I am working on a presentation on how developers could improve their relationship with their dbas. I am trying to receive as much feedback as possible. What is the biggest pet peeve(s) DBAs have with developers?
And you are asking this in a developer forum!
You might be better served trying SQL Server Central and the Oracle forums, you are going to get a higher DBA content there.
Personally I think we (developers) need to understand the restrictions under which a good DBA works.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
Not enough of it.
Bastard Programmer from Hell
If you can't read my code, try converting it here[^]
Member 13200024 wrote: What is the biggest pet peeve(s) DBAs have with developers? I don't know but I have never understood why there are problems. It really boils down to egos. A lot of people in this industry have too big of an ego and can't work well with other people.
I've been lucky enough to never work for such a big company that there were different roles like that. I've been lucky enough to always be a dba and a developer.
I have heard stories where developers do not have enough access to the DB so it makes it hard to do their job when they are always waiting on some dba to write code for them. But I'm not sure what complaints the dbas have about devs.
Everyone is born right handed. Only the strongest overcome it.
Fight for left-handed rights and hand equality.
This is a little late, but here go some of my annoyances.
1) The sky is falling emails. Just because your application isn't working, doesn't mean the entire environment is down.
2) CCing everyone in management because you are having an issue...
3) Failure to plan, just because you failed to plan out a release doesn't constitute an emergency on my part.
Not communicating releases and complaining when something doesn't work right.
[The DW team, loves to chew up 100s of gigs of space in a single release without communicating then screaming about when the drives fill up]
4) Trying to use the Database server as a File server, send mail server, or other random stuff. No, the database server is there to serve up data, not be some Swiss utility knife.
5) Not keeping in mind my time, and the totality of the environment. Please start out with where your problem is at.
I have 1700 databases spread across Dev, Test, PreProd and Production. No I don't just know where you are having an issue at, if I was psychic I would come up with the winning lotto numbers so I no longer need to work.
6) Security rules are not just setup randomly, they are often established by controls put in place by auditors.
I am accountable to those rules, so everyone needs to follow them.
Things like demanding SA rights to a db instance, no, there is nothing at the Database Server level you need to change. Things have been setup that way for a reason.
7) Not taking advice on a designs that are just terrible.
Just because it worked with 10 rows of data doesn't mean it will scale with 10M rows. Complaining about the server isn't going to solve your issue.
Setting aside the petty grips, a lot of the issues boil down to communication and a willingness to collaborate. My time gets stretched in a lot of directions, I go from meetings with network, server, dev, auditors, management, vendors and yes even end users. It’s not always possible for me to just drop everything to help someone out.
Common sense is admitting there is cause and effect and that you can exert some control over what you understand.
One computer can install multiple versions of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010, ... so SQL Server Management Studio can install multiple versions of 2005, 2008, ... the same computer ?
I'm an optoholic - my glass is always half full of vodka.
You can do it, but since the latest is able to manage any database, I would not recommend installing several versions. Just install the latest one and you will be able to manage any MS SQL database.
"I'm neither for nor against, on the contrary." John Middle
Doesn't the management studio also allow you to design solutions? Is that also backwards compatible in a way that one would feel comfortable deploying it?
SSMS will adapt itself to the version of the database it is connected to. Thus, you will not be able to setup something that would not be compatible with the database version you are working on.
I've been using this software for years now, and never had to worry installing several versions on a single computer.
That being said, you can easily test that latest version allows you to work on every database.
"I'm neither for nor against, on the contrary." John Middle
Yes, but I see no real need for multiple versions of SSMS in itself.
That said, I still have the predecessors (SQL Enterprise Manager & SQL Query Analyzer, from SQL 2000) and its companion installed; I feel that Query Analyzer is a much lighter weight component for running queries
I am open to new ideas, though; as I have been using the in-development SQL Operations Studio which is a little heavier than SQL-QA, but not as bloated as SSMS
Director of Transmogrification Services
Shinobi of Query Language
Master of Yoda Conditional
Assuming I have file data northwnd.mdf version 2005 I want to convert to file data version 2008 or reverse ?
Use backup and restore going from 2005->2008. You cannot reverse the process using this method.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
As Mycroft said, you can upgrade, but not downgrade. Restore the older version database to a newer version instance, or detach from the old version and attach to the new version.
Be aware that backup formats changed between SQL2008 and SQL2008 R2, which can cause incompatibilities
I'm an optoholic - my glass is always half full of vodka.
You could export it - dump it as sql statements rather than as a back up.
If the exported sql was fairly simple then it would work in either database. It is possible that it would require some modification to go from 2008 to 2005.
I am using Sql Server 2017 with Transact and a file with synonyms in FTData. I have found several serious flaws and problems but in the Microsoft MSDN forum and in Microsoft connect no one answers me. The rest of the people say they do not know how it works.
Video: https://youtu.be/Il7-DDKfHiU
Problem 1: Freetexttable Error With More of 3 Words.
I use Freetexttable with thousands of synonyms in a simple query in two Pc. By entering up to 3 words "Microsoft Sql Management Studio" instantly returns the result and the memory remains stable in 6Gb.
If I enter 4 words he is thinking for 10 minutes and the memory consumes until 12Gb. At the start of the video you can see what it takes Sql Server to load the synonyms and every few minutes if Sql Server is not used again it loads them again.
SELECT [Table].*, FT.* FROM [Table] INNER JOIN FREETEXTTABLE([Table], [Contenido], 'Word1 Word2 Word3') FT ON [Table].Id=FT.[Key] WHERE ([Table].STATE IS NULL OR [Table].STATE = ' ') ORDER BY RANK DESC, Page
Problem 2: Transact does not return the inflections of a word if you do not accent it correctly.
When looking for the inflectional of a word, if I introduce the word with the accent the inflections appear well. The server collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI
If I introduce the word without the accent, the inflections do not appear. In Spanish café and cafés are accentuated.
Video: https://youtu.be/4DX-Y3eoDo4
display_term returns: cafes cafe
display_term returns: cafe
When doing the same with the synonyms, returns the same results with or without accent.
SELECT display_term FROM SYS.DM_FTS_PARSER('FORMSOF(THESAURUS, cafe)', 3082, 0, 0)
SELECT display_term FROM SYS.DM_FTS_PARSER('FORMSOF(THESAURUS, café)', 3082, 0, 0)
display_term returns: cafe chicoria sucedaneo mezcla chicoria. In Spanish sucedáneo are accentuated.
Note:After making the video I tried to recover the inflections of the word echaré (with and without accent) and returns the inflections well in both cases. So the problem is with some words.
I have found a very interesting example. I use the verb "echar". Among others, it has 2 inflections that are "echaré" and "echaría". If I consult "echaré" with and without an accent, it works well for me and it also returns me between its inflections.
If I consult "echaría" work well with accent and bad without accent.
Video: https://youtu.be/DmfZmzRW4w8
Problem 3: Transact load the synonyms many times.
I have added synonyms and a function that loads them when starting sql server. The problem is that when you make the first consultation you think about 1.5 minutes. Also, if I do not do searches, every so often (it can be 15 minutes) again it seems that it reloads the synonyms, perhaps from tempdb. How is it done to load them once and not delete them from tempdb?
I have this store procedure to load the synonyms at the start of sql server from file:
USE master;
EXEC sys.sp_fulltext_load_thesaurus_file 3082, @loadOnlyIfNotLoaded = 1;
Activate the store procedure at startup by:
USE master
EXEC sp_procoption @ProcName='Sinonimos', @OptionName = 'startup', @OptionValue = 'on';
Problem 4: You can not protect the synonyms.
I have to install the sql server system on a client but I do not want to leave the .xml file from FTData there with synonyms. Is there a way for the file to load it from a remote URL or can the file be encrypted?
modified 8-Feb-18 7:32am.
Hello friends!
Could you tell me please how to delete specific data from multiple tables in sql database .
Very simple:
DELETE FROM table1 WHERE something = somethingelse
DELETE FROM table2 WHERE 1 = 2
Everyone is born right handed. Only the strongest overcome it.
Fight for left-handed rights and hand equality.
I have this function that creates an order. I was missing a couple of things in the columns like weight, cost and profit.
So I wrote this to just grab the cart items to calculate my missing data
List<orders_cart> sC = context.ORDERS_CART.Where(m => m.order_ID == pOrderID).ToList();
But then I came to the ship weight, which I need to get from PRODUCT_INFO.
I forget the nomemclature for my expression above, so I wasn't able to search possibilities.
Possible to do a quick join off sC into another list?
If possible, I would need a little nudge towards getting it right.
If it ain't broke don't fix it
Presumably you have a navigation property from the cart lines to the product info?
In which case, you should be able to use something like:
context.ORDERS_CART.Include(l => l.Product).Where(... which will load the product details with each line. You can then use the navigation property to access the product details for the line.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I think I used include in a VB version of a situation that I needed extra details.
Let me give that a spin.
Monday I just looped the cart items and asked for the details and added them.
If it ain't broke don't fix it
I need a single qurery which satisfy the muliple dynamic fields get to be updated.
1. I am having the multiple fields in the table and I want to consider only the fieldname contanis "_edt"
2. All the fieldname("_edt") get to be updated as "some value" like "XXX"
Looks like :
set @sql = 'UPDATE r SET ' + c.name = ''XXX'' FROM sys.columns c
INNER JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id,Record r
where t.name = ''Record'' and c.name like ''%_edt'''
Please help on this.
Something like this should work:
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max) = N'';
@SQL = @SQL + N', ' + QUOTENAME(name) + N' = @value'
object_id = OBJECT_ID('Record')
name Like '%_edit'
SET @SQL = Substring(@SQL, 3, LEN(@SQL) - 2);
SET @SQL = N'UPDATE Record SET ' + @SQL;
EXEC sp_executesql @statement = @SQL,
@params = N'@value varchar(10)',
@value = 'XXX';
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Tnks a lot.. it is working for me
Boy that was a mouth full. Let me explain.
I have a table of products with names and descriptions. So take a word like kneepads. The correct way to spell it is knee pads and the column contains that correct spelling. But users will type in kneepads to search. I solved the plural issue with a custom function that I wrote.
But I'm wondering if I can query the database in Linq, and say something like without removing, replacing a value in the database
from pr in context.PRODUCT_ITEMS
WHERE pr.Name.Replace(" ", "").Contains("kneepad")
Basically I'm just looking for ideas to handle this.
My older program had another table that contains names and descriptions that were pre-stripped for searching and I really don't want to go back to that.
If it ain't broke don't fix it