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GeneralRe: What's so bad about webforms? Pin
DerekT-P20-Nov-19 1:22
professionalDerekT-P20-Nov-19 1:22 
GeneralRe: What's so bad about webforms? Pin
DerekT-P19-Nov-19 0:23
professionalDerekT-P19-Nov-19 0:23 
AnswerRe: What's so bad about webforms? Pin
F-ES Sitecore18-Nov-19 23:30
professionalF-ES Sitecore18-Nov-19 23:30 
AnswerRe: What's so bad about webforms? Pin
A_Griffin20-Nov-19 5:57
A_Griffin20-Nov-19 5:57 
GeneralRe: What's so bad about webforms? Pin
DerekT-P20-Nov-19 9:05
professionalDerekT-P20-Nov-19 9:05 
AnswerRe: What's so bad about webforms? Pin
Steve Naidamast24-Nov-19 6:53
professionalSteve Naidamast24-Nov-19 6:53 
GeneralRe: What's so bad about webforms? Pin
DerekT-P24-Nov-19 9:18
professionalDerekT-P24-Nov-19 9:18 
GeneralRe: What's so bad about webforms? Pin
Steve Naidamast25-Nov-19 4:30
professionalSteve Naidamast25-Nov-19 4:30 

I should be thanking you for your reply... Smile | :)

You are part of a growing chorus of professional technicians who are starting to realize that increased complexity does not always translate into increased capabilities or even ease-of-use.

Most of the original complaints regarding WebForms were legitimate. However, they were primarily targeted at the internals of the environment, which in many cases had work-arounds so one could avoid their pitfalls. However, as I had mentioned, Microsoft worked to improve these internals and did a rather good job of it.

Had the community not simply walked away from the WebForms environment, it would have received more refinements.

Of course we have the Microsoft issue where the company continuously "throws the baby out with the bathwater" when introducing new refinements and\or products. This corporate problem did not help their case to maintain WebForms as a viable development environment.

As to JavaScript, I understand your disagreement with my position. However, I was not referring to the necessities of using the language for hosting capabilities at the web client but instead its general use as a major development language through the use of all these cryptic frameworks.

Doing so has changed the orientation from server-side supported applications back the "fat client" model, which is the very thing that was fought against in the late 1990s and early to mid 2000s. Professionals that time all agreed that the "fat client" model was unwieldy and presented more issues than it was worth. Thus, we stuck with the "thin client" model, which I still adhere to.

When MVC emerged, many professionals used it as an excuse to blame the inefficiencies of WebForms as an environment that was not workable while laying the blame on its internal model (web-page\code-behind) as the basis for many poorly written applications. However, this aspect of WebForms was never the fault of the design but the result of poor development techniques. The Code-Behind component side of things was only intended to be a dispatcher while also handling immediate display constructs. Nonetheless, many developers merely stuck a whole lot of code in these server-side modules making WebForms look more like a whale than it actually was.

MVC brought JavaScript into forefront as a major development language for which it was never intended and it has been responsible in large part for the mess that current web development has found itself in.

Despite all of the crowing regarding MVC, I have never found a single analysis of the performance aspects of it against WebForms with the exception of a single professional's curiosity who bench-marked an in-house application in both environments. He found that after 100 concurrent users in either application there was absolutely no difference in performance between the WebForms and MVC applications.

To me, WebForms was and still is the zenith of web development on the current Internet topologies. Considering that the Internet was never designed to support what is being thrown over it today, WebForms was a very successful implementation to make such development a far easier and more approachable technology when compared to anything MVC has to offer.
Steve Naidamast
Sr. Software Engineer
Black Falcon Software, Inc.

QuestionFacing Issues while reading an excel file and inserting it's rows to a my sql tabble. Working fine in local machine but giving error after deployement Pin
Member 1465772316-Nov-19 3:23
Member 1465772316-Nov-19 3:23 
AnswerRe: Facing Issues while reading an excel file and inserting it's rows to a my sql tabble. Working fine in local machine but giving error after deployement Pin
phil.o16-Nov-19 4:08
professionalphil.o16-Nov-19 4:08 
GeneralRe: Facing Issues while reading an excel file and inserting it's rows to a my sql tabble. Working fine in local machine but giving error after deployement Pin
Member 1465772317-Nov-19 7:29
Member 1465772317-Nov-19 7:29 
GeneralRe: Facing Issues while reading an excel file and inserting it's rows to a my sql tabble. Working fine in local machine but giving error after deployement Pin
phil.o17-Nov-19 9:26
professionalphil.o17-Nov-19 9:26 
QuestionChange datatable from column to row and bind it to gridview Pin
Anand Solomon14-Nov-19 5:19
Anand Solomon14-Nov-19 5:19 
QuestionAccessing Master Page Methods in Content Page and Accessing this.Master page Control from Class Library Pin
Member 1115418813-Nov-19 18:34
Member 1115418813-Nov-19 18:34 
AnswerRe: Accessing Master Page Methods in Content Page and Accessing this.Master page Control from Class Library Pin
F-ES Sitecore13-Nov-19 23:23
professionalF-ES Sitecore13-Nov-19 23:23 
GeneralRe: Accessing Master Page Methods in Content Page and Accessing this.Master page Control from Class Library Pin
Member 1115418814-Nov-19 0:17
Member 1115418814-Nov-19 0:17 
GeneralRe: Accessing Master Page Methods in Content Page and Accessing this.Master page Control from Class Library Pin
Richard Deeming14-Nov-19 1:25
mveRichard Deeming14-Nov-19 1:25 
Question[Solved] Retrieve Session Array variable to Array variable in Class Library Project Pin
Member 1115418813-Nov-19 0:00
Member 1115418813-Nov-19 0:00 
AnswerRe: Retrieve Session Array variable to Array variable in Class Library Project Pin
Richard Deeming13-Nov-19 2:15
mveRichard Deeming13-Nov-19 2:15 
GeneralRe: Retrieve Session Array variable to Array variable in Class Library Project Pin
Member 1115418813-Nov-19 2:48
Member 1115418813-Nov-19 2:48 
GeneralRe: Retrieve Session Array variable to Array variable in Class Library Project Pin
Richard Deeming13-Nov-19 3:36
mveRichard Deeming13-Nov-19 3:36 
GeneralRe: Retrieve Session Array variable to Array variable in Class Library Project Pin
Member 1115418813-Nov-19 4:58
Member 1115418813-Nov-19 4:58 
Questionwhat is major difference between blazor server app and mvc razor app? Pin
Nitin S11-Nov-19 18:10
Nitin S11-Nov-19 18:10 
AnswerRe: what is major difference between blazor server app and mvc razor app? Pin
Mycroft Holmes11-Nov-19 20:20
professionalMycroft Holmes11-Nov-19 20:20 
GeneralRe: what is major difference between blazor server app and mvc razor app? Pin
Nitin S11-Nov-19 22:04
Nitin S11-Nov-19 22:04 

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