Luc Pattyn wrote: 1.
SerialPort does enumerate all serial ports as it should, there is no problem, except it does not know about the underlying hardware, so for instance you can't differentiate motherboard vs USB ports. Then it was a performance issue, I remember I couldn't use this class for a reason. I also refresh the list on the fly each time a USB-cable is connected/disconnected so if I remember correctly it was annoying.
Luc Pattyn wrote: 2.
I trust USB is called USB in all languages that use latin character sets, so you could use String.Contains on the friendlyname. In my case it's not enough to find anything that contains "USB", I also need to categorize the cable/device and distinguish "USB Serial Device" from "USB Serial Port", my C# application supports products that show up as either one of these.
Luc Pattyn wrote: I have my own class enumerating all serial ports, its underlying technology is somewhat similar to the class you referred; here it is, use at your leisure. It returns a list of struct ComInfo which holds the friendlyname as well as the location (for USB serial ports this is a concatenation of port numbers, pointing to the USB port actually used). It has a lot of similarities with the code I'm already using (I slightly modified this code: Svetlin Nakov – Official Web Site and Blog » Enumerate All COM Ports and Find Their Name and Description in C#[^] ). Are you saying your code will always return a description string in English, even if the operating system is non-English or what would I gain be switching to your code?
Could you pick the information you need from WMI?
When I open \\.\ROOT\CIMV2 class Win32_SerialPort, I see one COM1 instance, which has 47 properties (some of which are empty values), like Availability, Caption, Name, ... ProviderType, ...
Maybe you have what you need (and then some!) there. As I do not have a USB COM-port at the moment, I can't tell what it wouold look like in WMI, but try it out!
If you haven't got a WMI browser: One that is reasonable OK to use is CodePlex Archive WMI Explorer[^]. Once you have found what you are looking for, setting up a search in C# code is fairly simple. Like this I use to get information on disk partitions:
ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\.\root\microsoft\windows\storage");
using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM MSFT_Partition")) {
searcher.Scope = scope;
foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcher.Get()) {
char driveletter = (char)queryObj["DriveLetter"];
if (driveletter == '\0') continue;
FsVolume part = new FsVolume();
part.driveletter = driveletter;
part.diskNumber = (uint) queryObj["DiskNumber"];
part.partNo = (uint) queryObj["PartitionNumber"];
part.partGuid = (string)queryObj["UniqueID"];
Your code will obviously address other classes and properties - you'll find them using WMI Explorer (or some other WMI browser).
This won't give you "USB Serial Device" in all the languages of the world, but I assume that if you find the information you need by inspecting properties from WMI, it doesn't really matter what a rose is called in the current language.
In my old ( >10 years ago) code I was using this:
public StatusType getAvailableComPorts()
StatusType status = new StatusType(StatusCodeType.OK, null, "", "");
string[] availableComPorts = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
if ((availableComPorts == null) || (availableComPorts.Length <= 0))
status.statusCode = StatusCodeType.OTHER_ERROR;
status.errorHeading = "No Com Ports Available";
status.errorMessage = "No available com port was found on your computer. Please add a com port or use a different computer to control your PTT box.";
return status;
Array.Sort(availableComPorts, new ComPortComparerClass());
ComPortInformation[] comPortsInformation = new ComPortInformation[availableComPorts.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < comPortsInformation.Length; i++)
comPortsInformation[i] = new ComPortInformation(availableComPorts[i]);
if ((availableComPorts != null) && (0 < availableComPorts.Length))
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity");
for (int i = availableComPorts.Length - 1; 0 <= i; i--)
foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcher.Get())
if ((queryObj["Name"] != null) && (queryObj["Name"].ToString().Contains("(" + availableComPorts[i] + ")")))
comPortsInformation[i].comPortDescriptor = queryObj["Caption"].ToString().Replace("(" + availableComPorts[i] + ")", "").Trim();
catch (ManagementException)
status.value = comPortsInformation;
catch (Exception e)
status.statusCode = StatusCodeType.OTHER_ERROR;
status.errorHeading = "Error";
status.errorMessage = "Error getting available com ports. Technical info: " + e.Message;
return status;
For some reason I stepped away from this (maybe it was this part that was too slow?) and started using the other approach instead.
arnold_w wrote: Then it was a performance issue, I remember I couldn't use this class for a reason. SerialPort class isn't slow. When using WMI the first WMI call often is slow.
Luc Pattyn wrote: I have my own class enumerating all serial ports, its underlying technology is somewhat similar to the class you referred; here it is, use at your leisure. It returns a list of struct ComInfo which holds the friendlyname as well as the location (for USB serial ports this is a concatenation of port numbers, pointing to the USB port actually used). That is what I said.
When I use your code I get the following:
found: COM24 = USB Serial Device;FN=USB Serial Device (COM24); HID=USB\VID_0483&PID_5741&REV_0200&MI_00; LOC=0000.0014.0000.
Who specifies HID ("USB\VID_0483&PID_5741&REV_0200&MI_00") and LOC ("0000.0014.0000.")? Is something from the PC/operating system or from the USB-cable/connected product?
The hardwareID contains a vendorID and a productID, these obviously come from data inside the device.
The location is where the device currently sits, so obviously it does not come from inside the device.
FYI: this information can also be obtained manually following this path on Win10:
My PC/Properties/Device Manager/Ports...
Ok, that sounds great, then I will stop comparing the description string and compare the HID string instead. Thank you for your help!
I have project of type Console .net framework 4.6.1. A simple hello world. No dependencies. No references.
When I right click and try publishing this project, it goes into manifest mode of publishing. Where do I change settings to make it a traditional simpler Publish, so I get a .exe file without manifest files. So that, the Publish folder can be copy pasted to any computer and it runs without issues.
Some research suggested to uncheck LINKER, but this is not available in Projects --> Properties --> Configuration
thank you
All you do is look in your project bin\Release folder. It's right there every time you compile the project, so long as you change the configuration from Debug to Release.
All you for such a simple app is the .exe.
Now, if the machine you're running the project on doesn't already have the .NET Framework 4.6.1, or higher, installed already, you're going to have to install that before your app will run.
This query is bit long, and it returns the correct data, but it takes about 4 minutes to run. I'd like to speed it up. The first part with the query runs pretty quick. The FOREACH loop part is the bottleneck.
Inside the FOREACH are 4 queries. They are all the same, except they pull from 4 different tables (JobHardwareVendors, JobLumberVendors, EquipmentHardwareVendors, TrussHardwareVendors). Those tables each have the same structure.
Those inner queries look like this:
* Get the Hardware Vendors
var vendors = (from v in db.JobHardwareVendors
join c in db.Companies on v.VendorId equals c.Id
where v.JobId == result.Id &&
select new CompanyHeaderEntity
Id = c.Id,
CompanyName = c.CompanyName,
StatusId = c.StatusId
result.HardwareCompanies.AddRange(vendors.Where(x => x.StatusId == companyStatuseActive.Id));
foreach (var vendor in vendors)
result.VendorInitials += GetInitials(vendor.CompanyName) + ",";
Here's the entire method
public async Task<List<TimelineReportEntity>> GetTimelineReportData(GenericReportArgsEntity reportArgs)
var t = await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
List<TimelineReportEntity> results = null;
using (var db = GetDataContext())
IQueryable<TimelineReportEntity> query = (from j in db.Jobs
join p in db.Projects on j.ProjectId equals p.Id
join c in db.Companies on p.CompanyId equals c.Id
join e in db.Employees on j.ForemanId equals e.Id into ep
from e in ep.DefaultIfEmpty()
join lc in db.Companies on j.LumberVendorId equals lc.Id into elc
from lc in elc.DefaultIfEmpty()
join hc in db.Companies on j.HardwareVendorId equals hc.Id into ehc
from hc in ehc.DefaultIfEmpty()
join tc in db.Companies on j.HardwareVendorId equals tc.Id into etc
from tc in etc.DefaultIfEmpty()
where !j.DeletedDT.HasValue
select new TimelineReportEntity
Id = j.Id,
JobId = j.JobNumber,
ProjectId = p.Id,
ProjectName = p.ProjectName,
CompanyId = c.Id,
CompanyName = c.CompanyName,
ForemanId = e.Id,
ForemanName = $"{e.FirstName} {e.LastName}",
Phase = j.Phase,
Quantity = j.Quantity,
Notes = j.Notes,
ExpressionStarter<TimelineReportEntity> predicate = null;
if (reportArgs.IncludeAllProjects &&
reportArgs.IncludeAllCompanies &&
results = query.ToList();
predicate = PredicateBuilder.New<TimelineReportEntity>();
if (!reportArgs.IncludeAllProjects)
foreach (var projectId in reportArgs.ProjectIds)
predicate = predicate.Or(p => p.ProjectId == projectId);
if (!reportArgs.IncludeAllCompanies)
foreach (var companyId in reportArgs.CompanyIds)
predicate = predicate.Or(p => p.CompanyId == companyId);
if (!reportArgs.IncludeAllForemen)
foreach (var foremanId in reportArgs.ForemenIds)
predicate = predicate.Or(p => p.ForemanId == foremanId);
results = query.Where(predicate).ToList();
var companyStatuses = GetLookups(Constants.LookupCategoryGenericFilters);
var companyStatuseActive = companyStatuses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AppCode == Constants.LookupCategoryGenericFiltersTypeActive);
foreach (var result in results)
result.ForemanInitials = result.ForemanName;
* Get the Hardware Vendors
var vendors = (from v in db.JobHardwareVendors
join c in db.Companies on v.VendorId equals c.Id
where v.JobId == result.Id &&
select new CompanyHeaderEntity
Id = c.Id,
CompanyName = c.CompanyName,
StatusId = c.StatusId
result.HardwareCompanies.AddRange(vendors.Where(x => x.StatusId == companyStatuseActive.Id));
foreach (var vendor in vendors)
result.VendorInitials += GetInitials(vendor.CompanyName) + ",";
* Get the Lumber Vendors
vendors = (from v in db.JobLumberVendors
join c in db.Companies on v.VendorId equals c.Id
where v.JobId == result.Id &&
select new CompanyHeaderEntity
Id = c.Id,
CompanyName = c.CompanyName,
StatusId = c.StatusId
result.LumberCompanies.AddRange(vendors.Where(x => x.StatusId == companyStatuseActive.Id));
foreach (var vendor in vendors)
result.VendorInitials += GetInitials(vendor.CompanyName) + ",";
* Get the Equipment Vendors
vendors = (from v in db.JobEquipmentVendors
join c in db.Companies on v.VendorId equals c.Id
where v.JobId == result.Id &&
select new CompanyHeaderEntity
Id = c.Id,
CompanyName = c.CompanyName,
StatusId = c.StatusId
result.EquipmentCompanies.AddRange(vendors.Where(x => x.StatusId == companyStatuseActive.Id));
foreach (var vendor in vendors)
result.VendorInitials += GetInitials(vendor.CompanyName) + ",";
* Get the Truss Vendors
vendors = (from v in db.JobTrussVendors
join c in db.Companies on v.VendorId equals c.Id
where v.JobId == result.Id &&
select new CompanyHeaderEntity
Id = c.Id,
CompanyName = c.CompanyName,
StatusId = c.StatusId
result.TrussCompanies.AddRange(vendors.Where(x => x.StatusId == companyStatuseActive.Id));
foreach (var vendor in vendors)
result.VendorInitials += GetInitials(vendor.CompanyName) + ",";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.VendorInitials))
result.VendorInitials = result.VendorInitials.TrimEnd(',');
* Get the latest Start Date
var startDateRevision = GetJobStartDateRevisions(result.Id).OrderByDescending(x => x.Revision).FirstOrDefault();
if (startDateRevision != null)
result.StartDate = startDateRevision.StartDate;
result.WeekGroup = result.StartDate.StartOfWeek(DayOfWeek.Monday);
result.FromDate = reportArgs.FromDate;
result.ToDate = reportArgs.ToDate;
results = results.Where(x => x.StartDate >= reportArgs.FromDate && x.StartDate <= reportArgs.ToDate).OrderBy(x => x.StartDate).ToList();
catch (Exception e)
return results.ToList();
return t;
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.
Everything makes sense in someone's mind.
Ya can't fix stupid.
-- modified 27-Jun-20 12:06pm.
That is a poor attempt at a password cracker, which is a product designed to circumvent legitimate security measures.
We do not condone, support, or assist in the production of malicious code in any way, form, or manner. This is a professional site for professional developers.
If you want to know how to create such things, you need to visit a hacking site: but be sure to disable all firewalls and antivirus products first or they won't trust you enough to tell you.
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
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Hi this is just for education purpose. I don't think there is any legitimate system that can be cracked that way.
Obviously most if not all systems will lock an account after a few attempts
Your homework is to write malicious code?
Yeah, right ... We don't do your homework either, malicious or not.
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
Member 12588963 wrote: I don't think there is any legitimate system that can be cracked that way.
Oh really? How naive of you to try to write something that's already been done innumerable times then.
Why would anyone want to write something like this? BECAUSE THEY ACTUALLY WORKED ON REAL SYSTEMS!
You don't need to check the hashed password against the real system. All you need is a copy of the account database. You can then run as many checks as you want against the database with nothing "locking you out after a few attempts".
I am trying to find the best way to transform a list of objects and sort based on custom order:
I have a list of profile duplicates, and need to find "top" profile based on a priority order. The top profile need to be transformed into a new object with 3 properties. These 3 properties also dictate the sort order.
The 3 new enum-based properties are:
ProfileType with types (SuperUser > NormalUser > Beginner),
ProfileSubType with types (Internal > External),
ProfileValidity with types (Valid > ValidInFuture > Expire)
The properties are based on enums from an external source and are out of order, so I need to have my own custom sort for each of them.
So e.g. a prioritized list would look like:
{Superuser, Internal, Valid},
{Superuser, Internal, Expired},
{Superuser, External, Valid},
{Normaluser, Internal, Valid},
{Beginner, Internal, Expire}
Right now my solution is this:
TransformedProfile = profileList.Select(x => new TransformedProfile
ProfileType = GetProfileType(x.PropertyA),
ProfileSubType = GetProfileSubType(x.PropertyB),
ProfileValidity = GetValidity(x.StartDate, x.ExpiryDate)
.OrderBy(y => typePriorityDict[y.ProfileType])
.ThenBy(y => subTypePriorityDict[y.ProfileSubType])
.ThenBy(y => validityPriorityDict[y.ProfileValidity])
The typePriorityDict , subTypePriorityDict , validityPriorityDict are dictionaries with my custom sort order.
This solution works ok and gives me the desired result. But I was wondering if there are more efficient ways of doing this?
You could implement IComparable and IComparer[^] in your class, and as a bonus you gain equality, greater than, and less than operators for the class directly.
Your sorting then becomes a whole load more readable.
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
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OriginalGriff wrote: as a bonus you gain equality, greater than, and less than operators for the class directly
Only if you implement them yourself, although the implementation is fairly trivial.
public static bool operator <(Foo left, Foo right) => left is null || left.CompareTo(right) < 0;
public static bool operator <=(Foo left, Foo right) => left is null || left.CompareTo(right) <= 0;
public static bool operator >=(Foo left, Foo right) => left != null && left.CompareTo(right) >= 0;
public static bool operator >(Foo left, Foo right) => left != null && left.CompareTo(right) > 0;
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
It looks like you are only looking for the highest single item, not getting a complete sorted list, which is what your question seems to imply that you are looking for. But on the assumption that the .FirstOrDefault does give you what you want ...
I am not sure whether any efficiency savings would be sufficiently significant, but I would consider combining the priorities into a single value using const / enums rather than using dictionary lookups and only sorting the list once against a single key. e.g. (my C# is a little rusty, so forgive syntax errors)
enum YourRevisedPriority
SuperUser = &x0000,
NormalUser = &x0100,
Beginner = &x0200,
Internal = &x0000,
External = &x0010,
Valid = &x0000,
ValidInFuture = &x0001,
Expire = &x0002
TransformedProfile = profileList.Select(x => new TransformedProfile
ProfileType = GetProfileType(x.PropertyA),
ProfileValidity = GetValidity(x.StartDate, x.ExpiryDate),
NewPriority =
(ProfileType == SourceEnum.SuperUser ? YourRevisedPriority.SuperUser : (ProfileType == SourceEnum.NormalUser ? YourRevisedPriority.NormalUser : YourRevisedPriority.Beginner)) +
(GetProfileSubType(x.PropertyB) == SourceEnum.Internal ? YourRevisedPriority.Internal : YourRevisedPriority.External) +
(ProfileValidity == SourceEnum.Valid ? YourRevisedPriority.Valid : (ProfileValidity == SourceEnum.ValidInFuture ? YourRevisedPriority.ValidInFuture : YourRevisedPriority.Expire))
.OrderBy(y => y.NewPriority)
Thanks for the suggestions! I ended up following @OriginalGriff suggestion and implemented IComparer for the TransformedProfile and IComparer for a custom sort-list, to allow for some short-circuit comparison (and also allowed me to put not-found values last in the sort).
You're welcome!
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
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Hello all,
So basically, in my programming the user can press the default key that i have set, which is F1, to enable a feature. However, i want the user to be able to change this key. so for example, a dialog pops up and asks them to enter the key they want to set for that feature then it changes the F1 (default key) to the new key that the user chose. How do i do this?
Firstly, don't use F1 for that: the Windows standard use for F1 is "Help", and it's a bad idea to "play" with standard keys - the user can if he wishes, but you shouldn't as it gets confusing.
The simplest way is to have a Dictionary of keys, and Func values:
private Dictionary<Keys, Func<int>> keyFunctions = new Dictionary<Keys, Func<int>>();
private int A()
return 1;
private int B()
return 2;
private int C()
return 3;
keyFunctions.Add(Keys.A, A);
keyFunctions.Add(Keys.B, B);
keyFunctions.Add(Keys.C, C);
You can then call the method by accessing the Dictionary with the Key value:
You can use Action instead of Func if your methods do not return a value, but that makes the Add operation more complex:
keyFunctions.Add(Keys.A, () => A());
keyFunctions.Add(Keys.B, () => B());
keyFunctions.Add(Keys.C, () => C());
You can then change the Keys value as you need, and process the Dictionary in your Forms ProcessCmdKey override provided you have set the Form.KeyPreview to true .
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
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I have a solution as graphically. I need programmatic code for enable and disable scrollbars on datagridview using C# windows application...
tnq in advanced,
Rajasekaran Bose