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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: Graphical representation of Data Pin
sree7927-May-18 17:44
sree7927-May-18 17:44 
Questionvolatile issue - repost Pin
Vaclav_22-May-18 5:24
Vaclav_22-May-18 5:24 
QuestionRe: volatile issue - repost Pin
Richard MacCutchan22-May-18 8:26
mveRichard MacCutchan22-May-18 8:26 
AnswerRe: volatile issue - repost Pin
CPallini22-May-18 10:11
mveCPallini22-May-18 10:11 
AnswerRe: volatile issue - repost Pin
leon de boer22-May-18 19:12
leon de boer22-May-18 19:12 
GeneralRe: volatile issue - repost Pin
CPallini22-May-18 21:39
mveCPallini22-May-18 21:39 
QuestionRe: volatile issue - repost Pin
CPallini22-May-18 10:11
mveCPallini22-May-18 10:11 
AnswerRe: volatile issue - repost Pin
Vaclav_22-May-18 11:54
Vaclav_22-May-18 11:54 
<pre lang="c++">
cout << "base " << base << '\n';
cout << "offset " << offset << '\n';
cout << "result " << result << '\n';
Please read the OP again.
Here is a repeat.

Base gets set to a pointer, simple , right?
I add an "offset" to it, still pretty straight.
I expect the result pointer to be base plus offset.
It is <b>AS LONG AS NONE</b> of the variables is typed with "volatile" keyword.
GeneralRe: volatile issue - repost Pin
leon de boer22-May-18 15:44
leon de boer22-May-18 15:44 
GeneralRe: volatile issue - repost Pin
Vaclav_22-May-18 17:44
Vaclav_22-May-18 17:44 
GeneralRe: volatile issue - repost Pin
leon de boer22-May-18 18:13
leon de boer22-May-18 18:13 
GeneralRe: volatile issue - repost SOLVED Pin
Vaclav_23-May-18 3:17
Vaclav_23-May-18 3:17 
QuestionRe: volatile issue - repost SOLVED Pin
CPallini23-May-18 3:28
mveCPallini23-May-18 3:28 
GeneralRe: volatile issue - repost SOLVED Pin
Richard MacCutchan23-May-18 3:32
mveRichard MacCutchan23-May-18 3:32 
GeneralRe: volatile issue - repost SOLVED Pin
Peter_in_278023-May-18 3:44
professionalPeter_in_278023-May-18 3:44 
GeneralRe: volatile issue - repost SOLVED Pin
leon de boer23-May-18 6:55
leon de boer23-May-18 6:55 
GeneralRe: volatile issue - repost SOLVED Pin
Vaclav_24-May-18 5:53
Vaclav_24-May-18 5:53 
GeneralRe: volatile issue - repost SOLVED Pin
supercat931-May-18 12:48
supercat931-May-18 12:48 
GeneralRe: volatile issue - repost SOLVED Pin
leon de boer4-Jun-18 21:05
leon de boer4-Jun-18 21:05 
GeneralRe: volatile issue - repost SOLVED Pin
supercat98-Jun-18 10:31
supercat98-Jun-18 10:31 
QuestionReturn a local 2d Array Pin
kinderu18-May-18 8:59
kinderu18-May-18 8:59 
AnswerRe: Return a local 2d Array Pin
Richard MacCutchan18-May-18 9:13
mveRichard MacCutchan18-May-18 9:13 
GeneralRe: Return a local 2d Array Pin
kinderu18-May-18 9:45
kinderu18-May-18 9:45 
GeneralRe: Return a local 2d Array Pin
leon de boer18-May-18 16:34
leon de boer18-May-18 16:34 
GeneralRe: Return a local 2d Array Pin
Richard MacCutchan18-May-18 20:46
mveRichard MacCutchan18-May-18 20:46 

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