-Aug-20 10:19
keeponfalling125-Aug-20 10:19 
GeneralRe: I need to see if a digit from a number is odd or even in c# Pin
Gerry Schmitz5-Aug-20 14:06
mveGerry Schmitz5-Aug-20 14:06 
QuestionHow to get ios device capacity using MDM profiling Pin
Veridic Anil4-Aug-20 22:25
Veridic Anil4-Aug-20 22:25 
AnswerRe: How to get ios device capacity using MDM profiling Pin
Gerry Schmitz5-Aug-20 5:58
mveGerry Schmitz5-Aug-20 5:58 
The fields you're querying require different access rights, including "Device Information" access rights.
It was only in wine that he laid down no limit for himself, but he did not allow himself to be confused by it.
― Confucian Analects: Rules of Confucius about his food

QuestionDataBase in User Control Pin
Ismael_19994-Aug-20 4:15
Ismael_19994-Aug-20 4:15 
AnswerRe: DataBase in User Control Pin
OriginalGriff4-Aug-20 4:32
mveOriginalGriff4-Aug-20 4:32 
GeneralRe: DataBase in User Control Pin
Gerry Schmitz4-Aug-20 6:12
mveGerry Schmitz4-Aug-20 6:12 
GeneralRe: DataBase in User Control Pin
OriginalGriff4-Aug-20 6:26
mveOriginalGriff4-Aug-20 6:26 
QuestionHow can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w31-Jul-20 2:38
arnold_w31-Jul-20 2:38 
AnswerRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Eddy Vluggen31-Jul-20 2:53
professionalEddy Vluggen31-Jul-20 2:53 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w31-Jul-20 4:03
arnold_w31-Jul-20 4:03 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Richard MacCutchan31-Jul-20 4:49
mveRichard MacCutchan31-Jul-20 4:49 
AnswerRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w31-Jul-20 11:03
arnold_w31-Jul-20 11:03 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Gerry Schmitz31-Jul-20 12:41
mveGerry Schmitz31-Jul-20 12:41 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Richard Andrew x6431-Jul-20 16:22
professionalRichard Andrew x6431-Jul-20 16:22 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w31-Jul-20 23:09
arnold_w31-Jul-20 23:09 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w31-Jul-20 23:58
arnold_w31-Jul-20 23:58 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Aug-20 1:44
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Aug-20 1:44 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w1-Aug-20 1:55
arnold_w1-Aug-20 1:55 
AnswerRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
Richard Andrew x641-Aug-20 1:47
professionalRichard Andrew x641-Aug-20 1:47 
GeneralRe: How can I get handle (IntPtr) to a "sub"-form in another application? Pin
arnold_w1-Aug-20 2:04
arnold_w1-Aug-20 2:04 

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