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.NET (Core and Framework)

GeneralRe: (VS2008 - VB.Net - Compact Framework) DataSet.ReadXml metod fails Pin
steve_94966137-Nov-19 21:42
professionalsteve_94966137-Nov-19 21:42 
GeneralRe: (VS2008 - VB.Net - Compact Framework) DataSet.ReadXml metod fails Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Nov-19 22:05
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Nov-19 22:05 
GeneralRe: (VS2008 - VB.Net - Compact Framework) DataSet.ReadXml metod fails Pin
Eddy Vluggen7-Nov-19 1:26
professionalEddy Vluggen7-Nov-19 1:26 
GeneralRe: (VS2008 - VB.Net - Compact Framework) DataSet.ReadXml metod fails Pin
steve_94966137-Nov-19 2:04
professionalsteve_94966137-Nov-19 2:04 
GeneralRe: (VS2008 - VB.Net - Compact Framework) DataSet.ReadXml metod fails Pin
Eddy Vluggen7-Nov-19 2:15
professionalEddy Vluggen7-Nov-19 2:15 
GeneralRe: (VS2008 - VB.Net - Compact Framework) DataSet.ReadXml metod fails Pin
steve_94966137-Nov-19 3:33
professionalsteve_94966137-Nov-19 3:33 
GeneralRe: (VS2008 - VB.Net - Compact Framework) DataSet.ReadXml metod fails Pin
Eddy Vluggen7-Nov-19 5:49
professionalEddy Vluggen7-Nov-19 5:49 
GeneralRe: (VS2008 - VB.Net - Compact Framework) DataSet.ReadXml metod fails Pin
steve_94966137-Nov-19 21:22
professionalsteve_94966137-Nov-19 21:22 
Thanks for your advice Eddy, I'll give it a try.
I have already tried SQLite in C++ (Embarcadero C++Builder) but I was not really satisfied from what I managed to do...
I see that here there are some articles as "Using SQLite in C#/VB.Net" that seems to be a good point to start.
GeneralRe: (VS2008 - VB.Net - Compact Framework) DataSet.ReadXml metod fails Pin
Eddy Vluggen7-Nov-19 21:30
professionalEddy Vluggen7-Nov-19 21:30 
AnswerRe: (VS2008 - VB.Net - Compact Framework) DataSet.ReadXml metod fails Pin
Member 146492478-Nov-19 4:41
Member 146492478-Nov-19 4:41 
QuestionERROR IN .NET FRAMEWORK - in Windows 10 - how to solve this? Pin
S3TH_201920-Oct-19 0:22
S3TH_201920-Oct-19 0:22 
AnswerRe: ERROR IN .NET FRAMEWORK - in Windows 10 - how to solve this? Pin
Eddy Vluggen20-Oct-19 2:29
professionalEddy Vluggen20-Oct-19 2:29 
GeneralRe: ERROR IN .NET FRAMEWORK - in Windows 10 - how to solve this? Pin
S3TH_201920-Oct-19 10:21
S3TH_201920-Oct-19 10:21 
GeneralRe: ERROR IN .NET FRAMEWORK - in Windows 10 - how to solve this? Pin
Eddy Vluggen20-Oct-19 10:28
professionalEddy Vluggen20-Oct-19 10:28 
GeneralRe: ERROR IN .NET FRAMEWORK - in Windows 10 - how to solve this? Pin
Dave Kreskowiak20-Oct-19 13:30
mveDave Kreskowiak20-Oct-19 13:30 
Question2D Arrays Pin
LilJokez_Gaming10-Oct-19 11:29
LilJokez_Gaming10-Oct-19 11:29 
AnswerRe: 2D Arrays Pin
Dave Kreskowiak10-Oct-19 13:42
mveDave Kreskowiak10-Oct-19 13:42 
QuestiondotNET performance surprises Pin
kalberts20-Sep-19 1:57
kalberts20-Sep-19 1:57 
AnswerRe: dotNET performance surprises Pin
Gerry Schmitz20-Sep-19 5:45
mveGerry Schmitz20-Sep-19 5:45 
QuestionPowerShell - FileSystemWatcher with GUI issue Pin
Damian Bz10-Sep-19 22:48
Damian Bz10-Sep-19 22:48 
AnswerRe: PowerShell - FileSystemWatcher with GUI issue Pin
Gerry Schmitz11-Sep-19 16:26
mveGerry Schmitz11-Sep-19 16:26 
GeneralRe: PowerShell - FileSystemWatcher with GUI issue Pin
Damian Bz11-Sep-19 22:23
Damian Bz11-Sep-19 22:23 
AnswerRe: PowerShell - FileSystemWatcher with GUI issue Pin
shreya313-Oct-19 2:17
shreya313-Oct-19 2:17 
QuestionForm appears hidden behind google maps in expanded mode. Pin
BibiStars6-Sep-19 4:11
BibiStars6-Sep-19 4:11 
AnswerRe: Form appears hidden behind google maps in expanded mode. Pin
dan!sh 6-Sep-19 4:44
professional dan!sh 6-Sep-19 4:44 

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