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AnswerRe: cookies vs sessions for storing users id for ecommerce site Pin
Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan3-Aug-19 4:02
professionalAfzaal Ahmad Zeeshan3-Aug-19 4:02 
QuestionI didn't design it but I need to get data out of it. Pin
rnbergren2-Aug-19 4:23
rnbergren2-Aug-19 4:23 
AnswerRe: I didn't design it but I need to get data out of it. Pin
Richard Deeming2-Aug-19 4:51
mveRichard Deeming2-Aug-19 4:51 
GeneralRe: I didn't design it but I need to get data out of it. Pin
rnbergren2-Aug-19 8:12
rnbergren2-Aug-19 8:12 
AnswerRe: I didn't design it but I need to get data out of it. Pin
ZurdoDev2-Aug-19 10:33
professionalZurdoDev2-Aug-19 10:33 
AnswerRe: I didn't design it but I need to get data out of it. Pin
Mycroft Holmes2-Aug-19 13:40
professionalMycroft Holmes2-Aug-19 13:40 
QuestionSQL Server: Facing problem to parse xml using xquery Pin
Mou_kol31-Jul-19 5:56
Mou_kol31-Jul-19 5:56 
Questionstructure question 2 Pin
Joan M18-Jul-19 21:25
professionalJoan M18-Jul-19 21:25 
Hi again!

I have a doubt:

Let's say I have a tasks table:

Tasks Table
id : INT (PK)
idProject : INT 
idUser : INT 
idTaskType : INT 
idInvoice : INT 
start_time : DATETIME
end_time : DATETIME
pricePerHour : FLOAT
notes : LONGTEXT

Then I have a types of tasks table:
Tasks types table
id : INT (PK)
name : VARCHAR(45)

Then I have a types of tasks table:
Tasks types table
id : INT (PK)
name : VARCHAR(45)

Also a users table
Users table
id : INT (PK)
idGroup : INT
name : VARCHAR(45)

And a projects table
Projects table
id : INT (PK)
idCustomer : INT
notes : VARCHAR(200)

And a reference prices table
Reference prices table
idProject : INT (PK) -> foreign key to Id at projects table
idUser : INT (PK) -> foreign key to Id at users table
idTask : INT (PK) -> foreign key to Id at tasks types table
pricePerHour : FLOAT

My idea is to have specific prices depending on the project, the user and the task to be performed.

As you can see there are two pricePerHour fields (one in the "Reference prices table" and one in the "tasks" table).

I've found that in some projects prices change during the project... so it would be able to change the prices on the fly...

What do you think if my GUI uses the reference price as basis to assign the task price?

That way I would be able to change the price of each task if needed (renegotiating...).

Is there any better way to do that?

modified 19-Jul-19 7:13am.

AnswerRe: structure question 2 Pin
Richard Deeming19-Jul-19 1:11
mveRichard Deeming19-Jul-19 1:11 
GeneralRe: structure question 2 Pin
Joan M19-Jul-19 1:14
professionalJoan M19-Jul-19 1:14 
GeneralRe: structure question 2 Pin
Richard Deeming19-Jul-19 1:27
mveRichard Deeming19-Jul-19 1:27 
PraiseRe: structure question 2 Pin
Joan M19-Jul-19 1:31
professionalJoan M19-Jul-19 1:31 
QuestionBest practices for database tables. Pin
RLD7114-Jul-19 12:37
professionalRLD7114-Jul-19 12:37 
AnswerRe: Best practices for database tables. Pin
CHill6017-Jul-19 23:17
mveCHill6017-Jul-19 23:17 
AnswerRe: Best practices for database tables. Pin
Mycroft Holmes18-Jul-19 11:57
professionalMycroft Holmes18-Jul-19 11:57 
GeneralRe: Best practices for database tables. Pin
RLD7121-Jul-19 3:37
professionalRLD7121-Jul-19 3:37 
Questionstructure question Pin
Joan M11-Jul-19 1:30
professionalJoan M11-Jul-19 1:30 
AnswerRe: structure question Pin
Eddy Vluggen11-Jul-19 2:01
professionalEddy Vluggen11-Jul-19 2:01 
GeneralRe: structure question Pin
CHill6018-Jul-19 1:30
mveCHill6018-Jul-19 1:30 
GeneralRe: structure question Pin
Eddy Vluggen18-Jul-19 22:53
professionalEddy Vluggen18-Jul-19 22:53 
QuestionQuery numbering in groups in access database ? Pin
Member 24584674-Jul-19 23:50
Member 24584674-Jul-19 23:50 
SuggestionRe: Query numbering in groups in access database ? Pin
CHill6010-Jul-19 7:51
mveCHill6010-Jul-19 7:51 
GeneralRe: Query numbering in groups in access database ? Pin
Member 245846710-Jul-19 17:57
Member 245846710-Jul-19 17:57 
GeneralRe: Query numbering in groups in access database ? Pin
CHill6010-Jul-19 21:38
mveCHill6010-Jul-19 21:38 
QuestionHow To Fix SQL Database Error 824 ? Pin
Member 24584673-Jul-19 22:10
Member 24584673-Jul-19 22:10 

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