Great, just thought you might want to see what others had done for C#-based screensavers.
-Nick Parker
Yep, have download them too thanks!! Mine will be more text based as it is displaying RSS/RDF feeds but they are great references.
Thanks for the help!
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Can MC++ produce normal CLI programs. The same platform
independant programs that C# produces?
I have done a small MC++ console program but first it
becomes huge compared to a C# program (the first was
100kb, and the second below 8kb) and while the first
seems to be only Win32 compatible the second one runs on
My question is can I use Managed C++ to do the same things
I can do with C#? I have some pretty complex algorithms
written in C++ and I want to use them in my .NET programs
but I'd prefer not to port them to C# if possible.
But also keep in mind that MC++ is not verifiable (even in non-mixed mode), and is not garaunteed to run on non-Win32 platforms as leppie is referring. This also means that the code can't be verified by the CLR and many .NET security features are circumvented.
Reminiscent of my younger years...
20 RUN
now I am confused... but why the MC++ code is so much bigger than the one created by C#? what I did is a small console application in C#, VB.NET JScript.NET and C++ to compare what are the differences between them when compiled. The MC++ assembly looked like a mixed .exe (native and MSIL).
Is there something special that I might miss?
Zibar wrote:
The MC++ assembly looked like a mixed .exe (native and MSIL).
Probably. Make sure all the files are compiled with the clr flag. Also make sure you are using multi threaded (this mite be the problem, with the entrypoint causing it to link unmanaged libs). Try compile a dll assembly rather and check again.
leppie::AllocCPArticle(Generic DFA State Machine for .NET);
I am using the Managed Project option and I do not change anything.
this size thing you are saying did you check with the debug/release modes.
release 60kb
debug over 100kb
and the program won't work on MONO although it is nothing more than a few
I would like to know where I can find implementations (if at all) of inter-process (real inter-process - between different processes) synchronization mechanisms besides System.Threading.Mutex (when using named mutex).
Especially, are there any implementations of ReaderWriterLock?
Of course, one can try to implement by himself such things using named mutexes, but though it seems simple, nothing is simple when it comes to multi-threading synchronization...
Thank you.
leppie wrote:
Is it possible for an Attribute derived class to discover or reflect the class/member it has been applied to?
Here is a shot in the dark, but I would think your Attribute class would need to implement the ICustomAttributeProvider and IReflect interfaces.
-Nick Parker
Nick Parker wrote:
Here is a shot in the dark, but I would think your Attribute class would need to implement the ICustomAttributeProvider and IReflect interfaces.
Im not sure what you mean??
To be more specific, the Attribite need to find the Type (not instance) the Attribute is applied to. I could do some resolving but I rather not.
leppie::AllocCPArticle(Generic DFA State Machine for .NET);
I have a parent form and create a form on it that which it is its child and I want it be always open onn my top of parent form. The problem is when this dialog open it always behind the controls on the parent form not in front of them. How can I solve it?
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orig_onload = window.onload;
orig_onunload = window.onunload;
window.onload = noopen_load;
window.onunload = noopen_unload;
Is the form created before the other controls have been created? That would put them higher in the z-order.
If you are wanting a sub form on a dialog window, why not make it a user control and use that?
Rocky Moore <><
I create it in Form_Load.
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orig_onload = window.onload;
orig_onunload = window.onunload;
window.onload = noopen_load;
window.onunload = noopen_unload;
Form_Load? You mean in the OnLoad event?
If you want the dialog to appear over the controls on the parent dialog (not sure why you would want this) you have to put it higher in the Z-Order. An easy method place to build your dialog and add it to the controls is in the Form's contructor just prior to InitalizeComponent. Yours will be the first control which means anything that is behind it is hidden.
Another method is to use the Controls.SetChildIndex to move you form in the ControlCollection up to the top of the list thus the top of the z-order for the controls.
Rocky Moore <><
hmmmmm, thank you.
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Ok, I've been having alot of trouble understanding COM interop.. All the books I read give VERY basic examples that do not really help in the real world. What I want to do is use QEDIT.DLL so that I can use its SampleGrabber or IMediaDet interfaces.
Some books that I've read give very different forms of interop as well, like using "CreateInstance.Activator". The MSDN tutorial for COM Interop uses a totally different approach, using interface definitions. I'm assuming that "CreateInstance.Activator" cannot be used in my case and can be only used for very basic COM objects.
From what I know now, you have to import the COM object using it's GUID. And then layout the interface in the order it is originally layed out in the COM object, but for the parameters you must marshal them into a managed type. But then, there is this thing called a "coclass", I have no understanding of a coclass and why it is used. I am guessing that the coclass actually contains the implementation of the COM interfaces? Please tell me if I am right.
Then there seems to be all sorts of complex things I need to do, like setting up a graph (I think) and connect pins for samplegrabber, and there's also weird pointers and callbacks that I have to use and I have no idea how to put this all together. I'm not sure but I think IMediaDet can work without a graph. What I'm trying to do is make a simple program that opens an AVI and grabs a frame into a BMP file. Anyway, I would appreciate it if anyone could help me understand those few things. Or if someone has the time, maybe someone could write up an article on how this would work, I know it would help alot of people out, but I understand that not many people have the time. I also took a look at NETmaster's Directshow.NET code but that just confuses me, and he does not offer help for his code. Anyway, thanks in advance.
Consider "tlbimp.exe quartz.dll" (quartz.dll is the main DirectShow type-library). I have also seen explicit Quartz coclass import in a sample from the .NET framework SDK (see sample folders).
Quartz does work well with the type library imported, unfortunately quartz.dll does not contain the functionality that I want, quartz primarily just plays back video files. I am looking to grab frames from video files and that is something that QEDIT.DLL offers with its IMediadet or SampleGrabber interfaces, however I do not know how to implement them, and the type library importer does not work very well with QEDIT.DLL, it gives many errors and warnings.
do C# exists an function like memset in C?
I want fill initial value for an matrix, has another way to fill value for matrix except use 2 loop?