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Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP

AnswerRe: any latest api for currency converter free Pin
Richard MacCutchan29-Apr-19 21:35
mveRichard MacCutchan29-Apr-19 21:35 
QuestionUtilize webhook using PHP Webhook Listener Pin
Jassim Rahma18-Apr-19 5:04
Jassim Rahma18-Apr-19 5:04 
QuestionHaving Trouble moving my Wordpress site offline using MAMP Pin
Davstr15-Apr-19 8:02
Davstr15-Apr-19 8:02 
QuestionConvert the sql query into linq Pin
Member 1246113211-Apr-19 22:52
Member 1246113211-Apr-19 22:52 
AnswerRe: Convert the sql query into linq Pin
Richard MacCutchan11-Apr-19 23:05
mveRichard MacCutchan11-Apr-19 23:05 
Questionwhat is the error : SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version? Pin
Amir karim3-Apr-19 20:47
Amir karim3-Apr-19 20:47 
AnswerRe: what is the error : SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version? Pin
Peter_in_27803-Apr-19 21:02
professionalPeter_in_27803-Apr-19 21:02 
GeneralRe: what is the error : SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version? Pin
Amir karim3-Apr-19 21:24
Amir karim3-Apr-19 21:24 
oh yeah i correct that mistake thank you bro Thumbs Up | :thumbsup:
but still this shows me that erorr; now do you have any idea for this?


    $password = $_POST['Password'];
    $email = $_POST['Email'];
    $id = $_POST['id'];

    $query = "UPDATE `users`  SET  ";
    $query .=" Name = '$username' , " ;
    $query .= "  `Password` = '$password' , ";
    $query .= " `Email` = '$email' , " ;
    $query .= " WHERE id = $id " ;

   $result = mysqli_query($connection , $query);
    die("Query Failed". mysqli_error($connection));

of course im beginner specially on working with databases....
GeneralRe: what is the error : SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version? Pin
Richard Deeming3-Apr-19 22:28
mveRichard Deeming3-Apr-19 22:28 
QuestionStored procedure is needed Pin
Member 1246113225-Mar-19 4:02
Member 1246113225-Mar-19 4:02 
AnswerRe: Stored procedure is needed Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Mar-19 5:40
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Mar-19 5:40 
QuestionHow to call php divisions by a button click Pin
Member 1417791010-Mar-19 22:54
Member 1417791010-Mar-19 22:54 
Member 1402329817-Oct-18 5:40
Member 1402329817-Oct-18 5:40 
Mycroft Holmes17-Oct-18 12:43
professionalMycroft Holmes17-Oct-18 12:43 
QuestionWhy my field returns boolean instead of object? Pin
Member 1399562824-Sep-18 3:12
Member 1399562824-Sep-18 3:12 
AnswerRe: Why my field returns boolean instead of object? Pin
Graham Breach24-Sep-18 3:48
Graham Breach24-Sep-18 3:48 
GeneralRe: Why my field returns boolean instead of object? Pin
Member 1399562824-Sep-18 3:50
Member 1399562824-Sep-18 3:50 
GeneralRe: Why my field returns boolean instead of object? Pin
Graham Breach24-Sep-18 4:57
Graham Breach24-Sep-18 4:57 
AnswerRe: Why my field returns boolean instead of object? Pin
SiFinances28-Oct-18 0:52
SiFinances28-Oct-18 0:52 
Questionhow to find daily cash book record from two tables with php mysql Pin
Faruk Web10-Aug-18 21:46
Faruk Web10-Aug-18 21:46 
QuestionGet data attribute from an array of select box Pin
Member 85505912-Aug-18 16:23
Member 85505912-Aug-18 16:23 
QuestionHow to allow access to a yii web application for specific users using .htaccess Pin
Member 139352711-Aug-18 23:20
Member 139352711-Aug-18 23:20 
AnswerRe: How to allow access to a yii web application for specific users using .htaccess Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Aug-18 0:40
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Aug-18 0:40 
AnswerRe: How to allow access to a yii web application for specific users using .htaccess Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Aug-18 1:31
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Aug-18 1:31 
GeneralRe: How to allow access to a yii web application for specific users using .htaccess Pin
Member 139352712-Aug-18 1:35
Member 139352712-Aug-18 1:35 

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