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Managed C++/CLI

AnswerRe: serial port, threads, events Pin
Victor Nijegorodov11-Jan-19 3:28
Victor Nijegorodov11-Jan-19 3:28 
GeneralRe: serial port, threads, events Pin
jeff rhodes 1240020411-Jan-19 16:51
jeff rhodes 1240020411-Jan-19 16:51 
GeneralPlease Upvote: C++/CLI: std::move causes std::unique_ptr parameter to be destructed before function call Pin
John Schroedl3-Jan-19 2:13
professionalJohn Schroedl3-Jan-19 2:13 
GeneralRe: Please Upvote: C++/CLI: std::move causes std::unique_ptr parameter to be destructed before function call Pin
Richard MacCutchan3-Jan-19 2:23
mveRichard MacCutchan3-Jan-19 2:23 
GeneralRe: Please Upvote: C++/CLI: std::move causes std::unique_ptr parameter to be destructed before function call Pin
John Schroedl3-Jan-19 2:28
professionalJohn Schroedl3-Jan-19 2:28 
QuestionHow to catch exception caused by third party dll in c++? Pin
Sampath5797-Dec-18 0:22
Sampath5797-Dec-18 0:22 
AnswerRe: How to catch exception caused by third party dll in c++? Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Dec-18 2:39
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Dec-18 2:39 
GeneralRe: How to catch exception caused by third party dll in c++? Pin
Sampath5797-Dec-18 2:58
Sampath5797-Dec-18 2:58 
Thank You. As of now we are reporting the issues to the owners of the library and they are fixing and providing the fixes in their next release. But i cannot hold my work till their fix. Some how i need to proceed by excluding those exceptions in my code. Is it possible by any chance or any technique to skip those crashes and handling them in my code?
GeneralRe: How to catch exception caused by third party dll in c++? Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Dec-18 3:25
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Dec-18 3:25 
GeneralRe: How to catch exception caused by third party dll in c++? Pin
sameer.p.deshmukh9-Jan-19 1:02
sameer.p.deshmukh9-Jan-19 1:02 
QuestionHow to trace an unhandled exception in C++ using Visual Studio 2017 Pin
Dominick Marciano31-Oct-18 23:03
professionalDominick Marciano31-Oct-18 23:03 
AnswerRe: How to trace an unhandled exception in C++ using Visual Studio 2017 Pin
Richard MacCutchan31-Oct-18 23:55
mveRichard MacCutchan31-Oct-18 23:55 
GeneralRe: How to trace an unhandled exception in C++ using Visual Studio 2017 Pin
AndreyAksenov7-Dec-18 2:38
AndreyAksenov7-Dec-18 2:38 
GeneralRe: How to trace an unhandled exception in C++ using Visual Studio 2017 Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Dec-18 3:22
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Dec-18 3:22 
AnswerRe: How to trace an unhandled exception in C++ using Visual Studio 2017 Pin
John Schroedl5-Nov-18 5:13
professionalJohn Schroedl5-Nov-18 5:13 
Questionmeaing of below code Pin
Member 139765087-Sep-18 22:01
Member 139765087-Sep-18 22:01 
AnswerRe: meaing of below code Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Sep-18 22:32
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Sep-18 22:32 
AnswerRe: meaing of below code Pin
Victor Nijegorodov8-Sep-18 1:07
Victor Nijegorodov8-Sep-18 1:07 
Questionc++ sms send dll Pin
Member 139765087-Sep-18 1:07
Member 139765087-Sep-18 1:07 
AnswerRe: c++ sms send dll Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Sep-18 2:38
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Sep-18 2:38 
AnswerRe: c++ sms send dll Pin
Victor Nijegorodov8-Sep-18 1:04
Victor Nijegorodov8-Sep-18 1:04 
AnswerRe: c++ sms send dll Pin
vidhya 360 com14-Oct-18 20:38
vidhya 360 com14-Oct-18 20:38 
QuestionSharpen filter of bmp image Pin
Jakub Bartczak27-Aug-18 21:21
Jakub Bartczak27-Aug-18 21:21 
AnswerRe: Sharpen filter of bmp image Pin
Jochen Arndt27-Aug-18 22:56
professionalJochen Arndt27-Aug-18 22:56 
Questionplease explain this lines of code Pin
Hiếu Ngô2-Aug-18 18:18
Hiếu Ngô2-Aug-18 18:18 

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