Is it possible to install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine. Will there be any problem.
I guess it is possible.
Why didn't you try?
I tried it...but installed VS2008 at the last. But i was unable to open the VS2008 project which was originally created in VS2008.
We had a project created in VS2008. When we copied the project to this machine, the project files and all associated files had the icon appearance changed to VS2013. And when we tried to open the project solution file (Originally created in VS2008), the VS2013 opens up and didnt have any files associated with the project in the solution explorer.
Did you try to first open the VS2008 IDE, and open the project from this IDE?
Yes. I tried in Vs2008 only
You have always been able to install Visual Studio in side by side format with earlier versions.
However that said unless you targetting windows O/S prior to XP or had a mountain of difficult legacy code there would be little point.
The free version of Visual Studio 2017 is much easier and going to cause you less problems than libraries written for the old windows O/S.
In vino veritas
A few years back I had in my XP virtual machine VC++6.0, VS2008 and VS2010 installed. And I could choose any of them to build the project.
And I never saw the problem similar to what you have described.
Yes, but;
1) I highly suggest you install them from oldest to newest.
2) Do NOT open a solution by double-clicking in explorer. Rather, open the visual studio you want to use and then open the solution from there. Also be aware that once you move a solution to a newer version, you typically cannot move back.
Also note that starting with either 2013 or 2015, you can use an earlier toolset.
Hi. I am trying to get the source code of a web page in order to analyze it. And here is the code for code retrieving:
BOOL CCIFDoc::GetRemoteFile(CString sServer, CString sRemotePath, CString sParameter, CStringArray& saData)
CInternetSession ISession;
CInternetFile* pIFile = NULL;
CHttpFile* pHttpFile = NULL;
LPCTSTR lpszAccept[] = {_T("*/*"), NULL};
pIFile = (CInternetFile*)ISession.OpenURL(_T("http://") + sServer + sRemotePath + sParameter, 1, INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_ASCII | INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD);
if(NULL != pIFile)
CString sTemp;
saData.Add(sTemp + _T("\n"));
bRet = (saData.GetSize() > 0);
catch(CInternetException* pException)
pException->GetErrorMessage(m_sError.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), _MAX_PATH);
catch(CMemoryException* pMemException)
pMemException->GetErrorMessage(m_sError.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), _MAX_PATH);
if(NULL != pIFile)
delete pIFile;
if(NULL != pHttpConnect)
delete pHttpConnect;
return bRet;
Classic code.
But there is some web pages which is retrieving without html body, or with other body than I have seen in my browser. Let's take an example: type www.bnr.ro in your browser, and see the page. But when I retrieve this address with code from above, here is the result:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<title>Eroare/ Error</title>
<style type="text/css">
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; outline: none; font-size: 100%; }
body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; }
#wrapper { text-align: center; margin: 3em auto;}
p { padding: 0.5em 0; }
a { color: #0039a6; text-decoration: none; }
a:hover, a:focus { color: #e9994a; }
<div id="wrapper">
<a href="http://www.bnr.ro"><img src="http://www.bnr.ro/images/logo.png"></a>
<p>Eroare neprevazută / Unexpected error.</p>
<p><a href="http://www.bnr.ro">Înapoi pe prima pagină / Back to the homepage</a>.</p>
How can I retrieve the source code just I seen in my browser ?
Thank you.
modified 14-May-18 7:34am.
That is an error message. The server was not able to answer the request.
If you enter that address in your browser you should have noticed that it redirects to an ASPX page.
A possible reason might be that the server script tries to access a request header which is not present and the code does not handle that. Candidates are (among others) User-Agent , Content-Type , and Accept . But finally only the administrator of that web site can tell you.
Ok, and if I know them (User-Agent, Content-Type, etc.), how can I use it in OpenURL method ?
Fourth parameter of OpenURL() .
I have tried something like this:
_T("Cache-Control: no-store\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\nExpires: 0\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\nX-UA-Compatible: IE=edge,chrome=1\r\nauthor: Ministerul Finantelor Publice\r\ndescription: \r\nkeywords: \r\n\r\n")
The same result … very strange …
And a similar problem, where I get only headers, without body web source: http://mfinante.ro/infocodfiscal.html[^]
and when I have tried to get the web source, where is the result:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"/>
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"/>
<meta http-equiv="CacheControl" content="no-cache"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo="/>
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<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the page content.</noscript>
headers, without body ...
It is a valid reply and the important parts are the script tags which are executed by web browsers showing the final content. If JavaScript is disabled in a browser, the content of the noscript tag is shown:
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the page content.</noscript>
That is the problem with todays web sites: They don't use plain HTML anymore.
Even well known tools like wget don't support JavaScript and can't be therefore used to download the "visible" content (which may vary with attributes like media type and screen resolution). You would have to use a client that is able to do all the stuff that a web browser can do besides the final rendering.
Thank you Jochen. I had tried to create an html client with CHtmlView, and here is the result:
void CTestHTMLView::OnInitialUpdate()
Navigate2(_T("http://www.mfinante.ro/pagina.html"), NULL, NULL);
result is blank page … is there impossible to solve this programmatically, in this case ?
Use the CHtmlView GetSource() method to inspect the source. It will probably like those you have already got and should contain hints about what is missing.
Note also that the IE settings are used which might be too restrictive.
I had tried to use CHtmlView::GetSource(), but the string was exactly like the one from CInternetSession::OpenURL() method … no difference between them …
void CTestHTMLView::OnHelpGetsource()
CString s;
and the result is:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"/>
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"/>
<meta http-equiv="CacheControl" content="no-cache"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo="/>
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"\\"+s.S+s.S+"\\"+s.S+s.S+"\\"+s.S+s.L+s.jS+s.ij+s.zi+s.Jj+"\\"+s.S+s.L+s.jS+"\\"+s.S+s.LS+s.L+"\\"+s._S+s.o+"(\\"+s.S+s.sS+s.o+"\\"+s._S+s.o+"+\\"+s._S+s.o+"\\"+s.S+s.sS+s.o+").\\"+s.S+s.L+s.jI+s.Jj+s._5+"\\"+s.S+s.L+s.jI+s.zi+"\\"+s.S+s.L+s.jS+"("+s.jS+",\\"+s._S+s.o+s._S+")\\"+s.S+s.jS+"\\"+s.S+s.S+"\\"+s.S+s.S+"});\\"+s.S+s.jS+"}\\"+s.S+s.jS+'"')())()}catch(I){s%=5}})();var zi=30;window.So={jo:"080c70a28c017800df126fc5e763aaf9338270119b7950166cbb6e56b597e768e5e278db788dbc7975b1b4e7f01572f8c45dd88a0fc0064f2f58c95147c7ac3e2ec9a1d2d31bef21ada6d4c4457b7952a09b154f45faedb6b7c45fea179cdc7fbfbe2f459f2384aa10132a8b8cceb151037fa9827fa8bb61c6331f26872b1b47"};function S(s){return 752>s}
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<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the page content.</noscript>
No body part … I really don't know hot to overcome this …
modified 15-May-18 6:58am.
Like before: All output is done by linked JavaScript.
If that is not shown you have to change the IE settings which probably block the execution.
But I don't know if CHtmlView supports all IE features.
_Flaviu wrote: I really don't know hot to overcome this
The javascript and/or webassembly needs to execute. Websites are not flat files anymore.
You will need to use a complete browser engine to parse the DOM. In other words most websites today are generating dynamic content via javascript. You need to think outside the box here... that javascript you see needs to execute in order to generate the page.
One quick way to do this would be using a hidden Internet Explorer window as the backend. Creating a Web Browser-Style MFC Application[^]. You could set the CHtmlView to load the site and dump the top document after javascript has modified the DOM.
Some of my tools are using a custom webkit[^] as the backend to do this. You can also use Chromium Embedded[^]. You could probably spend less than a day modifying cefsimple[^] to load the website and dump the top document to file after javascript has executed.
Good Luck.
Best Wishes,
-David Delaune
I've always wondered this -why can't you declare variables after a case label in a switch statement? In C++ you can declare variables pretty much anywhere (and declaring them close to first use is obviously a good thing) but the following still won't work
You can, you just need to put them, and the code that uses them inside curly braces, thus:
switch (number)
case 1:
int i; }
Variables not inside such a block are considered to have the scope of the entire switch block. But if they are declared in a single case statement there is a possibility that they would not get initialised safely. To make a variable available to multiple case statements it must be declared before the switch .