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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: How do we cast void type Pin
Victor Nijegorodov10-Feb-18 10:05
Victor Nijegorodov10-Feb-18 10:05 
QuestionWhat is the two-finger scroll event (MFC app)? Pin
Alan Balkany8-Feb-18 17:18
Alan Balkany8-Feb-18 17:18 
AnswerRe: What is the two-finger scroll event (MFC app)? Pin
Randor 8-Feb-18 20:25
professional Randor 8-Feb-18 20:25 
AnswerRe: What is the two-finger scroll event (MFC app)? Pin
Richard MacCutchan8-Feb-18 22:48
mveRichard MacCutchan8-Feb-18 22:48 
Questionchange exe path Pin
Fedrer7-Feb-18 20:14
Fedrer7-Feb-18 20:14 
AnswerRe: change exe path Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Feb-18 22:11
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Feb-18 22:11 
GeneralRe: change exe path Pin
Fedrer8-Feb-18 18:34
Fedrer8-Feb-18 18:34 
GeneralRe: change exe path Pin
Randor 8-Feb-18 20:00
professional Randor 8-Feb-18 20:00 

For debugging this... right click on your visual studio solution and click 'Properties'. Go down to 'Build Events' and add a 'Pre-Build Event' and add the following two lines:

echo Debugging Path: $(TargetPath)
echo Executable Path: $(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt)

These should always be the same. The paths will be in your build output.

Follow the instructions given by Richard MacCutchan and only change the 'Output Directory' located in the 'General' property page. I have a feeling that you mistakenly changed the 'Linker->Output File'. If I am correct... change it back to the default value of '$(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt)' and follow his instructions.

Best Wishes,
-David Delaune
GeneralRe: change exe path Pin
Richard MacCutchan8-Feb-18 22:41
mveRichard MacCutchan8-Feb-18 22:41 
QuestionWhat IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
Davide Coppola6-Feb-18 23:31
Davide Coppola6-Feb-18 23:31 
AnswerRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
CPallini6-Feb-18 23:49
mveCPallini6-Feb-18 23:49 
GeneralRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
Davide Coppola6-Feb-18 23:52
Davide Coppola6-Feb-18 23:52 
QuestionRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
CPallini7-Feb-18 0:00
mveCPallini7-Feb-18 0:00 
AnswerRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
Davide Coppola7-Feb-18 0:14
Davide Coppola7-Feb-18 0:14 
AnswerRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
Richard MacCutchan7-Feb-18 0:44
mveRichard MacCutchan7-Feb-18 0:44 
AnswerRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
David Crow7-Feb-18 2:37
David Crow7-Feb-18 2:37 
GeneralRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
Maximilien7-Feb-18 4:04
Maximilien7-Feb-18 4:04 
GeneralRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
David Crow7-Feb-18 4:08
David Crow7-Feb-18 4:08 
GeneralRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
jeron17-Feb-18 4:34
jeron17-Feb-18 4:34 
GeneralRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
CPallini7-Feb-18 5:41
mveCPallini7-Feb-18 5:41 
GeneralRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
Randor 8-Feb-18 20:29
professional Randor 8-Feb-18 20:29 
AnswerRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
David Crow9-Feb-18 3:04
David Crow9-Feb-18 3:04 
GeneralRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
Randor 9-Feb-18 9:37
professional Randor 9-Feb-18 9:37 
AnswerRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
David Crow9-Feb-18 9:38
David Crow9-Feb-18 9:38 
GeneralRe: What IDE do you use for C/C++ development? Pin
Victor Nijegorodov8-Feb-18 10:33
Victor Nijegorodov8-Feb-18 10:33 

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