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GeneralRe: Screensaver Fullscreen Pin
Davy Mitchell13-Jul-03 8:47
Davy Mitchell13-Jul-03 8:47 
GeneralRe: Screensaver Fullscreen Pin
Nick Parker13-Jul-03 9:03
protectorNick Parker13-Jul-03 9:03 
GeneralRe: Screensaver Fullscreen Pin
Davy Mitchell13-Jul-03 10:05
Davy Mitchell13-Jul-03 10:05 
GeneralManaged C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
Zibar13-Jul-03 4:16
sussZibar13-Jul-03 4:16 
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
leppie13-Jul-03 6:25
leppie13-Jul-03 6:25 
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jul-03 6:31
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jul-03 6:31 
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
Zibar13-Jul-03 8:11
sussZibar13-Jul-03 8:11 
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
leppie13-Jul-03 8:23
leppie13-Jul-03 8:23 
Zibar wrote:
The MC++ assembly looked like a mixed .exe (native and MSIL).

Probably. Make sure all the files are compiled with the clr flag. Also make sure you are using multi threaded (this mite be the problem, with the entrypoint causing it to link unmanaged libs). Try compile a dll assembly rather and check again.

leppie::AllocCPArticle(Generic DFA State Machine for .NET);
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
Zibar14-Jul-03 8:39
sussZibar14-Jul-03 8:39 
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
Kannan Kalyanaraman14-Jul-03 3:50
Kannan Kalyanaraman14-Jul-03 3:50 
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
Zibar14-Jul-03 8:36
sussZibar14-Jul-03 8:36 
GeneralInter-process synchronization Pin
sirovsky13-Jul-03 1:51
sirovsky13-Jul-03 1:51 
GeneralAttributes Pin
leppie12-Jul-03 23:09
leppie12-Jul-03 23:09 
GeneralRe: Attributes Pin
Nick Parker13-Jul-03 3:38
protectorNick Parker13-Jul-03 3:38 
GeneralRe: Attributes Pin
leppie13-Jul-03 7:24
leppie13-Jul-03 7:24 
GeneralParent Form and its child form Pin
Mazdak12-Jul-03 21:20
Mazdak12-Jul-03 21:20 
GeneralRe: Parent Form and its child form Pin
Rocky Moore12-Jul-03 23:02
Rocky Moore12-Jul-03 23:02 
GeneralRe: Parent Form and its child form Pin
Mazdak13-Jul-03 4:59
Mazdak13-Jul-03 4:59 
GeneralRe: Parent Form and its child form Pin
Rocky Moore13-Jul-03 22:46
Rocky Moore13-Jul-03 22:46 
GeneralRe: Parent Form and its child form Pin
Mazdak14-Jul-03 9:55
Mazdak14-Jul-03 9:55 
GeneralPlease someone help me with COM interop Pin
Redbehelit12-Jul-03 11:19
Redbehelit12-Jul-03 11:19 
GeneralRe: Please someone help me with COM interop Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.12-Jul-03 20:16
Stephane Rodriguez.12-Jul-03 20:16 
GeneralRe: Please someone help me with COM interop Pin
Redbehelit12-Jul-03 20:59
Redbehelit12-Jul-03 20:59 
Generalmemset function Pin
Hoang Dung12-Jul-03 7:50
Hoang Dung12-Jul-03 7:50 
GeneralRe: memset function Pin
leppie12-Jul-03 11:14
leppie12-Jul-03 11:14 

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