I started an MSDN call today. We'll see what happens.
Lost in the vast sea of .NET
I am pretty much strictly an application developer. I developed an application in my development environment and it needs now to go into an intranet production environment. I will provide the specific details below but my experience in the past has been create the deployment package and give it over to the network guys for them to deploy. Now, I find myself in a position where I have to do the actual production deployment. I have read many articles and watch several videos but really still don't have a good understanding of the actual steps in setting up the server, network components, and configuring the application and network to actually do the move of the application from my development network to the production intranet network. The server is a Windows 2012 r2 server. I will be deploying to the server's IIS. A URL for the application must end in a .mil extension which is the external intranet domain. Can anyone provide me with the basic list of steps in order to do the deployment?
I have two accounts at my work - network account and windows account, with network account I don't have admin privileges - but with Windows account I have admin privileges, I usually login using standard network account so that I can access everything that's available in our network but when I need to install something I am entering the Windows Admin account credentials and installing the software - now I have a question, when installing it gives me message its installed successfully and after restarting the machine when I try to open the IIS - it opens us wizard as iSCSI Initiator Properties Wizard, I don't know - what is Target is?, what should I enter in it, just no idea - just not able to understand - any help please, what's happening with my IIS? thanks a lot.
iSCSI has nothing to do with IIS. It appears that the shortcut you are using to open IIS control panel does not lauch the right tool. Recheck everything: whether IIS is installed with its management panel and required components, and what the link you are using to launch it points to.
"Five fruits and vegetables a day? What a joke!
Personally, after the third watermelon, I'm full."
Hi - we were using TFS for our application, but we were doing deployments manually by using xcopy process, literally, publishing the files onto a local machine - then copying and pasting onto the Servers WebApp folder, now we have moved all our code to Git and TFSVC, now I want to make our build process automatic, any help suggestions or help please, I am new in Source Control Management, any help would be appreciated even links, I am also researching and reading about it - thanks in advance.
Basically I am looking for a Continuous Integration solution for Windows, TFSVC and Git (Git is running on TFSVC Server) with these any free tools to implement Continuous Integration? Any help please?
modified 4-Feb-20 12:45pm.
I have read several tutorials how to manipulate (Linux) "hosts" file.
I need to "connect" Raspberry Pi to PC , using bluetooth.
I really do not care which is server or client end of the connection.
I like to test each piece of hardware by doing local loopback first.
I would like to run such local loopback on each end of the connection separately , using separate code application. I do have the basic - socket / bind / read / write working.
I understand that local "loopback" IP is in range to
1. Can I "bind" created socket to name "localhost" to run such local loopback - using 32 bit address?
2. How can I do same using 128 bit address, ip6 protocol ? AKA how to put ip6 "name" into my C++ code ? ::1 has "multiple" names
3. Is doing "remote loopback" feasible?
Ideally - instruct LOCAL hardware to connect via socket to REMOTE hardware running in "remote loopback"? Or in another words - is there REMOTE loopback IP ? Or do I have to have remote software to emulate such loopback?
4. The communication / socket from (local) RPi woudl "connect / bind " to which IP on remote (PC) hardware?
5. Similar - the communication / socket from (local) PC woudl bind to which IP on now remote - RPi hardware?
Item 5 and 6 would be in "simplex" communication - each one way only - at least for now.
I have not found a decent description of ip6 "names" .
For example -what does ip6-allnodes accomplish ?
Here is a copy of RPi hosts file localhost
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters ARM RPI
And here is hosts file on PC localhost z-desktop
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
Minor comments / questions
The RPi has only ONE bluetooth hardware , but in hosts it has TWO IP addresses / names
The PC has THREE bluetooth hardware, but blutooth manager will identify only TWO.
Appreciate any constructive comments.
The loopback address is always, as shown in your hosts files.
1. You bind sockets to IP addresses, not names. So use the appropriate system call to find the correct local address for the name you wish to bind.
2. Use the first name in the hosts file. Multiple names just provide aliases for the address.
3. Not sure what you mean. Loopback by definition is local to the hardware on which the code is running.
4. The client should connect to the server's public address. That is to say, when the server sets up a listening socket, the client needs to know the server's listening address. In internet terms that would be the address found by using DNS lookups. In your tests you just need to hardcode the address in the client code.
5. see 4.
6. The other IP6 names are (probably) use for broadcast messages. Check the relevant RFC document for details.
Thanks Richard.
I need to keep this short, but Like you to know you are no being ignored.
I do understand the as loop back IP .
I am still not sure when IP is "internal protocol" and when Internet protocol.
I take it is an "internal " "IP" address - singular.
I have the "conversion from "nost" name to such IP address done.
So far it looks as I have to have TWO sockets -
one as "plain network" (with loopback and the other as an addition of "RF communication " for future full usage of bluetooth.
I have the "network" socket figured out and working on the RF socket.
I assume they have to be "tied together" somehow.
As far as "remote loopback " goes - such "feature is part of RS232 / EIA standard allowing the originator of the connection to set the receiving end to "remote loop back" to pass the data from the RS232 hardware back to sender without sending it to the attached hardware.
That way the actual transmission path is used both ways without need to communicate to remote system.
Perhaps it can be done by controlling the "RF socket" connection itself.
But later.
Back to entertain visiting grand kids. Sorry.
Start with
The “server” ( local PC) allocates a “socket” with parameters
and is set ( waits ) to receive connection from “client”.
It is unclear , but logical that “client terminal “ should be specified - perhaps “client (host) bluetooth address – array of six entries should be entered somewhere – as a “remote address”.
I am using term “terminal X address “ to get away from confusing usage of “address” which can be IP (generic network) or bluetooth address.
So far the term “host” is associated with IP name / address and is really not specific to client or server.
The bluetooth address seems to have no relations to IP address.
The “client” (Rpi) software allocates a “socket” with parameters
socket_descriptor_local = socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTPROTO_RFCOMM);
the “client” - (Rpi ) software originates connection to server ( connect to server bluetooth terminal address ) when data is ready to be passed onto “server” . For now I am passing simple message(s) only.
It is also unclear how / where to specify “client terminal”.
Currently I have two bluetooth hardware (USB) of different class connected.
I do not see how "socket" cares about bluetooth class.
I managed to run both software and received expected errors.
Like to know WHO , not why, actually generates the "connection refused" - logically it should came from "connecting to RECEIVING terminal" , but I am not so sure how to identify that.
The sequence should be something like:
To accept connections, the following steps are performed by the server side:
1. A socket is created with socket(2).
2. The socket is bound to a local address using bind(2), so that
other sockets may be connect(2)ed to it.
3. A willingness to accept incoming connections and a queue
limit for incoming connections are specified with listen().
4. Connections are accepted with accept(2).
as described at listen(2) - Linux manual page[^].
The client then connects by the following:
Creates the socket
Calls bind to bind the socket to the address of the server
Calls connect
starts sending messages
as described at bind(2) - Linux manual page[^].
I am not sure what special rules are needed when connecting via Bluetooth.
Yes, that is generally my understanding of "how to".
Sure makes using socket clearer then working with "HCI".
It seems that passing the parameters to "socket" call , especially the DOMAIN and PROTOCOL
"bypasses" the "bind" call.
I need to work on that.
But I got the basic doing expected stuff.
How is this for laymen "definitions "?
socket is "high level layer" - overall manager of I/O .
bind attaches such socket to "local host" (address) - IP network in general , bluetooth address as option of general.
connect attaches such socket via "transmission patch " to "remote" hardware / host , again generally to network (using IP address) , bluetoooth as network specific option using bluetooth address.
modified 1-Jan-20 14:45pm.
I guess I have to establish "my model" first and use appropriate terminology.
The objective is to display data processed on "embedded hardware" ( Raspberry Pi ) on PC.
Hence (per attached note )
"Client (RPi ) requests a service ( display data passed to it ) from server."
" TCP/IP enables peer-to-peer communication."
Is very generic term used , however "peer-to- peer" is little misleading since it implies , to me , an equal function of each end of communication path - which "client / server " is NOT.
TCP/IP is ONE part of actual implementation of the "transmission path " ( a generic term of describing the actuall communication path) - in this case I have TCP/IP and Bluetoooth RF participating in the "transmission path ".
So in terminology of "communication " terms -
I have a source - client - RPi
communication / transmission path - TCP/IP and RF
destination - server
For simplicity I am going use SINGLE socket (DONE!) and the actaull communication - from source to destination can be also looked as "simplex" communication.
The actaull passing of information between terminal points ( source / destination ) can be reversed.
So much for theory.
I am still trying to decipher the INDIVIDUAL function of parameters passed to "socket"
Mainly the functions of DOMAIN parameter - either AF_x (Address family) or PF_x (Protocol family).
I am unable to find decent definition of "AF_BLUETOOTH" DOMAIN parameter.
(Time to find source code for "socket" function )
The puzzling part is PROTOCOL parameter by itself and its interaction with DOMAIN and TYPE.
The Client-Server Model
TCP/IP enables peer-to-peer communication.
Computers can cooperate as equals or in any desired way.
Most distributed applications have special roles. For example:
Server waits for a client request.
Client requests a service from server.
There are plenty of samples around the internet that contain the source code of a simple socket program. The key being that it shows the sequence of events for both server and client. Adapting such samples to your own requirements is a fairly simple process. I do not have a current copy but I used one in the past in my professional life.
Richard, thanks for your support.
Learn few things about what now looks as easy coding.
Managed to pass text message from client to server via bluetooth
using socket with these parameters on BOTH ends:
However, not home yet.
Some “behind the scenes" needs investigating.
Given up on local loopback test for now.
The complier complains about this assignment,
loc_addr.rc_bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY;
but the application works as expected when the loc_addr.rc_bdaddr
is NOT assigned,
loc_addr.rc_family = AF_BLUETOOTH;
loc_addr.rc_bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY;
loc_addr.rc_channel = (uint8_t) 1;
In file included from ../src/RPI_BT_SERVER.cpp:54 :
../src/RPI_BT_SERVER.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
../src/RPI_BT_SERVER.cpp:133:26: error: taking address of temporary [-fpermissive]
loc_addr.rc_bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY;
BTW taken form RFCOMM example, like to know what is the reason for the "temporary" note.
Interestingly the simplest answer has no rating on site where rating the post is THE OBJECTIVE. .
Hi - I have a solution that I checked-in incorrectly the packages folder which I shouldn't have - its in Change set details, now can I change the Change set to eliminate this folder from it? or can I delete it form the source control without deleting it locally? and I want another solution also - how can I set this folder to be not part of the checkins for any future checkins? Thanks a lot any help please - thank you.
how to to deploy php application,
can i use xampp server for deployment.
which way i can deploy in windows system.
Years ago when I worked with PHP, it was called "LAMP", Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP all running on a single Linux server. You could pick a Linux build, choose LAMP and it would just setup the whole server for you.
At the same period in time, to make a Windows Server that hosted a PHP web application, you had to install PHP on top of IIS web server, then program your PHP.ini file to customize it to your PHP app. Them add the PHP mime or extension to IIS and tell IIS how to process a PHP file. It was pretty straight forward.
One caveat however, it that is you development a PHP app in Linux, some functions will not work in Windows and vice versus. I personally would not waste money on a Windows server license to host a PHP website.
I suggest you use the link below and practice it a couple of times on a development machine and then your server.
How to Install PHP on Windows — SitePoint
I had to read the question again, and saw the xampp. Guess LAMP is outdated and has been replaced with XAMPP.
Sounds likes you just download the app, and it installs the whole framework for you, and then code to it. Works on Linux, Windows, MacOS. Just remember to choose your environment first before you code so everything works.
To deploy you app in production, you'll need to use a cloud service like Amazon. There must be a package and deployment helper in XAMPP that uploads your project for you.
Since you didn't mention what version of Windows and PHP your using, You'll have to figure that part out yourself.
Choose your environment first before you code.
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modified 7-Nov-19 15:51pm.
Hi all: we have a free classified website in WordPress currently we are using A2 web hosting services
they are proving great services but issue is they are very expensive when we go to renew their packages
so i am requesting can you please suggest me any good cloud hosting service provider that not be much expensive thanks
Well that's kind of how it works. You get discounts at first to attract you to the service such as A2, and they spend a great amount of time teaching you how to use the system. Then they raise the price as you renew. Usually it's the other way around where the upfront cost is higher, then it goes down.
You didn't mention what level of service your using, shared, dedicated and how much your paying, so I can't really offer a suggestion. GoDaddy was offering a special for a $1.00 USD a month for WordPress sites.
A2 Web Hosting Review & Rating | PCMag.com
Is Cheap Hosting Worth Your Time?
If it ain't broke don't fix it
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Grab your own VPS and host your website there!
I've always just used github. It does the job but I'm curious if there are nicer setups out there? Starting a new university project soon. Any tips? Whats your current setup and why?
I have implemented GitLab in a couple of places and have been using it for several months. GitLab is free as well as good for small private and public repos.