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AnswerRe: React iFrame, want to use it - suggest me if i have any better alternate for my below need Pin
Nathan Minier7-Oct-19 1:20
professionalNathan Minier7-Oct-19 1:20 
AnswerRe: React iFrame, want to use it - suggest me if i have any better alternate for my below need Pin
dan!sh 7-Oct-19 2:37
professional dan!sh 7-Oct-19 2:37 
AnswerRe: React iFrame, want to use it - suggest me if i have any better alternate for my below need Pin
jkirkerx7-Oct-19 13:50
professionaljkirkerx7-Oct-19 13:50 
GeneralRe: React iFrame, want to use it - suggest me if i have any better alternate for my below need Pin
simpledeveloper9-Oct-19 7:15
simpledeveloper9-Oct-19 7:15 
QuestionASP .NET Integrate With CISCO IP Phones Pin
Member 131052172-Oct-19 1:46
Member 131052172-Oct-19 1:46 
SuggestionRe: ASP .NET Integrate With CISCO IP Phones Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Oct-19 2:00
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Oct-19 2:00 
AnswerRe: ASP .NET Integrate With CISCO IP Phones Pin
Nathan Minier7-Oct-19 1:29
professionalNathan Minier7-Oct-19 1:29 
QuestionMultiple PDF display in web application Pin
sundaramoorthy.b25-Sep-19 23:49
sundaramoorthy.b25-Sep-19 23:49 
Hi all,


I want to display multiple PDF files from one folder for one user.

I m having multiple users, each and every user uploading multiple PDF files, those pdf files storing to the folder, every user having a separate folder. Now I want to see pdf files for one user, that user pdf files want to display same web page using to see navigation without merge pdf files.
GeneralRe: Multiple PDF display in web application Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Sep-19 0:30
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Sep-19 0:30 
QuestionUnordered List Items are not displaying in horizontal Pin
simpledeveloper24-Sep-19 13:49
simpledeveloper24-Sep-19 13:49 
AnswerRe: Unordered List Items are not displaying in horizontal Pin
Richard Deeming25-Sep-19 2:42
mveRichard Deeming25-Sep-19 2:42 
GeneralRe: Unordered List Items are not displaying in horizontal Pin
simpledeveloper25-Sep-19 5:30
simpledeveloper25-Sep-19 5:30 
AnswerRe: Unordered List Items are not displaying in horizontal Pin
Anandkumar Prajapati27-Sep-19 22:52
professionalAnandkumar Prajapati27-Sep-19 22:52 
GeneralRe: Unordered List Items are not displaying in horizontal Pin
simpledeveloper30-Sep-19 12:14
simpledeveloper30-Sep-19 12:14 
QuestionConvert the following jQuery function into React or what shall I do to have same functionality Pin
simpledeveloper24-Sep-19 11:04
simpledeveloper24-Sep-19 11:04 
AnswerRe: Convert the following jQuery function into React or what shall I do to have same functionality Pin
jkirkerx24-Sep-19 11:30
professionaljkirkerx24-Sep-19 11:30 
GeneralRe: Convert the following jQuery function into React or what shall I do to have same functionality Pin
simpledeveloper24-Sep-19 14:06
simpledeveloper24-Sep-19 14:06 
QuestionImporting all images into React Inline component which is const Pin
simpledeveloper24-Sep-19 10:40
simpledeveloper24-Sep-19 10:40 
AnswerRe: Importing all images into React Inline component which is const Pin
jkirkerx24-Sep-19 11:41
professionaljkirkerx24-Sep-19 11:41 
GeneralRe: Importing all images into React Inline component which is const Pin
simpledeveloper24-Sep-19 19:44
simpledeveloper24-Sep-19 19:44 
GeneralRe: Importing all images into React Inline component which is const Pin
simpledeveloper24-Sep-19 13:51
simpledeveloper24-Sep-19 13:51 
GeneralRe: Importing all images into React Inline component which is const Pin
simpledeveloper2-Oct-19 8:06
simpledeveloper2-Oct-19 8:06 
GeneralRe: Importing all images into React Inline component which is const Pin
jkirkerx2-Oct-19 13:00
professionaljkirkerx2-Oct-19 13:00 
QuestionQuery value is passed correctly but does not return any results in the query API string Pin
hm918-Sep-19 4:27
hm918-Sep-19 4:27 
AnswerRe: Query value is passed correctly but does not return any results in the query API string Pin
Richard Deeming18-Sep-19 7:35
mveRichard Deeming18-Sep-19 7:35 

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