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AnswerRe: .NET - choose correct service for conversion Pin
Gerry Schmitz14-Feb-18 6:40
mveGerry Schmitz14-Feb-18 6:40 
Questioncreating trial version and expiry date issue Pin
Mou_kol14-Feb-18 0:30
Mou_kol14-Feb-18 0:30 
AnswerRe: creating trial version and expiry date issue Pin
Pete O'Hanlon14-Feb-18 0:38
mvePete O'Hanlon14-Feb-18 0:38 
GeneralRe: creating trial version and expiry date issue Pin
Mou_kol15-Feb-18 21:16
Mou_kol15-Feb-18 21:16 
AnswerRe: creating trial version and expiry date issue Pin
Eddy Vluggen14-Feb-18 3:22
professionalEddy Vluggen14-Feb-18 3:22 
AnswerRe: creating trial version and expiry date issue Pin
OriginalGriff14-Feb-18 4:30
mveOriginalGriff14-Feb-18 4:30 
AnswerRe: creating trial version and expiry date issue Pin
Gerry Schmitz14-Feb-18 6:32
mveGerry Schmitz14-Feb-18 6:32 
QuestionHow dotnet application run Pin
Mou_kol13-Feb-18 22:12
Mou_kol13-Feb-18 22:12 
suppose in a pc dotnet and java runtime both install but when we run dotnet application then how CLR understand that he need to take control of the apps?

when and who associate dotnet application and CLR? i guess OS windows. if it is true then how windows os does it?

i search google but found no relevant link. so my request is please some one discuss the same here in details or redirect me to right article.
AnswerRe: How dotnet application run Pin
phil.o13-Feb-18 23:00
professionalphil.o13-Feb-18 23:00 
GeneralRe: How dotnet application run Pin
Mou_kol14-Feb-18 0:09
Mou_kol14-Feb-18 0:09 
GeneralRe: How dotnet application run Pin
phil.o14-Feb-18 0:59
professionalphil.o14-Feb-18 0:59 
GeneralRe: How dotnet application run Pin
Mou_kol14-Feb-18 1:10
Mou_kol14-Feb-18 1:10 
GeneralRe: How dotnet application run Pin
Dave Kreskowiak14-Feb-18 2:27
mveDave Kreskowiak14-Feb-18 2:27 
GeneralRe: How dotnet application run Pin
Mou_kol15-Feb-18 21:45
Mou_kol15-Feb-18 21:45 
GeneralRe: How dotnet application run Pin
Dave Kreskowiak16-Feb-18 5:03
mveDave Kreskowiak16-Feb-18 5:03 
QuestionPost an unselected ListBoxFor in MVC Pin
VK1913-Feb-18 9:36
VK1913-Feb-18 9:36 
QuestionRe: Post an unselected ListBoxFor in MVC Pin
Eddy Vluggen13-Feb-18 10:57
professionalEddy Vluggen13-Feb-18 10:57 
AnswerRe: Post an unselected ListBoxFor in MVC Pin
BillWoodruff13-Feb-18 18:11
professionalBillWoodruff13-Feb-18 18:11 
QuestionASP.NET: Buttons generated in code behind will not fire event Pin
Member 958444513-Feb-18 3:10
Member 958444513-Feb-18 3:10 
AnswerRe: ASP.NET: Buttons generated in code behind will not fire event Pin
Richard Deeming13-Feb-18 4:38
mveRichard Deeming13-Feb-18 4:38 
QuestionI had an error of Email in line " dynamic email = new Email("ChngPasswordEmail");" which say's The type or Namespace name "Email" could not be found Pin Pin
Member 1367430013-Feb-18 0:33
Member 1367430013-Feb-18 0:33 
AnswerRe: I had an error of Email in line " dynamic email = new Email("ChngPasswordEmail");" which say's The type or Namespace name "Email" could not be found Pin Pin
CHill6013-Feb-18 1:07
mveCHill6013-Feb-18 1:07 
GeneralRe: I had an error of Email in line " dynamic email = new Email("ChngPasswordEmail");" which say's The type or Namespace name "Email" could not be found Pin Pin
Member 1367430013-Feb-18 1:12
Member 1367430013-Feb-18 1:12 
AnswerRe: I had an error of Email in line " dynamic email = new Email("ChngPasswordEmail");" which say's The type or Namespace name "Email" could not be found Pin Pin
OriginalGriff13-Feb-18 1:10
mveOriginalGriff13-Feb-18 1:10 
AnswerRe: I had an error of Email in line " dynamic email = new Email("ChngPasswordEmail");" which say's The type or Namespace name "Email" could not be found Pin Pin
Dave Kreskowiak13-Feb-18 3:19
mveDave Kreskowiak13-Feb-18 3:19 

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