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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
manoharbalu15-May-18 3:10
manoharbalu15-May-18 3:10 
GeneralRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
Victor Nijegorodov15-May-18 3:40
Victor Nijegorodov15-May-18 3:40 
GeneralRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
manoharbalu15-May-18 3:48
manoharbalu15-May-18 3:48 
GeneralRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
leon de boer15-May-18 5:50
leon de boer15-May-18 5:50 
GeneralRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
Victor Nijegorodov15-May-18 9:57
Victor Nijegorodov15-May-18 9:57 
AnswerRe: To install Visual Studio(2008 Pro,2010 Express and 2013 Express) in the same machine Pin
Joe Woodbury17-May-18 5:55
professionalJoe Woodbury17-May-18 5:55 
QuestionCInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu14-May-18 0:34
_Flaviu14-May-18 0:34 
AnswerRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
Jochen Arndt14-May-18 2:01
professionalJochen Arndt14-May-18 2:01 
That is an error message. The server was not able to answer the request.

If you enter that address in your browser you should have noticed that it redirects to an ASPX page.

A possible reason might be that the server script tries to access a request header which is not present and the code does not handle that. Candidates are (among others) User-Agent, Content-Type, and Accept. But finally only the administrator of that web site can tell you.
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu14-May-18 2:24
_Flaviu14-May-18 2:24 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
Jochen Arndt14-May-18 2:29
professionalJochen Arndt14-May-18 2:29 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu14-May-18 2:34
_Flaviu14-May-18 2:34 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu14-May-18 23:00
_Flaviu14-May-18 23:00 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu14-May-18 23:07
_Flaviu14-May-18 23:07 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
Jochen Arndt15-May-18 0:01
professionalJochen Arndt15-May-18 0:01 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu15-May-18 0:21
_Flaviu15-May-18 0:21 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
Jochen Arndt15-May-18 0:31
professionalJochen Arndt15-May-18 0:31 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
_Flaviu15-May-18 0:44
_Flaviu15-May-18 0:44 
GeneralRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
Jochen Arndt15-May-18 1:21
professionalJochen Arndt15-May-18 1:21 
AnswerRe: CInternetSession OpenURL Pin
Randor 15-May-18 9:46
professional Randor 15-May-18 9:46 
QuestionWhy can't variables be declared in a switch statement Pin
tracyhe12313-May-18 20:34
tracyhe12313-May-18 20:34 
AnswerRe: Why can't variables be declared in a switch statement Pin
Richard MacCutchan13-May-18 20:58
mveRichard MacCutchan13-May-18 20:58 
Questionwhy passing argument by reference(&ref) in a template function shows error ? but works fine if arguments passed by pointer(*ptr) ? Pin
Tarun Jha13-May-18 1:46
Tarun Jha13-May-18 1:46 
AnswerRe: why passing argument by reference(&ref) in a template function shows error ? but works fine if arguments passed by pointer(*ptr) ? Pin
CPallini13-May-18 2:56
mveCPallini13-May-18 2:56 
GeneralRe: why passing argument by reference(&ref) in a template function shows error ? but works fine if arguments passed by pointer(*ptr) ? Pin
Tarun Jha26-May-18 9:50
Tarun Jha26-May-18 9:50 
GeneralRe: why passing argument by reference(&ref) in a template function shows error ? but works fine if arguments passed by pointer(*ptr) ? Pin
CPallini26-May-18 10:53
mveCPallini26-May-18 10:53 

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