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GeneralRe: volatile misbehaves Pin
Vaclav_17-May-18 7:24
Vaclav_17-May-18 7:24 
AnswerRe: volatile misbehaves Pin
leon de boer18-May-18 8:16
leon de boer18-May-18 8:16 
GeneralRe: volatile misbehaves Pin
Vaclav_19-May-18 14:02
Vaclav_19-May-18 14:02 
GeneralRe: volatile misbehaves Pin
Vaclav_19-May-18 14:36
Vaclav_19-May-18 14:36 
GeneralRe: volatile misbehaves Pin
leon de boer20-May-18 4:41
leon de boer20-May-18 4:41 
GeneralRe: volatile misbehaves Pin
Vaclav_20-May-18 5:44
Vaclav_20-May-18 5:44 
GeneralRe: volatile misbehaves Pin
leon de boer20-May-18 20:35
leon de boer20-May-18 20:35 
GeneralRe: volatile misbehaves Pin
Vaclav_21-May-18 3:18
Vaclav_21-May-18 3:18 
Thanks again, I am making much progress with your help.

I think I found the initial problem with using "volatile".
Here is my view in pseudo code - using GPIO as an example :

pointer * to GPIO block = pointer * to base memory block + offset to gpio

Now - what would be of benefit using volatile to POINTER such as

volatile pointer * to GPIO block = pointer * to base memory block + offset to gpio

In my interpretation - volatile keyword is to protect variable VALUE , not the pointer.

It compiles but the resulting pointer is always "1".

I really need to resolve this "volatile" problem.

I actually tried few different ways to output data the LCD /TFT device.
Using /dev/spidev0.0 (ioctl) writing and reading , using /dev/spidev0.0 and ioctl "writing / reading messages ", plain GPIO access and now this "library".

The main issue is that the LCD/TFT is really not true SPI device - it requires switching from writing data to writing command. That is why I am trying to use this BCM library.
I figure if I can do the "low level BCM library stuff " I can adopt the ioctl way later.

-- modified 21-May-18 10:39am.
GeneralRe: volatile misbehaves Pin
leon de boer21-May-18 4:33
leon de boer21-May-18 4:33 
Question__sync_synchronize stops processor ? Pin
Vaclav_16-May-18 10:31
Vaclav_16-May-18 10:31 
AnswerRe: __sync_synchronize stops processor ? Pin
Randor 16-May-18 12:15
professional Randor 16-May-18 12:15 
GeneralRe: __sync_synchronize stops processor ? Pin
Vaclav_16-May-18 13:15
Vaclav_16-May-18 13:15 
GeneralRe: __sync_synchronize stops processor ? Pin
Randor 16-May-18 14:10
professional Randor 16-May-18 14:10 
GeneralRe: __sync_synchronize stops processor ? Pin
Vaclav_17-May-18 3:22
Vaclav_17-May-18 3:22 
QuestionTo install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
manoharbalu14-May-18 19:30
manoharbalu14-May-18 19:30 
AnswerRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
Victor Nijegorodov14-May-18 20:24
Victor Nijegorodov14-May-18 20:24 
GeneralRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
manoharbalu14-May-18 20:50
manoharbalu14-May-18 20:50 
GeneralRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
Victor Nijegorodov14-May-18 22:56
Victor Nijegorodov14-May-18 22:56 
GeneralRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
manoharbalu15-May-18 3:10
manoharbalu15-May-18 3:10 
GeneralRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
Victor Nijegorodov15-May-18 3:40
Victor Nijegorodov15-May-18 3:40 
GeneralRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
manoharbalu15-May-18 3:48
manoharbalu15-May-18 3:48 
GeneralRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
leon de boer15-May-18 5:50
leon de boer15-May-18 5:50 
GeneralRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
Victor Nijegorodov15-May-18 9:57
Victor Nijegorodov15-May-18 9:57 
AnswerRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
Joe Woodbury17-May-18 5:55
professionalJoe Woodbury17-May-18 5:55 
QuestionCInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu14-May-18 0:34
_Flaviu14-May-18 0:34 

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