Hi Richard,
I was able to extract the intended substring by using "Gender: (.+?)".
Thanks for all of your help!
I went to the link "https://regexr.com/. However, I have not been able to figure out how to use it. Is there any documentation available for reference?
Yes, the documentation is right there on the front page. You put your own test data into the box labelled "Text". Then add your regex in the box titled "Expression". The menus on the left point you to the documentation for all the regex types. What could be simpler?
Hi all,
I am looking for a regular expression to extract everything following a string and before a space. Please see the example below.
Order placed at the store. Order Date: 01/12/2017 This was completed.
From the above string, I would like to extract the following.
Order Date: 01/12/2017
How about: Order Date: \d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d
Perhaps with a couple of extra \d s to cope with the four-digit year?
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Oops again.
Hi Richard,
My string is like the following.
Order placed at the store. Order Date: 01/12/2017 10:54 AM This was completed.
I would like to pull "Order Date: 01/12/2017 10:54 AM"
Hope this helps.
If you take my original Order Date: \d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d , plus Richard Deeming's reply to me \d\d for the rest of the year, then you should be able to work out what else is needed. And you can test your expression online at RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx[^].
If you want to include the "Order Date: " in your extracted value:
Order Date:\s*[^\s]+
If you just want the "01/12/2017", and you're using C#, then:
(?<=Order Date:\s*)[^\s]+
(Other regular expression processors may also support "zero-width positive lookbehind" assertions. But Javascript, for example, doesn't.)
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Hi Richard,
Thanks for your response!
Since I need the order date, I tried using "Order Date:\s*[^\s]+" per your post above, and it is pulling text after the date, time and AM/PM. So, I would like to pull everything before the date, time and AM/PM.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you!
So, my string is like the following.
Order placed at the store. Order Date: 01/12/2017 10:54 AM This was completed.
I would like to pull "Order Date: 01/12/2017 10:54 AM"
Hope this helps.
You specifically said you wanted to extract the text up to the first space, and there is a space between 2017 and 10:54 . And then another space between 10:54 and AM .
If the date and time is always in the same format - which doesn't match the example you gave in your original message - then try something like:
Order Date: \d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d [AP]M Demo[^]
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Hi Richard,
Sorry for the confusion. I tried the expression that you posted and it works perfectly!
Also, I would like to pull "Name is: Tia" from the following string:
My friend's Name is: Tia She lives in Argentina.
Thanks so much,
Only one name, with no spaces?
Name is: [^\s]+ Demo[^]
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I tried "Name is: [^\s]+" but I am getting back the text after the space as well. How can I fix this?
You could try "Name is:\s([^\s]+).*$" .
The result will be in the first numbered group of the result.
string input = "My friend's Name is: Tia She lives in Argentina.";
Regex r = new Regex(@"Name is:\s([^\s]+).*$");
string name = r.Match(input).Groups[0].Value;
while (!(success = Try()));
Then there's either a bug with the regular expression engine you're using, or there's something wrong with your code.
[^\s]+ explicitly excludes any spaces. That pattern will match the first run of characters which are not spaces to appear after the prefix "Name is: ".
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I'm using Notepad++ to do some Regex replacements and have come up against a problem I can't solve.
I'm looking to match a region between two fixed strings inclusive (called <startstring> and <endstring> for the sake of example). The problem I have is these strings appear multiple times throughout, but I want to match EACH instance, rather than one match from the very first <startstring> to the last <endstring>. They may or may not be over many lines. For example:
...text body...
...other text...
...text body...
...other text...
...text body...
I need my Regex to make 3 separate matches, rather than 1 big match which includes all the ..other text... which I need to be left intact.
The above needs to work irrespective of whether the <startstring> and <endstring> are on the same line or many lines apart.
Thanks in advance.
public static Regex regex = new Regex(
| RegexOptions.CultureInvariant
| RegexOptions.Compiled
MatchCollection ms = regex.Matches(InputText);
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Never throw anything away, Griff
Bad command or file name. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaaay...
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
Thanks, that's led me to the correct solution for all eventualities
You're welcome!
Sent from my Amstrad PC 1640
Never throw anything away, Griff
Bad command or file name. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaaay...
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
Hello, I am new to using Regex and hope someone can help with my expresion.
I am using VB.net Regex.Match() to extract info.
I cannot figure out how to include the text at the end of a line in my expression.
I'm using Expresso for testing my expression.
Expression without double quotes:
Source Data1:
test \~zs\~lsMt+22:21\~le\~ksMt+22:211\~ke\~hs\~he\~ze end of line
[test \~zs\~lsMt+22:21\~le\~ksMt+22:211\~ke\~hs\~he\~ze]
1: [test ]
2: [\~zs\~ls]
3: [Mt+22:21]
4: [\~le\~ks]
5: [Mt+22:211]
6: [\~ke\~hs]
7: []
8: [\~he\~ze]
9: []
I do not get a reference to [end of line]
Source Data2:
\~zs\~lsMark+1:1\~le\~ksMark+1:11\~ke\~hs\~he\~ze some data \~zs\~lsMark+2:1\~le\~ksMark+2:11\~ke\~hs\~he\~ze end of line
Returns 2 matches:
1: []
2: [\~zs\~ls]
3: [Mark+1:1]
4: [\~le\~ks]
5: [Mark+1:11]
6: [\~ke\~hs]
7: []
8: [\~he\~ze]
9: []
[ some data \~zs\~lsMark+2:1\~le\~ksMark+2:11\~ke\~hs\~he\~ze]
1: [ some data ]
2: [\~zs\~ls]
3: [Mark+2:1]
4: [\~le\~ks]
5: [Mark+2:11]
6: [\~ke\~hs]
7: []
8: [\~he\~ze]
9: []
Again, I do not get a reference to [end of line]
I've tried end the expression with this (.*$) which works for Source Data 1 but
Source data 2 just returns one match with 9:[ some data \~zs....]
Can someone help me with extracting the [end of line] text to item 9:?
thank you