Wow what a trip! Sort of excited that I finally got my app to work in a production environment.
Having to learn Docker like real fast, and then really having to understand how .Net Core 2.2 works. What made it worst was wrapping Angular V7 in .Net Core 2.2, making it much more complicated now. And then connecting it to MongoDB running in another container.
Working with VS2017 and Docker
VS2017 gives you the ability to run your .Net Core 2.2 app in a Docker for Windows container so you can test and debug. But after creating the container, you can't start it again unless you use VS2017 to run it again. What ends up happening is that VS2017 does 1/2 the work in the background and uses the needed components from your shared drive and you can't see it unless you look really close at the output. Now try and use release to build that app and put it in a container, still won't work because your missing the rest of the files needed to run it that are on your shared drive. When you go to peek inside a debug container, it's totally different than a release container. You have to alter your Dockerfile to copy the rest of the files needed to run isolated without a shared drive. Then when you push to Docker Hub you will have everything required.
Visual Studio 2017 will program your environment variables, but to run self contained you have to create them in your Dockerfile or docker-compose.yaml file. eg. DOTNET_RUNNING_IN_CONTAINER=true
VS2017 and Azure:
I actually got to the point where I thought that Docker support for VS2017 was locked into Azure, and that they didn't want us to host Docker containers ourselves, but that was not the case. What it boiled down to was going back to basics and building my project by command line to better understand how "dotnet" works and then build the Docker container. Once I understood the relationship between the two, I was able to go back to VS2017 and craft a better Dockerfile, and then compose it. But what works in Docker for Windows is a whole different story in Docker for Linux.
So to answer some questions that you may have:
Can you host your .Net Core 2.2 app in Docker just using Kestrel - YES
Can you program Kestrel to use SSL with an embedded PFX file - YES
Can you control Kestrel's ciphers such as TLS, no SSL - YES
Do you need a reverse proxy server such as Nginx - NO - so far I haven't had to
Will the stock Dockerfile work - NO - You have to modify it to your needs
Do the current MongoDB C# V2.8 drivers work with Docker and .Net Core 2.2 - YES - but programing the connection string is different than not being in a container. SHA256 auth errors.
Some Advice:
Learn "dotnet" command line first before learning Docker.
Carefully prepare your Programs.cs file for Docker, because if this file crashes your container startup, you won't be able to debug it. No logs, nothing. Add Logging to your Programs.cs will help isolate issues.
Don't hard code much, use json files instead.
Don't trust search engine results:
The most frustrating part is the ocean of outdated information on the internet. When I started learning Angular, all the information was outdated and for V2 and not V6. But it's been cleaned up now. It's the same for .Net Core 2.2 and Docker in which the info is outdated.
Port Numbers:
The other frustrating issue is port numbers. Why does .Net Core want to use ports like 5000, 5001?
When you develop for IIS, normally the port number is 44367 or something. I still don't have the answer for this but used ports 80,443 any ipAddress in Programs.cs and set the ip address in Docker. This took the longest to understand.
Version of Linux:
I tried 2 versions, CentOs and Ubuntu. Not being a fan of Ubuntu, I used it because of it's small footprint and builtin Docker, Docker-Compose support. The build size is so small, I think I can run this on a Raspberry. So Ubuntu Bionic Beaver V18 worked the best.
So what's next?
I'll cleanup my website content at home and run the Docker Compose production version for a couple of weeks. Then build the next server with Docker Swarm and see how that works.
Hope this helps someone looking to do the same thing.
March 16, 2019
If it ain't broke don't fix it
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That is a good candidate for a Tip, or with a little more detail, as an Article.
Good idea!
But I need to get more knowledgeable about it first. A couple of things back fired on me as I tried to perfect Kestrel to obtain a "A" rating on GMetrix, but I figured it out. As I perfected external HTTP request, I broke the internal HTTP request.
And I still have to fix the problem with using the refresh button on the browser which is an Angular or SPA issue not playing nice with .Net Core's routing. I see Microsoft has created a new project template for React/Angular/SPA that seems to have fixed it; and it uses a more native version of Angular for wrapping without using Web Pack. This I'm happy to see because it makes more sense to be able to just create an Angular project and then wrap it in .Net Core.
But overall, just getting .Net Core 2.2.4 working in Docker for production use using SSL would be a good place to start.
Maybe later this month. The link below is a working example of the project running in Docker using just Kestrel. It's a work in progress, the refresh button may not work, and I'm trying to determine the best way to fix it.
If it ain't broke don't fix it
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Actually in my GirdView link button click open new page with passing more than one values usin querystring. Now we want to remove querystring. And we don't want to use session. is their any process to pass values.
Question, I was trying to get expiry date from my database, I already got those list display on my Listview.
But when Im trying to update the year. Still showing on my list.
sample Date today is 13-Apr-2019, i want to display those upcoming expiry +30 Days.
but if I update it to 13-Apr-2020, still showing.
My code i use.
"Select * from TblEmployee where IDExpiry<=@IDExpiry"
siemdi.Parameters.Add("@IDExpiry", OleDbType.Date).Value = DateTime.Today.AddDays(30)
Your question is not much clear but your query will return you data for whatever date you pass as parameter and if Tblemployee has the data. if you just want to get expiry data for next 30 days you should have logic not to pass future date.
modified 20-Sep-20 21:01pm.
That doesn't make much sense to me. If the expiry date is on or before today, then it's also on or before 30 days in the future. Or a year in the future.
What are you actually trying to return?
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
You should return a model when you read the database.
A model is a strong typed class that you use to store data in.
Once you have the model populated, you can add 30 days to the date column by using .AddDays(30) in a loop.
So matter what month it is, it will calculate the proper date.
Eg Model:
public class Example {
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime Expires { get; set; }
Request data and populate the model
var examples = getExamples();
for each example in examples {
If your not using models, then you be able to figure this out somehow. You just need a DateTime Object and AddDays(30)
If it ain't broke don't fix it
Discover my world at jkirkerx.com
Hi Friends,
Can anyone help me with this?
Using 3 tier architecture,how to fetch data directly from database table to textboxes when I clicked on select button in grid view,I have a table in SQL database.Upon clicking on select link button in grid view,the selected row values must be fetched from database table to text boxes and must be filled with respective values according to database table.I have used sqldatareader, taken OnSelectedIndexChanged ,written query in stored procedure for fetching selected row but values are not binding to text boxes.Any suggestions would be helpful.
As you did not showed what you have tried it will be hard us to know. Did you tried to debug and see if you really pulling any values back on your event to bind?
modified 20-Sep-20 21:01pm.
public DataTable FetchDetails(string pid, string pname, string pcid, string sdesc, string desc, string qty, string prce, string len)
var a = new ArrayList();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("spfetchdetail", con);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pid", pid);
SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (sdr.Read())
pid = sdr["P_id"].ToString();
pname = sdr["P_name"].ToString();
pcid = sdr["c_name"].ToString();
sdesc = sdr["P_shortdesc"].ToString();
desc = sdr["P_desc"].ToString();
qty = sdr["P_qty"].ToString();
prce = sdr["P_price"].ToString();
len = sdr["P_length"].ToString();
a.Add(pid); a.Add(pname); a.Add(pcid); a.Add(sdesc); a.Add(desc); a.Add(qty); a.Add(prce); a.Add(len);
return dt;
public object fetchdetail(string pid, string pname, string pcid, string sdesc, string desc, string qty, string prce, string len)
return dll.FetchDetails(pid, pname, pcid, sdesc, desc, qty, prce, len);
protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string pid = ""; string pname = ""; string pcid = ""; string sdesc = ""; string desc = ""; string qty = ""; string prce = ""; string len = "";
bll.fetchdetail(pid, pname, pcid, sdesc, desc, qty, prce, len);
HiddenField1.Value = pid;
txt_proName.Text = pname;
ddl_category.SelectedValue = pcid;
txt_sdesc.Text = sdesc;
txt_ldesc.Text = desc;
txt_qnty.Text = qty;
txt_price.Text = prce;
txt_len.Text = len;
Couple of issues with your code in
FetchDetails method.
1. You have populated the result into arraylist object which is local to this function
2. You executing command object with ExecuteNonQuery, Reader and DataAdapter
3. You populated Dataset to return from FetchDetails in DAL and did not received it in calling method to bind data.
Populate your local variables in SelectChange event from DataSet object you reveiced from BAL and should work for you.
modified 20-Sep-20 21:01pm.
Thank u for u r response.
Unfortunately I am new to work with three tier, I am unable to get your point.Could u pls modify the code which i have provided so that it will be very helpful for me.
Here you go. You need to extract data from data table now in below code to populate your variables which you may be binding on screen.
public DataTable FetchDetails()
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("spfetchdetail", con))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pid", pid);
SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
return dt.Table[0];
public DataTable fetchdetail()
return dll.FetchDetails();
protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string pid = ""; string pname = ""; string pcid = ""; string sdesc = ""; string desc = ""; string qty = ""; string prce = ""; string len = "";
DataTable dt = bll.fetchdetail();
HiddenField1.Value = pid;
txt_proName.Text = pname;
ddl_category.SelectedValue = pcid;
txt_sdesc.Text = sdesc;
txt_ldesc.Text = desc;
txt_qnty.Text = qty;
txt_price.Text = prce;
txt_len.Text = len;
modified 20-Sep-20 21:01pm.
Thank u soo much for your reply.
But unfortunately i'm getting error in DAL
The name 'pid' does not exist in the current context
This is my Stored Procedure:
CREATE proc [dbo].[spfetchdetail]
<a href="https://www.codeproject.com/Members/pid">@pid</a> int
select * from Products LEFT JOIN Category ON Products.P_C_id=Category.c_id where P_id=@pid
-- modified 16-Apr-19 10:04am.
I might have removed all params so its error. You should pass the pid as parameter to DAL to resolve it.
modified 20-Sep-20 21:01pm.
public DataTable FetchDetails(int pid)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("spfetchdetail", con))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pid", pid);
SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
return dt;
public DataTable fetchdetail(int pid)
return dll.FetchDetails(pid);
In CS page,passing pid
string pid="";string pname = ""; string sdesc = ""; string desc = "";
string qty = ""; string prce = ""; string len = "";
DataTable dt = bll.fetchdetail(pid);
getting type conversion error
Well gave you direction but cant fix all here as it wont run. You need to debug and identify the issue. check if you really have data coming from SP outout in debug
modified 20-Sep-20 21:01pm.
Thank u so much vinod, i have modified the code a little and its perfectly working now.Thank u for ur time.
I want when I enters information in the field, then the title of the field goes over the field.
Herre is my code:
@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.FirstName, new { @placeholder = "FIRSTNAME", @class = "adresse-input"})
so in the field we have the text "FIRSTNAME", my purpose is when i enters information in this field, the text "FIRSTNAME" goes over the field.
And as long as the client has nothing to enter in a field, then the title remains in the field.
I search a lot if there is a trick to add in TextBoxFor to do that but i didn't find!
Thanks a lot
Have you looked into CSS for your class for placeholder? Below is something similar you are looking for -
Placeholder for textbox[^]
modified 20-Sep-20 21:01pm.
Are you looking for something like this?
Float Labels with CSS | CSS-Tricks[^]
If not, then you'll need to explain what you mean by "goes over the field".
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I would like to show error when is some of radion buttons is not checked. This is the code:
<pre><div class="floatLeft ml_15">
<asp:Literal ID="litPatientTypeO9" runat="server"></asp:Literal> *
<br />
<asp:RadioButton ID="rbtnNewO9" runat="server" GroupName="PatientTypeO9" CssClass="checkBox" />
<br />
<asp:RadioButton ID="rbtnRecidedO9" runat="server" GroupName="PatientTypeO9" CssClass="checkBox" />
<br />
<asp:RadioButton ID="rbtnUnsucessfulyTreatedO9" runat="server" GroupName="PatientTypeO9" CssClass="checkBox" />
<br />
<asp:RadioButton ID="rbtnTreatedAfterBrakeO9" runat="server" GroupName="PatientTypeO9" CssClass="checkBox" />
<br />
<asp:RadioButton ID="rbtnMovedO9" runat="server" GroupName="PatientTypeO9" CssClass="checkBox" />
<br />
<div id="divOtherType09" runat="server" class="floatLeft" style="padding-top: 3px;">
<asp:RadioButton ID="rbtnOtherTypeO9" runat="server"
GroupName="PatientTypeO9" OnCheckedChanged="rbtnrbtnOtherTypeO9_CheckedChanged" AutoPostBack="true" CssClass="checkBox" />
<div class="floatLeft">
<uc1:TextBoxControl ID="txtOtherTypeO9" runat="server" />
So, all of this radio buttons are not checked and if they stay empty I like to show error message to user so must choose one.
Thank you