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GeneralRe: Screensaver Fullscreen Pin
Nick Parker13-Jul-03 5:26
protectorNick Parker13-Jul-03 5:26 
GeneralRe: Screensaver Fullscreen Pin
Davy Mitchell13-Jul-03 8:47
Davy Mitchell13-Jul-03 8:47 
GeneralRe: Screensaver Fullscreen Pin
Nick Parker13-Jul-03 9:03
protectorNick Parker13-Jul-03 9:03 
GeneralRe: Screensaver Fullscreen Pin
Davy Mitchell13-Jul-03 10:05
Davy Mitchell13-Jul-03 10:05 
GeneralManaged C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
Zibar13-Jul-03 4:16
sussZibar13-Jul-03 4:16 
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
leppie13-Jul-03 6:25
leppie13-Jul-03 6:25 
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jul-03 6:31
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jul-03 6:31 
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
Zibar13-Jul-03 8:11
sussZibar13-Jul-03 8:11 

now I am confused... but why the MC++ code is so much bigger than the one created by C#? what I did is a small console application in C#, VB.NET JScript.NET and C++ to compare what are the differences between them when compiled. The MC++ assembly looked like a mixed .exe (native and MSIL).
Is there something special that I might miss?
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
leppie13-Jul-03 8:23
leppie13-Jul-03 8:23 
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
Zibar14-Jul-03 8:39
sussZibar14-Jul-03 8:39 
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
Kannan Kalyanaraman14-Jul-03 3:50
Kannan Kalyanaraman14-Jul-03 3:50 
GeneralRe: Managed C++ vs. C# assemblies Pin
Zibar14-Jul-03 8:36
sussZibar14-Jul-03 8:36 
GeneralInter-process synchronization Pin
sirovsky13-Jul-03 1:51
sirovsky13-Jul-03 1:51 
GeneralAttributes Pin
leppie12-Jul-03 23:09
leppie12-Jul-03 23:09 
GeneralRe: Attributes Pin
Nick Parker13-Jul-03 3:38
protectorNick Parker13-Jul-03 3:38 
GeneralRe: Attributes Pin
leppie13-Jul-03 7:24
leppie13-Jul-03 7:24 
GeneralParent Form and its child form Pin
Mazdak12-Jul-03 21:20
Mazdak12-Jul-03 21:20 
GeneralRe: Parent Form and its child form Pin
Rocky Moore12-Jul-03 23:02
Rocky Moore12-Jul-03 23:02 
GeneralRe: Parent Form and its child form Pin
Mazdak13-Jul-03 4:59
Mazdak13-Jul-03 4:59 
GeneralRe: Parent Form and its child form Pin
Rocky Moore13-Jul-03 22:46
Rocky Moore13-Jul-03 22:46 
GeneralRe: Parent Form and its child form Pin
Mazdak14-Jul-03 9:55
Mazdak14-Jul-03 9:55 
GeneralPlease someone help me with COM interop Pin
Redbehelit12-Jul-03 11:19
Redbehelit12-Jul-03 11:19 
GeneralRe: Please someone help me with COM interop Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.12-Jul-03 20:16
Stephane Rodriguez.12-Jul-03 20:16 
GeneralRe: Please someone help me with COM interop Pin
Redbehelit12-Jul-03 20:59
Redbehelit12-Jul-03 20:59 
Generalmemset function Pin
Hoang Dung12-Jul-03 7:50
Hoang Dung12-Jul-03 7:50 

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