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GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu14-May-18 2:24
_Flaviu14-May-18 2:24 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
Jochen Arndt14-May-18 2:29
professionalJochen Arndt14-May-18 2:29 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu14-May-18 2:34
_Flaviu14-May-18 2:34 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu14-May-18 23:00
_Flaviu14-May-18 23:00 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu14-May-18 23:07
_Flaviu14-May-18 23:07 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
Jochen Arndt15-May-18 0:01
professionalJochen Arndt15-May-18 0:01 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu15-May-18 0:21
_Flaviu15-May-18 0:21 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
Jochen Arndt15-May-18 0:31
professionalJochen Arndt15-May-18 0:31 
Use the CHtmlView GetSource() method to inspect the source. It will probably like those you have already got and should contain hints about what is missing.

Note also that the IE settings are used which might be too restrictive.
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu15-May-18 0:44
_Flaviu15-May-18 0:44 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
Jochen Arndt15-May-18 1:21
professionalJochen Arndt15-May-18 1:21 
AnswerRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
Randor 15-May-18 9:46
professional Randor 15-May-18 9:46 
QuestionWhy can't variables be declared in a switch statement Pin
tracyhe12313-May-18 20:34
tracyhe12313-May-18 20:34 
AnswerRe: Why can't variables be declared in a switch statement Pin
Richard MacCutchan13-May-18 20:58
mveRichard MacCutchan13-May-18 20:58 
Questionwhy passing argument by reference(&ref) in a template function shows error ? but works fine if arguments passed by pointer(*ptr) ? Pin
Tarun Jha13-May-18 1:46
Tarun Jha13-May-18 1:46 
AnswerRe: why passing argument by reference(&ref) in a template function shows error ? but works fine if arguments passed by pointer(*ptr) ? Pin
CPallini13-May-18 2:56
mveCPallini13-May-18 2:56 
GeneralRe: why passing argument by reference(&ref) in a template function shows error ? but works fine if arguments passed by pointer(*ptr) ? Pin
Tarun Jha26-May-18 9:50
Tarun Jha26-May-18 9:50 
GeneralRe: why passing argument by reference(&ref) in a template function shows error ? but works fine if arguments passed by pointer(*ptr) ? Pin
CPallini26-May-18 10:53
mveCPallini26-May-18 10:53 
Questionproblem encountered by calling constructors explicitly. Pin
Tarun Jha11-May-18 10:20
Tarun Jha11-May-18 10:20 
AnswerRe: problem encountered by calling constructors explicitly. Pin
Joe Woodbury11-May-18 11:39
professionalJoe Woodbury11-May-18 11:39 
GeneralRe: problem encountered by calling constructors explicitly. Pin
Tarun Jha11-May-18 11:57
Tarun Jha11-May-18 11:57 
AnswerRe: problem encountered by calling constructors explicitly. Pin
CPallini12-May-18 4:13
mveCPallini12-May-18 4:13 
Questionvs2005 Form window Error C2039 Pin
jimNLX11-May-18 6:31
jimNLX11-May-18 6:31 
AnswerRe: vs2005 Form window Error C2039 Pin
Victor Nijegorodov11-May-18 7:23
Victor Nijegorodov11-May-18 7:23 
GeneralRe: vs2005 Form window Error C2039 Pin
jimNLX11-May-18 7:28
jimNLX11-May-18 7:28 
GeneralRe: vs2005 Form window Error C2039 Pin
Victor Nijegorodov11-May-18 8:07
Victor Nijegorodov11-May-18 8:07 

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